Posted by Animated CSS Fireflies for Your Den!

=πŸŽ— Austin πŸŽ—= (#43750)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-07-10 17:35:15

S'up broskis! It's ya boy here to drop a little gift to the Lioden community.

Recently I added some CSS fireflies to my den and a lot of people have already been asking how I did it, so I thought I'd post the code here for anyone that would be interested in having them in their dens. However, I'd also like to make a few points first.

The code was NOT created by yours truly. I simply found some awesome code from CodePen, which is an open-source learning environment for those who code using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. If you're big on coding I highly recommend browsing this website. There's a lot to see, and it's nice because as you code within the website, the results as seen on a web-page will display in real time. I use it all the time for my JavaScript projects. Also nice because since it's a public format, all the code is free to use and share. The website itself is free to use too, and you don't need to make an account to try coding yourself.

The code was actually created by a guy named Mike Golus (Do I know who he is? Absolutely not, but lioden thanks you for your service Mike). You can see the original source code on CodePen by clicking here. The code for the forest background you see in CodePen has been removed from the code posted here, so you can post these fireflies along with the current backgrounds in your den, or any other background you like. However if you DO want to use the background posted, you can save the background image here and post it in the background areas of the den templates you use. Since I didn't create the code, giving me credit for this is not necessary but appreciated. HOWEVER GIVING THE CREDIT TO MIKE IS MANDATORY GUYS, SO GIVE 'EM THE CRED!

NOTE: It will NOT be enough to copy and paste the Code you see on CodePen directly into Lioden descriptions and CSS templates. The codes you see are in different formats of HTML and CSS than what Lioden uses to read and understand code. The code Mike used is a short-handed form of HTML (called PUG) and CSS (called SASS), which made it easier for him to code the fireflies, but harder for websites to understand that code. Why do coders even use different forms of HTML and CSS? It's quicker and easier. Compare the Compiled and Uncompiled version of this code and you'll see why. The download I provided is the COMPILED version of this short-handed code, aka what Lioden can understand. If you wanna view the compiled version of this code on CodePen, the image below will show you how to do that.



IT WILL NOT BE ENOUGH TO USE JUST THE CSS (Code written into a document you make yourself, and post online) OR HTML (territory description code) INDIVIDUALLY. YOU MUST USE BOTH THE CSS AND HTML FORMATS TOGETHER TO MAKE THE FIREFLIES WORK. Why is this a thing? In short, CSS is what makes the fireflies exist, but it doesn't display them (HTML does). CSS code is what creates the fireflies, and HTML finds that CSS code, and displays it on your dens for you (HTML is the worker for CSS). Both components can be found in the text download I posted. Just follow the instructions there, and copy and paste the codes to their respective locations, and you're good to go!

If you're unfamiliar with the terms CSS or HTML, or you're new to CSS Den Coding and want to learn how to do it yourself, I highly recommend taking a peek at this CSS Den Tutorial created by my broski, Katie (#106445). I must say, the gal's got talent! If you're too lazy to code your den yourself, give the gal a CSS commission or two.






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Edited on 30/07/20 @ 17:47:56 by = Austin = [Clean 3-Ros Ferus] (#43750)

RainbowTheBitch (#138374)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-11-19 15:59:21
Wow thx!
Know any other CSS?
(I'm still sorta a newbie)

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=πŸŽ— Austin πŸŽ—= (#43750)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-11-19 16:08:35
I'm currently working on some other animations, specifically some fog to cover people's den's using strictly CSS and HTML. However I'm a busy student so when I'll accomplish this has no finite date. It's kind of up in the air.

When I get around to it I'll make another post and link to it in this thread.

I'm also thinking of posting some of my own CSS templates, since I code all my dens independently. My den description boxes on both my main and side accounts have text-box and background animations. And I have an animated picture table in my main den's ferus project box. Might post that too.

I guess just sorta browse in the html thread and keep an eye out for any future posts of mine.

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RainbowTheBitch (#138374)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-11-19 16:10:06

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Lunarin [ALT] (#160753)

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Posted on
2019-11-26 09:10:10
Sorry for asking but what is css document? where can i find it?

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=πŸŽ— Austin πŸŽ—= (#43750)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-11-28 13:17:17
No worries, questions are always welcome.

A CSS document (short for Cascading Style Sheet), is basically a file you create which gives instructions to a website. You write commands in the form of codes, in order to make a website page look a certain way or do something you want it to.

If you'd like to get started making your own CSS document take a peek at this CSS Den Tutorial created by Katie (#106445). This thread has a pre-made template you can download and edit as you please. Katie also gives you instructions on how to host the document online using dropbox.

If you're using a Windows computer, and prefer to make your own document from scratch, it's very easy to make your own CSS file. Most computers that run using Windows have the program Notepad installed into it. If you search for "notepad" at the start menu (if you use WIndows 10) it should pop up.

Write code as you usually do using Notepad, and when you go to save the document change the ".txt" file-type to ".css" file-type. Do this by making sure "all files" is selected under the "file name" field. The image below will show you where to find it. Name the document whatever you like, but make sure to add .css to the end of the file name.


Once the document is saved, you can continue writing code as you would in a normal .txt file, the only difference is that the file is formatted to be a Cascading Style Sheet.

Hope this helped.

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Namira (#211580)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-07-22 13:26:33
Thanks a lot <3

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PinkishPeach (#142590)

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Posted on
2020-07-30 15:14:34
Aw man says it doesn't exist anymore

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=πŸŽ— Austin πŸŽ—= (#43750)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-07-30 15:22:07
I realized GoFile removes links if they're inactive for more than 2 weeks. I didn't know this when I originally posted the code. Apologies for this! ^^'

I'm actually in the process of making a master list of all my animation codes, and in doing so will update all of my code files on Pastebin.

It should be up by the end of the day!

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PinkishPeach (#142590)

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Posted on
2020-07-30 15:23:00
Awesome thanks!

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β‚ͺMʏsteʀʏYan (#95135)

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Posted on
2020-08-08 10:47:39
Omg! These are so awesome!
I've used on my main(firefly) and side(snow). And thanks Katie for the amazing css work!

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=πŸŽ— Austin πŸŽ—= (#43750)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-08-14 16:37:05
Glad you like them! ^^

Feel free to make requests for more animations on my Master List thread!

I'm currently working on a galaxy/space theme next.

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≽^βŽšΛ•βŽš^β‰Ό (#385193)

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Posted on
2023-01-21 18:06:22
Hi ,
I have a question, is there a specific spot in the coding where this needs to go or does it just go anywhere?

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Guardian ~ (#248662)

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Posted on
2024-01-13 18:46:50
I can't get it to work. I copied and pasted the firefly stuff into notepad, changed it to "All files" and the name of it to "Fireflies.css" with the .css I was instructed to add. However, it doesn't work even when I put the proper stuff in the territory discription.

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=πŸŽ— Austin πŸŽ—= (#43750)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-01-13 23:46:42
Hello lads! I'm a retired player now, so my ability to provide CSS support is limited (as I often log on inconsistently and often not for months at a time). My apologies if any questions go unanswered/I never respond.

I will do my best to provide support as I log-in and check on things. If you do have any questions I suggest asking in the HTML & CSS threads, or here (if any of you fellow den-coders use my code, and would be so kind to lend assistance as able in the comments).

Seeing as I'm here now, I'll provide support as able.


So sorry for the wait, whoops! Been over a year since you sent that question. It really shouldn't matter as long as all elements are there! However, I do have a personal preference for how I place my code for organization's sake.

Typically, I place the the CSS portion of the fireflies at the end of my CSS document (after all of the other elements of the code; i.e. if you're using Katie's CSS template, place the fireflies after the last line of code in the template).

For the firefly divs, I place them at the beginning of my territory description.

As an added note, just ensure that if you are creating any new elements in the code (such as expanding boxes) you do NOT use ".firefly" to name the element you make. This can break the code and confuse the website from understanding the instructions you're trying to give it. I hope this makes sense; if this is unclear to you, ask for help in the HTML & CSS help thread!


Try to troubleshoot with these steps:

1) Double-check the link you're using to host your CSS document (be it dropbox, onedrive, google drive, or whatever you're using to host the CSS document). Ensure it is the right link, with the right format, and the right file-type.

2) Ensure the document is the right file type (it must be a .css document).

3) Ensure the ".firefly" element in the CSS file is spelt the EXACT same as the div (i.e. it should look like <*div class="firefly"> without the "*"). Ensure there are no accidental typos in the code.

4) If all else fails. Delete the firefly code and re-copy-paste the code for both the HTML and CSS portion. Alternatively, make a new CSS document. Test it without the fireflies to ensure the CSS file works, then add the fireflies.

5) You can link multiple CSS files to one den. Often people use the fireflies in their own separate CSS document from the CSS design for their den. This can increase the time it takes to load a page, and personally I find it easier to place it all into one document, but this is up for personal preference! Try linking the fireflies in their own CSS document, aside from your den's CSS design, then add the divs as you normally would.

I hope this helps! If not, ask for help in chatter!

Take care broskis!

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Archeologhost (#19753)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-01-13 23:50:36
oh, this is rad as hell actually. would you mind too terribly if I used this code in the future? I only ask because I sell den css and I'd love to use this sometime in the future - with credit, if you'd like.

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