Posted by Locksley - G1 Divine Primal Colorbomb

Trysa (#29191)

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Posted on
2019-07-20 19:06:20

Meet Locksley, my fluffy colorbomb king and the result of boredom and too many applicators collecting dust in my hoard. He will one day be succeeded by my mini-stat cub heir, Robin, (shhh! we don't talk about Locksley's stats) but until that day comes... this Skittle doppelganger is the big honcho, the man, the stud of my little pride.

Base: Divine (Pink Skin)
Eyes: Sectoral Ice & Green
Mane Type: Blade
Mane Color: Angelic
Mutation: Primal

Slot 1: Arctic Smoke (100%)
Slot 2: Blazing Unders (100%)
Slot 3: Chatoyant Margay (100%)
Slot 4: Cocoa Lace (100%)
Slot 5: Ardor Feline (100%)
Slot 6: Bloodbourne Dapple (100%)
Slot 7: Ivory Bottom (100%)
Slot 8: Cloudburst Brindle (100%)
Slot 9: Sunset Feralis (100%)
Slot 10: Nacre Lace (100%)

Stud Fee: 350 SB or 1 GB

Breeding Rules
+ Only accepting requests from lionesses with minimum fertility of 25%.
+ Priority is given to GB requests.
+ No reserves, slots available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
+ No stud racing; do not cancel requests once attempts have begun.
+ Will cancel SB requests after 5 failed attempts and will only accept GB requests for said difficult lioness for further attempts until studding is successful.
+ Traditional breedings are generally not offered.

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Edited on 24/03/21 @ 18:05:05 by Iseul (#29191)

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