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Posted by | The Tempest [Feral Dog RP] |
![]() Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-07-06 07:44:52 |
Main Roleplay ThreadPLEASE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING HERE, THIS IS FOR CHARACTER SHEETS ONLY, EVERY REPLY WILL NOTIFY A MODERATOR. IF YOU WILL REPLY WITH A NON CHARACTER SHEET, THIS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM.OOC Thread Form **Not required fields are denoted with a # Name: Gender: Rank: Breed: Age: Sexuality: Appearance: Personality: Family: # History: # Other: Pack Rankings & Information Alpha - Self-explanatory. The dominate dog in charge, the one who gives orders to all other members of his or her pack. This canine is allowed to eat first, and declare war on whomever they please. However, it is important that they maintain the respect of their pack. Beta - The second-in-command who frequently communicates with the pack's captains. They always take orders from the Alpha and step back whenever necessary, but it is their duty to regulate patrols and advise the Alpha. He or she is the Alpha's second hand man, and helps with important decisions whenever counseling is asked for. When the Alpha dies, the Beta remains as is, they do *not* take over the pack. That is the job of the Successor. Medic: - While the Medic is extremely important, they sometimes get ignored by the brutal warriors. Medics work very closely with all the high ranks to organize patrols to gather their needed supplies. It is their duty to heal ill or wounded members of the pack, or even interpret signs from the great ancestors. Captains - Captains are very well respected in the pack, and it is their duty to lead hunting patrols or lead the warriors into a scuffle. They often communicate their findings to the Beta, who then relays information to the Alpha to receive a decision. While it is the beta's duty to organize the patrols, it is captains who lead them and make important decisions *only* for their patrol while out of camp and away from the Beta and Alpha. There are only ever two captains at a time: one who works with hunting patrols, and the other who works on patrolling borders. Scouts - Scouts are not the strongest, nor is it their job to participate in fights (unless they so desire). Instead, they are the slender and sneaky bunch who are private spies of the Alpha, and therefore have close relationships to him or her. There are four at a time, and they spend almost all day and night scouting the area and scavenging for necessary supplies, or spying on those pesky ex-pets. Warriors - Warriors are the backbone of the pack, and therefore hold an ample amount of respect. They get to eat after all other high ranks, and they are responsible for the hunting, patrolling, and fighting. They may NOT participate in scouting missions with the scouts. Trainees - Obnoxious adolescents have to do something asides from stirring up trouble, right? Trainees are the adolescent dogs who are learning the ropes from the warriors. Successors - Most often, successors are born from the Alpha, Beta, Medic, Captains, or Scouts, and it is their duty to spend years learning from them and to one day take their place. However, blood relations aren't always necessary, as the high rank may hand-pick their successor. Mothers - Mothers are dogs who are expecting or nursing pups. They get to live the high-life of eating before most, and are allowed to angrily drag everyone around by the ear. That is, until their pups are weaned and they're back to their regular schedule. Mothers are still expected to hunt, but not nearly as much. Sitter - There is one sitter at a time, and they have their own, unique duty. They are to watch over the pups whenever the mothers are off doing their duties. There is only ever one sitter at a time, and more often than not, they are an infertile female, or a female who is incapable of continuing their regular duties. Pups - Self-explanatory. ![]() Edited on 06/07/19 @ 10:33:35 by Argus [Svelte Hellebore] (#66829) |
Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-07-06 08:03:16 |
![]() Credit Name: Thelduin Gender: Male Rank: Alpha (The Tempest) Breed: Ibizan hound mix (impressive size, possibly great dane mother??) Age: 3 years Sexuality: Grey-heterosexual Appearance: True to the Ibizan hound breed, Thelduin is built tall and slender, although he appears more well-muscled than the purebreds. Whatever he was mixed with gave him strength as an addition to his speed and agility. His ears are massive and bat-like, standing tall and proud on his narrow skull, giving him an almost regal appearance. Some call him "Anubis", but he doesn't know what that means. His coat is sleek and short, ebony in color and frequently gleaming in the sun. He dries quickly, but he doesn't tolerate the cold very well. However, he still loves the snow. Personality: Thelduin's silent nature is bone-chillingly intimidating. He's a beast of little words, and he doesn't take lightly to childish acts. He commends respect and earns it with little effort, because despite as smolderingly intense as he may seem, Thelduin's morals are high. He values life and loyalty, especially to his pack, although he can be merciless when it comes to protecting them. His guardian-like personality should be taken seriously, as he is highly aggressive when it comes to defending those he loves. He will hunt down any offenders to the edges of the earth, and give them a beating that they won't soon forget, even when in the grave. Indeed, he doesn't believe eliminating others when it isn't necessary, but sometimes, his sense for vengeance and longing to protect can become overwhelming in his mind. He is fair towards his pack and is a valued and noble leader, although he does have his faults. Thelduin likes to keep most of his backstory a secret, including that he wasn't born a feral. On top of that, he has a sort of softness towards the pups of the pack, and he refuses to show it. Tenderness is something that he has, but is also something he loves to hide as much as his backstory. The mutt finds that expressing weaknesses could put his position and reputation at risk, but sometimes, maybe a gentle hand is all that is needed. Perhaps he isn't as stone-cold as he appears? Family: Maela (half-sister) History: Thelduin and Maela shared the same father, but were born to two different mothers. His mother was unknown, but in the end, she abandoned him. The purebred Ibizan hound, mother to Maela, accepted the horribly young pup with open arms, and aimed to raise him as her own. However, Theld always knew the soft life of a pet wasn't for him, and he fled as a young and roguish adolescent. Since then, he's been a productive member of the pack, and ended up with so much respect that he found himself in the leadership role. Other: ![]() Credit !Character is on left! Name: Maela Gender: Female Rank: Lost Pet Breed: Ibizan Hound Age: 3 years Sexuality: Heterosexual Appearance: They say that Maela has the grace of a deer, with long and slender legs that give her incredible stride and height when leaping. She's fast on her paws, but that Ibizan hound characteristic build almost makes her a little frightening. She's lean, frighteningly so, and her ears are large and bat-like. Her coat is short and chestnut in color, with white running up her nose in the form of a blaze, all the way down to the tip of her tail by travelling on her unders. Her nose is an adorable cherry-pink, something she's frequently teased for. Personality: They say it is practically impossible to frown or even so much as scold the cheery and horribly-innocent dog. Maela has to possibly be the purest and most affectionate thing to ever grace the earth, with an unrivaled adoration for just about every being she comes to meet. She finds a goodness in everyone, and seems willing to fight for it until the end of time. While her optimistic outlook can be contagious, her good nature can be equally as annoying. She doesn't believe in breaking rules. As she says, she wants to do good by herself and her friends, so she can one day meet her mother in the afterlife when the time comes. Even if she's mocked for it, Maela remains strong in her positive attitude. She won't take "no" as an answer when it comes to cuddles, either. However, while friendly and doting towards everyone, the courteous young Ibizan is somewhat terrified of the world around her. While comfortable in her skin and generally secure around all walks of canine life, Maela has a plethora of...phobias. For a start, she had an uncontrollable fear of big, leggy dogs as a pup (thankfully, she grew out of it). To add, she suffers from Hemophobia (fear of blood), Acrophobia (fear of heights), Entomophobia (fear of insects), Thanatophobia (fear of death), and many other phobias that she continues to discover as she ages. She also fears not being accepted and loved by those around her, and is especially afraid of losing any more family members and being left alone. Really, she tends to love very, very hard, meaning that there's a good chance that she might fall for just any silly guy and have her heart broken. Family: Thelduin (half-brother) History: Maela was born a purebred to favored show parents. Her mother doted upon her pups from the moment they were born, and she willing accepted Thelduin when he was abandoned, despite his mother being someone else. Maela loved her half-brother and got along with him very well, and she was upset when he left. However, with much hesitation, she managed to force herself to explore a little and find him. They still talk from time to time, and she's very concerned for his safety following the storm. Other: ![]() Edited on 11/07/19 @ 13:10:57 by Argus [Svelte Hellebore] (#66829) |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-07-06 09:53:48 |
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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-07-06 09:59:47 |
Name: Summer Breeze or Summer or Breeze Gender: female Rank: lost pet Breed:German Shepherd golden retriever mix Age: 11 months Sexuality: straight Appearance: Summer breeze has light brown eyes with short fur her muzzle is fairly dark ,the back of her tail is black her crown gets black and around her eyes are black too. She is fairly tall for her age Personality:kind, short tempered,a trouble maker Family: # Mother Fallen Petals - 15 years old -dead Father - Whispering Shadows - 14 years old - dead Brother 1 - Sun - 7 years - alive/missing Brother same litter - Jasper - 11 months - alive/missing ( ask to play as ) Sister same litter - Sunny - 11 months -dead History: # Summer Breeze was born to Fallen Petals a German shepherd and Whispering Shadows a Golden retriever. She was born into a litter of two not including herself ,she has an older brother named Sun who was in a litter before. Once she was four months she was taken to start to train to be a show dog where she got her name Summer Breeze . But thats really all thats known about her because she is so young . Other: open for a mate later on ![]() Edited on 14/07/19 @ 08:37:36 by Queen Hyena (#128112) |
midnight clan (#109190)
Notable Lion View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-07-06 13:42:40 |
Name: Velocity Gender: Female Rank: Lost Pet Breed: Cane Corso Age: 3 Sexuality: Straight Appearance: Italian marking brindle, weighting 90 pounds which is standard for the breed, and is standing at the height of 24 inches (2ft) Personality: they say that the breed Cane Corso are a stubborn breed and Velocity lives up to that tittle. Only giving in when when she knows shes wrong. Velocity loves helping others and is very passionate and confident, with the breed being Bred for livestock droving, hunting boars and protection she tends to be very wary and protective over the one shes cares about and with that comes loyalty. Velocity is very strong willed, and wants to do well, shes a total goofball at times but knows when to be serious, shes very social and quirky, as well as calm most of the time, she enjoys hunting because she is energetic too, she can become overly energetic leading to jumping and licking. History: Velocity comes from a good breeding program named Senza Tempo Cane corso that breeds the original standards of Cane corso. She was not an offspring of the alphas, she was bought from another breeder so that she could bred in the future. Shes very familiar with pack structure, she has grown up in it. ![]() Edited on 09/07/19 @ 06:54:31 by midnight clan (#109190) |
msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-07-06 16:40:48 |
![]() Name: Saigo Gender: Male Rank: Lost Pet Breed: Saint Miguel Cattle Dog Age: 3 Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance: A massive, handsome, heavily muscled brindled mastiff. 120lbs, 3ft. Personality: He's actually quite the nervous baby! This stems from being heavily abused by his owner. He can't stand to be tethered, whether it be to a relationship or actually trapped. The fact he was bred for hunting and herding, plus having fighting trained into him, makes him a little possessive and aggressive. History: He was born in a puppy mill and brought up by a abusive teenager, resulting in a multitude of scars. The teenager entered him in an underground dogfighting ring and pumped him with steroids.. He absolutely hated it. He was kept in a tiny kennel, too small for his body and he was constantly chained to a stake in the ground, with no shelter. He was fed sparingly, ending in him having a large aversion to sharing too much food. When the teenager began packing, he knew it was time to go. That night, he tore his stake from the earth and cut his leather collar on the razor wire that penned him in. Then, he was free. For the first time in his life, he knew what grass felt like. What freedom mean't. Other: Relationships: Open Photo Credit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%A3o_Fila_de_S%C3%A3o_Miguel ![]() Edited on 08/07/19 @ 15:23:17 by ☆ Bright ☆ (#174627) |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-07-07 15:16:27 |
![]() Edited on 07/07/19 @ 16:18:08 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Beetle (#179394)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-07-10 19:29:08 |
“The pain doesn’t effect me anymore.” Name: Conan Gender: Male Rank: Lost dog Breed: Irish wolfhound Age: 3 years old Sexuality: Pansexual Appearance: Light gray with a white chest. Olive eyes. 35 inches tall, at normal stance. 7 feet tall, on hind legs. Personality: Almost disregarding his height and weight, conan is very wimpy, but when you get to know him he's very sweet and protective. History: His past owner entered him into dog fights, hit him, kicked him, etc. When his owner heard about the storm he gladly left Conan. Due to the abuse, he has severe PTSD ![]() Edited on 10/07/19 @ 20:48:15 by Tori (#179394) |
CherokeeFox (#183592)
Remarkable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-08-16 09:03:12 |
Name: Kira Gender: Female Rank: Lost pet Breed: Shiba Inu Age: 2 years Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance: Kira has a mutation known as melanism, resulting in all her fur being jet black. Personality: Kira is a complex case. While she appears to be aggressive and aloof, she really has a big heart. Once you get to know her, she'll be one of you most loyal assests. Though, her sly nature may, at first, put you off. Family: Avin (brother) I'll post my other two dogs later ![]() |
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