Posted by [Quest] Adventure Quest Requirements

Gryffbirb (Side) (#101779)

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2019-07-12 10:23:29
I wanted to see if there was anyone else out there that agrees. Some of the other adventure quest requirements are truly a good challenge, but there is one that I feel isn't very balanced with Lioden's current in-game economy. The requirement I am talking about is, of course, the 5000 SB requirement.

I feel that a lower price would be better for everyone, since there are already plenty of other requirements within it that would make it harder for people to do. The Level 7, Dreamboat Impression, and Submale requirements I feel more than do their job to make it for more skilled players.

If you believe a price adjustment for it to be lower would be a good idea, please support this thread! My suggested amount is 3,500 SB-1000 SB. I don't want to make it not challenging, but I want to have a balance so the Lioden economy doesn't suffer during these Adventure days.

This suggestion has 32 supports and 89 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/07/19 @ 19:04:34 by a Moderator

cysm (he/they) (#123595)

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Posted on
2019-07-12 10:27:58
No support. 5ksb is not very hard to obtain if you sell carcasses and skulls, send lionesses out to hunt, and explore. Also, it's supposed to be harder. Decreasing the entry price would make it quite easier to start the quest, which isn't the point. And if someone can't get it in time, there's always next year.

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Gryffbirb (Side) (#101779)

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2019-07-12 10:30:01
I would have to disagree, I have sold all the stuff I have gotten over time via exploring and hunting and only have about 2K to my name.

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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2019-07-12 10:34:30
Sorry, no support. There's still two and a half weeks left of this month to save up the SB required, which is tons of time. Sell some food, toys, etc and it's really not a huge amount. You could make that much easily just through selling a couple of event items like the backgrounds this month tbh.

SB sinks like this really help keep the economy stable overall - otherwise the price of GB just creeps up and up, so occasional things like this that cause a dip and make people value SB because they need to save up a decent amount are pretty important imo.

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Gryffbirb (Side) (#101779)

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2019-07-12 10:38:39
Let me put it this way: In Monkey Business, you can buy a Marking Opacity Changer for 1,800 SB a piece, 5000 SB is worth two of those with a little bit of spare change. I would not say that amount is insignificant.

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Slade (#36600)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-12 10:42:28
There SHOULD be challenge, but at the same time, currency should not be part of it. At least not to this degree.

And downvoting this is like sticking a hot poker in the eye of a LOT of players, who once gain, another year coming, will lose out.

How bitterly disappointing. How mean to have their hopes up to get the quest only to have this stacked on their shoulders!

Not everyone has the time or ability to hunt for food/explore battle or spend copious amounts of SB/GB on energy items.

It was made clear it would be an obtainable quest for everyone, but 5k SB is basically saying "For the well to do"

And they said they would release it in July, but now people only have 2 weeks to come up with 5k. (GB sales are WAY down now...wonderful, and now prices are going to skyrocket for the simplest things, or drop drastically for valuable things JUST so people can get a few SB to get this quest, how is this a good thing?)

So yeah, Lower the SB requirement or ask for some toys. They should have polled the community on what requirements were needed.

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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2019-07-12 10:43:47
I guess it's all relative, but I would say that's a smallish amount considering the amount of time we have to start the quest (19 days as of now), and the value/rarity of the eventual quest reward. If you hunt even a few times a day you can pretty easily make enough over 2-3 days to sell bulk food trades for a GB. Then sell that for 1000+ SB. Let alone how much SB you can make on top of that from toys, event items, and all the rest of it.

Sure, as the News said it might be beyond the reach of completely new players, but considering it was always supposed to be a really challenging quest I don't think 5k is at all unreasonable honestly. It certainly seems pretty insignificant compared to how difficult it sounds like the quest will be to complete overall.

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Zambz (#2687)

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Posted on
2019-07-12 10:45:03
IMO the quest was never meant to be easy, i'm pretty sure they stated it somewhere too, and it's not like you HAVE to complete it within the month from what I read, so really 5k SB isn't hard to come across within the month.

Shards/Fireflies are also easy to sell this month from what I've seen so it's maybe a bit tricky but not impossible. I myself spent all my SB so I'm just selling carcass from hunts and extra skulls n such I find in explore to do it. It's not really hard enough to justify wanting to change it for me personally.

Honestly the only gripe I have is that i gotta have a submale haha

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Daris (#54787)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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2019-07-12 10:46:40
This quest will still be available next year, too. It is _supposed_ to be difficult, because otherwise obtaining this super-rare app would become cheap and easy. If you cannot get it this year, plan ahead, save up the beetles, and take it next year.

No support.

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Valana {HM} (#44115)

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2019-07-12 11:09:24
No support.

The quest is supposed to be difficult and "very demanding - this is for dedicated players" (direct quote from news post announcing the quest).

5k SB per account are an investment, agreed. But not unobtainable by a long shot, even for players who can't spend as much time on lioden as others.
I can gurantee you that I can easily make 5k SB within a week if I set my mind to it and that is without lion sales or studding (I am intentionally not including those, since I understand that for newer players with less funds it's harder to make money from lions).
It is perfectly reasonably to obtain 5k SB from explore, hunting and the mini-games which are all free to play.

Furthermore, I don't believe that this is bad for the economy at all. Yes, right now GB prices are down, because everyone is trying to buy SB with their GB, but once the month is over and the quest won't be accessable again for a year, prices will stabilise again and this whole quest will have served as a massive site-wide SB sink wich is in fact a great thing for the economy.

You are basically being handed a rare and expensive (70-80GB in branches last I checked) item for 5k SB.
That is a very generous price.
Yes, this means that the value of the items will drop in the long term, but it gives you access to the app at a much cheaper price than before. Giving everyone a chance to turn their king or favourite lioness Interestellar.
5k SB is just the price that has been decided for the app. No one complains about high SB prices in the Flood Pit or event shops either.

I will say this again:
It is perfectly reasonable and possible to acquire 5k SB within a week of logging on maybe 1-2hrs a day without any prior possesions in form of lions, skulls or whatnot. Just rom playing the game and utilizing the pre-existing mechanics.

Reducing the SB price will only further de-value the app.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2019-07-12 11:13:04
No support.
5K SB is relatively easy to get, just hunting and selling stuff to the monkey for a week should get you there, and there's still over 2 weeks till the end of the month. Entering this quest isnt meant to be available for everyone right of the bat, you need to work hard to earn the right to take it!

And to be fair, ever since admins announced the quests, they SAID it will be hard to take, not everyone will be able to do it, and the requirements will be very high for that quest. 5K SB is one of the requirements. It's not 5 GB that admins set the price as, SB is easily accessible. But you have to work for it. Work is expectable from "extra-difficult" quest~

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Edited on 12/07/19 @ 11:17:01 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

Slade (#36600)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-12 11:23:36
"Giving everyone a chance to turn their king or favourite lioness Interestellar." If everyone has the chance, then why is it something that many players cannot obtain, especially new players? They offered this so players could have a chance at it, and the quest should be totally demanding and challenging, I totall agree.

If the quest required 1000sb each time you need to go to the next step (After obtaining it), sure, players could take the starter quest and each day/week/month earn up 1000sb to get the next step in their own time an on their own schedule, as the Admins said "Even if it takes 40 years". Getting the quest should not break the bank. And if they are going to ask 5k for each time to go forward, heaven help players. By the time you get to the end, you might as well just buy it for the "70gb". For all we know, they might ask us to pay 5k each time theres a new quest available. But Im ok with that because I already HAVE the quest. I can earn 5k on my own time knowing the quest isnt going anywhere.

"No one complains about high SB prices in the Flood Pit or event shops either." These are offered all year, several times a month. Players have 12 days as of today to try and get 5k. Not everyone can do that.

The challenge should be there, but it should not break the bank right out of the starting gate. Steeple Chase is supposed to be challenging, but they dont put the first jump right in front of the gate, they allow the racers to gain a little ground.

And interstellar cubs are going for as low as 10GB. Once this app comes out, they will be even less. The fact that this quest exists devalues the apps initially as we will see them popping up in greater numbers. There are over 180k members....If everyone has dual accounts, thats 90k players wanting to work on this quest. How many apps will that be in the end? Lets say 60k actually are able to get the quest, now, lets say it takes a year to finish the quest, but only 30K actually get it done. Lets say 10K decide to hold onto tiers for their king, thats till 20K on the market. So the value of these things are already below the time and effort put in. So yeah its a choice to do it, but at least they CAN get it. This first hurdle though is an outright lockout.

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Edited on 12/07/19 @ 11:28:14 by 🐉Navnløs, Nadir Feru (#36600)

Valana {HM} (#44115)

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Posted on
2019-07-12 11:45:55
@🐉Navnløs, Nadir Feru (#36600)

I feel like you're only takign parts of what I said and turing that against me instead of reading the whole thing as it is.
Som to adress your point:

"Giving everyone a chance to turn their king or favourite lioness Interestellar."
Yes. This is indeed what is happening. The quest is available to everyone at a low price of 5k SB.
It is entirely possible and reasonable to acquire these 5k SB to start the quest before the month ends, so yes, available to everyone who id willing and dedicated enough to go after it.
New players can obtain 5k SB before the evnt ends.

I doubt that it will cost 5k evey time to go forward (though that woudl actually be great to keep the value of the app up) but even if it does, as you said, everyone can do that in their own time over the next 40 years, so no worries.

"No one complains about high SB prices in the Flood Pit or event shops either." These are offered all year, several times a month. Players have 12 days as of today to try and get 5k. Not everyone can do that.

Note that I said "Flood pit or event shops to which you responded that they are available all year round. Event Shops are not available all year round.
January Event offers a huge number of apps for SB and those are only around for one month.

Also, players have more than 12 days ro obtain 5k SB (it is 12th today and the month has 31 days).
It is very much possible to obtain 5k SB in that time starting from sctratch and with minimal effort (1-2hrs in game per day for a week should do the trick).

Why shouldn't it break the bank? It's a choice after all.
I chose to spend the 5k to do the quest and go after the app.
No one has to choose that. If you think the app will loose that much value you and everyone else is free to wait for that to happen and buy it for cheap later.

But honestly I don't think it is as drastic as you make it out to be.
It is limited to 1 app per account, so 2 apps per player. And that is not per year, but forever.
Not everyone of these 180k accounts are active. Of those active not everyone will go for the quest. And of those taking the quest many will decide to keep the app for hoarding purposes or using it themselves. Plus, after everyone has done their quest they won't be able to do it again. This still keep the amount of apps in game limited and will prevent the app from completely devaluing.

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Slade (#36600)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-12 12:28:03
"Giving everyone a chance to turn their king or favourite lioness Interestellar."
Yes. This is indeed what is happening. The quest is available to everyone at a low price of 5k SB.
It is entirely possible and reasonable to acquire these 5k SB to start the quest before the month ends, so yes, available to everyone who id willing and dedicated enough to go after it.
New players can obtain 5k SB before the evnt ends.

I doubt that it will cost 5k evey time to go forward (though that woudl actually be great to keep the value of the app up) but even if it does, as you said, everyone can do that in their own time over the next 40 years, so no worries.

Ok Ill reply to EVERY word you said. Low price, if its a low price, then how is it that SO many people are replying in the news update they cant afford it? Dedicated is relative, some are dedicated but cannot materialize the time. THIS is the issue. Some people find being able to buy a coffee every day is easy, some people struggle to pay their bills cna cant afford coffee. You have to look at the broader spectrum of players and the realistic goals of each person. Not everyone has a huge cash flow, rare stud, hoards of goodies to sell. Some players have been playing for years and STILL cannot afford this. So saying "Low Price" is like telling someone living paycheck to paycheck they can afford their coffee, if they are dedicated enough. its an insult.

"No one complains about high SB prices in the Flood Pit or event shops either." These are offered all year, several times a month. Players have 12 days as of today to try and get 5k. Not everyone can do that.

Note that I said "Flood pit or event shops to which you responded that they are available all year round. Event Shops are not available all year round.
January Event offers a huge number of apps for SB and those are only around for one month.

Also, players have more than 12 days ro obtain 5k SB (it is 12th today and the month has 31 days).
It is very much possible to obtain 5k SB in that time starting from sctratch and with minimal effort (1-2hrs in game per day for a week should do the trick).

Ok, first point. My Bad, not 12, but 19. I typed the date, not the actual number. Its still 19 days, not even a full month. As for event shops, yes, they are NOT available, but there ARE a large group of people asking for lower costs on MANY items. Heres a link for last months request. ( And LOOK at the numbers of people asking just for June. It happens with every event when they increase event item prices. Its happened so many times over the years, I cant count. So yeah, lots of people ask for reductions in event currency.

January is a month I dont even bother to play because of prices, many of those items are available in later shops anyhow, so I wait for them later in the year. Besides, many of thsoe items are sold for GB prices which many SB poor/GB rich people happily buy.

Many disappointed, disillusioned people put up suggestion threads asking for many things, only to be beaten down by others who HAVE loads of time and money to get lots of event/game currency. "If you are dedicated enough you can get this." Well, many people have jobs, commutes and responsibilities. And people who hear that, after struggling SO hard can get real bitter. The reason they started this quest, was the sheer fact that people cried out over the Muck Herb RNG. They were lead to believe the Muck Herb would be reasonable to find, and I for one, put TONS of time, effort and dedication to get the damn thing, only to be disappointed by the end of the month. And I wasnt alone. So they started talking about this quest "You can get one for yourself but you have to work at it, but you can work at it for as long as you like" Oh boy!.....Now we see their idea of a challenge is to shot you right at the starting gate with a 5kSB bill. Never mind the other requirements, which are SUPER challenging for some, but CAN be done. They are in game mechanics, but SB is a much tougher thing for people already juggling projects and den management as well as time.

Ok, if 1-2 hours a day is all thats needed, why dont I have 40k on each account? I spend very little, I work very hard in real life and I log in EVERY day. I explore every chance I get, hunt often and have enough food to feed my den. Yet I have yet to see 5K a month for my efforts.

As for Studding, I hit the nail on the head the first time. Relying on studd fees is NOT a viable income. What 5k I had on each account came from my kings back when Ferus first hit the market, I was LUCKY and got a ferus cub and bred my first boy, and his stud slots sold out really fast. ive been saving that SB for a long time since. Lucky I did, cuz this quest burned.

My heart breaks for the people who were really looking forward to this. Many people see "challenging" as "Get 5 flowers from the ultra rare plant in explore" Not "Oh guess what, you poor folks gotta cough up a small fortune." If they had known, they might have been prepared for it.

Why shouldn't it break the bank? It's a choice after all.
I chose to spend the 5k to do the quest and go after the app.
No one has to choose that. If you think the app will loose that much value you and everyone else is free to wait for that to happen and buy it for cheap later.

But honestly I don't think it is as drastic as you make it out to be.
It is limited to 1 app per account, so 2 apps per player. And that is not per year, but forever.
Not everyone of these 180k accounts are active. Of those active not everyone will go for the quest. And of those taking the quest many will decide to keep the app for hoarding purposes or using it themselves. Plus, after everyone has done their quest they won't be able to do it again. This still keep the amount of apps in game limited and will prevent the app from completely devaluing.

The outcry that "The app is now so cheap all my effort was for naught" will spur more anger and frustration than the "Please reduce the SB cost" Wait and see. People will grumble over it. I for one even asked admins to refund my 5k sb on one account because I see thats whats going to happen. But as you said, and I agree, its a ONE time thing, so will slowly disappear as they are used. So why is asking the that the starter quest be a bit different such an issue?

Drastic? If its SO drastic, then why is it even an issue to ask to have it reduced to make it more available to players will less means? What would it matter to you? Will your game play diminish? Will it hurt your SB flow? In matters of consequence, seeing a broader view rather than one sided is important. One person might say "This is reasonable" Where another might say "This is unobtainable" So choice is yes, a choice. But must it always be Black and White? Can there not be a middle ground. How about 5KSB or x amount of toys, food, lions sacrificed, even a GB option for those who have it? Why hurt people with lesser monetary means at all?

ONCE AGAIN, im not asking for easy hand outs. Heck no, not by any means. All Im asking is to make taking the quest obtainable for everyone, but an outright hellish struggle to complete. It SHOULD be hard, it SHOULD take up to 6 moths or a year or should NOT be this expensive to pick it up. Thats just a stab in the eye for thsoe who had their hopes up to be able to get the quest. At least once its obtained there is no time limit. But getting 5Ksb....its time limited and for a sad group, wont happen.

I chose to spend the SB on the app. I am now very poor. I will have to chase many lions to be able to feed them because I dont have the time or availability to buy food/hunt. But I made the choice. I dont think others should have to sacrifice SB to get the quest. So I support bringing down the SB requirement. But the quest itself should be a nightmare, for sure.

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Edited on 12/07/19 @ 12:35:59 by 🐉Navnløs, Nadir Feru (#36600)

Valana {HM} (#44115)

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Posted on
2019-07-12 12:51:29
Low price as in compared to the 70-80GB the app costs on branches.

The suggestion you linked me is about event surrency not SB. Totally diffrent subject, won't get into that here.

"Ok, if 1-2 hours a day is all thats needed, why dont I have 40k on each account? I spend very little, I work very hard in real life and I log in EVERY day. I explore every chance I get, hunt often and have enough food to feed my den. Yet I have yet to see 5K a month for my efforts."
Can't answer that one for you. I can only talk from my own experience how easy it is to get GB and SB in this game with minimal effort. I openly and freely share my methods all the time and have done so on multiple threads.
Seriously, just from playing the mini-games on both accounts alone you should be able to get at least 1GB worth of items every day, sell that, convert the GB to 1k SB. Takes 5 days to have the entry fee.

Yes, I agree that studding is not a viable income, that's why I excluded it in my main statement as an income source.

5k is reasonable.
Not because I am one of the lucky players who can afford it right away.
But because it is an amount of SB that can be obtained before the month ends with some dedication.
The whole quest is supposed to be hard and take some dedication.
So the first step of the quest is to obtain 5k SB. That requires dedication. O no, how terrible!
And a 19 day time limit. For something that can be achieved in 5 days or less if need be. Yes, totally unreasonable.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2019-07-12 12:57:45
Navnløs, Im sorry you can spare the game so little time that getting 5K SB in 18 days is too hard for you, but - for most of the site, it's not that hard. There's only a minority of players for who it is so much of a challange to gain SB.

The majority of the game doesnt have those problems, and if the price was to be lowered, it'd create another issue. It'd make the entrance TOO SIMPLE for many users. 1000SB many people can get in a day. It'd entirely take that step out from the challange for them.

So no, the purpose of that price is not to oppress people who have little time to spend on Lioden. It is to make sure that people who DO have a lot of time, DONT blaze through the quest too fast and easy. It's sad there are slower players, but that doesnt make there any less fast players for whom, any cheaper price would already be "too easy".

Making it cheaper is no solution, sadly. It's just a fact of life. Hard quests are meant to be hard. Not just in taking long but also in costing high. And the "Hard" determination must be based on the mediocre Lioden population, not on how the slowest of players would find comfortable. 5K SB is a fine price to be reasonable. It's not fast to obtain, and you cant just scrap your hoard for a quick sell and get the quest asap - you'll have to work for it first. I also dont have 5K SB on me, will have to work a few days to get there before I have them. I havent started the quest yet myself.

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Edited on 12/07/19 @ 13:04:28 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

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