Posted by 1x1 Partner Search
Mirrikh (#178359)

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Posted on
2019-06-17 14:02:52
Hello there~! You may call me Jack, I am rather new to lioden, but am quite familiar with roleplaying. I have suddenly found myself with an abundance of free time, and I figured it would be nice to spend that time writing if I could. I am a literate/advanced writer, and I tend to write based off of whatever length my partner writes, but at least six sentences is a must. At my best, I've written over ten paragraphs, but I'm not currently at my best, so expect less unless the idea presented gets me really excited.

I am willing to write any pairing, but my characters are usually male or nonbinary, with the occasional female here and there. I am also willing to do genres other than romance if preferred, since I simply like a well developed relationship of any kind. On the romance side, polyamorous characters are something I am fond of and would like to do more of, but I am willing to do any sort of relationship.

I do not do canon characters, and while I am in a few fandoms, I prefer original RPs. I may be willing to write original characters in a fandom, depending on the fandom. For each RP I do, I tend to create a new character, so it is likely that my character will be unique to our roleplay. I don't mind roleplaying as multiple characters, enjoy it, even, so that's always an option.

Dark themes are also very welcome. I enjoy having my own characters placed in situations where they suffer, though this is not a necessary aspect of any RP with me. I simply enjoy seeing my characters pushed to extremes.

I would like it if my partner is willing to chat outside of writing. I'm not one to push personal problems onto people, but talking about writing and ideas is something I live for. I would prefer to write on discord.

I write solely fantasy and supernatural, though human characters are welcome. Even if I don't list it here, any supernatural or fantasy plot idea would probably be welcomed by me. On my own, I'm not the best at coming up with plots, though I am good at having random passing thoughts to add onto ideas.

Passing thoughts:

Some sort of roleplay with at least one deity character would be lovely. I can think of some interesting ideas for death gods, though any type would be okay. Eldritch abomination gods disguised as humans are also welcome.

Something involving a supernatural/fantasy creature (or multiple supernatural/fantasy creatures) and a human (or multiple) that keeps reincarnating, perhaps? Could be combined with above idea.

Something vampire related could be fun.

Some sort of demon contract.

Really, whatever you're willing to do is okay with me.

Thank you for giving me time of day,

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Moony🌙 (#132715)

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Posted on
2019-06-17 15:59:47
I can do this I'm keen

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Maya (#178465)

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Posted on
2019-06-17 17:45:51
I Love to RP And like you, I just recently joined Lioden!

If you are still looking for a writing/Role-playing partner, I am always open. I have been Role-playing for more than 4 years and most of my characters are females. Every now and then a rare male character might pop up in my writing.

I love to write supernatural fantasy that is usually very climatic, But I am open to anything.
Its hard to find people around who are as open to RP as some others are, but I stumbled along your post and thought: "Hey! Might as well give it a try!" Because it never hurts to try. Right?

I think all of your ideas sound very interesting, and I am itching to see how they would play out!
Otherwise, I think this would be very fun.

Best of wishes,

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Granny (#159081)

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Posted on
2019-06-17 17:57:18
Hey im interested but i don't use Lioden besides to find more roleplaying partners! Do you have a discord account??


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Mirrikh (#178359)

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Posted on
2019-11-20 20:07:42
Once again looking for partners.

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Ignite (#159174)

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Posted on
2019-11-20 20:23:28
I'd be interested

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-11-22 12:16:37
I'd Be interested in a rp with you. I've only been on LD for a little more than a year, but I rp often. I'm am on LD more than I am on Discord, although I do try to discord rps when I have time to get my computer out. I mostly do female characters, but occasionally I'll play male. I personally prefer to play female, but I can try for male if necessary

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