Posted by PvP?

ASHRI (#119458)

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Posted on
2019-07-13 22:56:33
You know that event with V'Kai and the battling... or even fighting for territory
What if it was adjusted to where you could actually battle lions?

So, like any battle, but have a background where there looks like a lot of lions are watching / cheering like you're in the arena. In real battles you have your icon in the top left corner, and the enemy in the top right corner, that icon in the top right corner could be the lion you're fightings' icon? You ARE fighting another person, real time multiplayer. Keep the ranking by stats, so some 100 stat doesn't go against a 5,000 stat,
that'd be cool.

To top it off, it would be even cooler if the party put something on the table, so if I "put into arena" and they "put into arena" & what we put in is revealed before the battle, winner takes all.

So if I were to be in an arena with someone and I put 200 SB and they put 200 SB, and I win, then I would get 400 SB.

I'm not sure if this is gambling because I've never gambled, but it would be a super cool feature to have especially to help people interact with that event more.

Suggestions/feedback appreciated. Going to get some "no"s just from people who don't like me in general and that's fine.

You normally have 15 min to respond to a match and it just tells you if you won or lost.
Maybe have it to where you still have 15 min to respond to a match, but instead of the regular message it says,
"You have received a match for (items/currency) from (player ID), you have 15 minutes to respond."
Then when you respond it takes you to where you can put something "on the table" for whoever wins, and then the person who requested the match can see what you put on the table & either begin the match or remove it. This would prevent player A (match starter) from putting 500SB and player B (respondent) from putting an African Cucumber on the table.

This is a long shot & would be a little hard and time consuming to implement but it would be so fun if we could interact more with player battling, rather than "YEP. YOU WON." Or "YOU LOSE."

And since you get arena tokens, you could still get those based on who won/lost. Say 10 tokens per battle you win. (I can't actually remember how the event works).

This suggestion has 22 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 15/07/19 @ 20:08:59 by |Asshri 10MSunset 1.3k+| (#119458)

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