Posted by Staff Applications

Jinxx (#165308)

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Posted on
2019-07-02 16:58:31

Lioden: MBC Official Thread

|Home|Staff Applications|Studs|Lioness Heats|Raffles|Mutie Donations|

Answer the questions below

Age: (Must be 16 or up)

Which job are you applying for: (Can range from Admin within Lioden to Moderator within the Discord)

Have you had experience as an Admin or Moderator before:

Why do you want to become a staff member:

Agreement: I agree to not take advantage of my power as a staff member if I were to earn a role.

(Please note you may not get a role or get the exact role you were hoping for!)

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Edited on 02/07/19 @ 17:32:06 by Sixx (#165308)

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