Posted by Donating SB to an expired clan

TheOakWoods (#167680)

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Posted on
2019-06-16 08:40:41
*PLEASE make this a thing. And soon*

You should be able to donate SB to an expired clan UNTIL it reaches 1000. My clan is at 860 sb and it's expired. I was going to donate 140 sb to renew it, but it won't let me. I REALLY do not have 1000 sb to spare to renew it myself, and it just seems like a waste when there is already almost 1000 sb.

If you don't support, let me know why!

EDIT: Fixed a typo

This suggestion has 17 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 16/06/19 @ 08:49:00 by TheOakWoods (#167680)

Cas • S (BO) (#147198)

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Posted on
2019-06-16 09:43:55
I had to shutdown a clan because it wouldn't let me donate sb to reach the 1000. This would help a lot.

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