Posted by The Journey Home | Information & OOC

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-08-04 00:55:22
Note: This is a closed roleplay for those who have already shown interest on this thread. If this plot catches your interest send me a PM and I will notify you if we need any positions filled in the future.

The Journey Home

Months have passed since the humans have fled the city. They left overnight, speeding off in their vehicles and taking all of their belongings with them. Everything except for their pets. The land became a dog-eat-dog territory, with once-precious pets fighting tooth and claw for their lives. For the first few months there was nothing but bloodshed, the sounds of vicious fights ringing around every corner. Now, however, things are beginning to balance out. The weakest of the pets left in the city have died off, leaving the rest to pick up the pieces and attempt to pull their lives back together. Different packs have formed, laying claim to separate parts of the city and managing to live in relative peace.

But whispers are spreading throughout the community - rumours of a quarantine facility just over the state border, where the humans are still alive. A small group of dogs, former pets, have gathered, the rumours sparking a hope that their owners may still be out there somewhere.

They aim to journey to this facility together and reunite with their families, but they face a long, perilous road ahead of them. They’ll have to cross through parts of the city claimed by vicious packs, and forests where wild animals have been thriving long before the humans left. Even if they manage to evade their predators, threats such as fatigue and starvation still lurk menacingly in every shadow. With the stakes so high, will the dogs band together and try to get the entire group to the facility alive? Or will the dangers get to them first, driving the dogs to turn on themselves, sacrificing others in the group to ensure their own survival?


↪ All Lioden RP rules apply.
↪ This roleplay is semi-literate. Each post should be at least six sentences long, using proper grammar and spelling.
↪ For the sake of the plot, I ask that everyone only start with one character. One of the factors which make the journey so dangerous for our characters is the fact that they are such a small group, and wouldn't be able to compete with the other packs in the city.
↪ No perfect characters, please! Your characters should have room for development within the plot.
↪ If a fight breaks out in RP I will roll a die for the outcome, unless you and the owner of the other character have discussed and agreed upon the outcome prior. Don't worry, your character cannot be killed/seriously maimed without your permission!
↪ I want to keep this roleplay active, so please notify me if you're not going to be able to post for a while! After three days of not hearing from you on the OOC or roleplay thread, I will PM you asking if you're still interested. If I don't receive a reply within two days of sending the message, your characters will be removed.
↪ No arguing; fights may break out in the roleplay, but when speaking to people OOC, treat them with respect.



Roleplay Thread
Character Sheets

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Edited on 08/08/19 @ 10:17:07 by 。BlazeRed。 (#27478)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-08-04 00:56:11

The Cast

Everyone across the city has heard of it by now. All dogs - large or small, pack dog or loner - have become aware of the whispers: talk of some mad-hound who's going to venture out to find the quarantine facility... and he's calling for help.

A black-pelted herding dog has been wandering the streets, telling anybody who will listen to him to spread the word that he knows the way to the facility, but that he cannot reach it alone. He's extended an invitation to any former pets, instructing them that, if they wish to find the way back to their owners, they should meet him at the dawn after the night of the next full moon, under the bridge of an abandoned park. A large majority of the dogs in the city have responded to his claims with disbelief. Some call him insane, while others label him as a trouble-maker; someone who's preying on the grief of the former pets so that he can gather his own following. Either way, the general consensus is that he's a liar, and all the Alphas of the big packs in the city have come together to spread the message that this dog should be ignored. They strongly advise everyone not to accept his invitation, and to leave him to his mad ramblings alone.

But now the full moon has come, and, for one reason or another, you've decided not to heed these warnings. Most likely, you're a former pet who's still holding out hope that your family is waiting for you. Maybe you're a stray who thinks that you'll find a human at the facility that will take you in, finally allowing you to live out the rest of your life care-free. Perhaps you're just curious to see if the dog really is as mad as people say. Whatever your reasons are, you have every intention to meet him tomorrow morning - to join him in what he calls 'The Journey Home'.

Dutch | Male | 5 Years Old | Groenendael | RP'ed by Blazered (#27478)
Blackbeard | Male | 8 Years Old | Giant Schnauzer | RP'ed by Meori (#95362)
Alistair | Male | 5 Years Old | Borzoi | RP'ed by Vespertine (#33076)
Inca | Female | 3 Years Old | German Shepherd Mix | RP'ed by LadySeer (#139547)
Captain | Female | 8 Years Old | Doberman | RP'ed by NaiPherah (#88158)
Dino | Female | 4 Years Old | Mix-Breed | RP'ed by Mushroom (#54187)
Erebe | Female | 3 Years Old | Pharaoh Hound Mix | RP'ed by Icy (#51844)

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Edited on 08/08/19 @ 09:03:51 by 。BlazeRed。 (#27478)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-08-04 08:43:06
@Meori - Just got back and had a look over Blackbeard's character sheet. I love him! He's accepted. :)

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Edited on 04/08/19 @ 08:44:01 by 。BlazeRed。 (#27478)

Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2019-08-04 08:44:40
Brilliant! Thanks! :D

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June TB (#130172)

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Posted on
2019-08-04 18:06:10
Hellooo! :3

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Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-08-04 20:45:35
Hiya there!

Also hey Blaze! I'm suuuper excited for this roleplay! It's a lovely idea!

And the characters look great so far! Good content for both friend and foe! I'm here for inner group conflict and yummy friendships~ ^-^

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-08-04 21:51:53
Hey, guys! ^^ I’m happy to hear that you’re as excited as I am, Lady.

Having many of these characters meeting each other for the first time (and possibly even disliking certain members of the group), but having to trust each other enough to go on a life-threatening journey is going to create an interesting dynamic. I also have some situations planned for certain points in the RP, where the choices that the characters make could have a huge impact on where the plot goes. That being said, if any of you have ideas for what dangers our little group could face, just let me know! I want to give everyone the opportunity to help shape the storyline.

Inca is accepted, and so is Alistair. Both lovely characters (as usual from you guys).

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Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-08-04 22:12:22

So question! In order to brainstorm situations for them dangerous dangers, maybe the setting would help? What's the area like (forests, arid, etc) because things that require trust would be an interesting situation, like trying to cross a Not So Happy River by having to hold on to each other or brace each other in some way and trust that the others would have a good enough balance or footing, or something similar!

But thank you! le sQUEAL i can't wait to write Inca am SUPER EXCITE.

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2019-08-04 22:33:28
Hey guys! About to post my girl then head in for the night, I’m totally down for cool character subplots ^^

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-08-04 23:10:13
Good question, I should've clarified that.

The setting the RP takes place in is a fair bit up north, and the surrounding geography is mountainous/forested. Our characters will start by having to get through the city (urban) and the main threat they face there is crossing through the territories of the packs living there. Once they get out of the city they'll be travelling on the roads, through smaller towns and more rural areas, though there will definitely be a point where they will have to cross through forested area.

Weather-wise, weaker dogs or dogs with short fur would have the most issues, because at night the temperature would drop considerably, and any rain would likely bring strong winds with it. Possible wildlife threats could be bob cats, coyotes, foxes, falcons (if we happen to have any small dogs on the trip), and black bears, if our group is very unlucky.

I really like the trust-based idea! There would definitely be lakes/rivers in the area that they might have to cross, but it could also be something like having to cross a deadfall one by one, and trusting that the dogs on either side of the log are holding it still enough. Or perhaps the log could become closer and closer to breaking each time a dog crosses it, so there might be arguments about who gets to go over first. It's cliché, but would bring in some drama and give the characters a chance to see which of the dogs are only looking out for themselves. They could also be climbing a steep, narrow passage or something, and would have to trust that the dogs in front have good enough footing to not slip and send everyone tumbling down. Let me know what you think.

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Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-08-05 02:53:01
Ooo setting is nice for aesthetics AND for conflict and plot! my favorite! xD

I think those ideas would work wonderfully! The actions the cast take during the trust-based challenges will either unify the group or cleave it and it’s exciting to think about! And there comes the challenge of having to trust strangers (like you said) or even trust someone that you don’t like/doesn’t like you.

Obviously, everyone’s unique characters and their quirks will make or break the group. If someone can’t really take care of themselves, they’re a liability and just another mouth to feed, if they’re reckless and lacking forethought they’d just end up getting themselves killed and dragging the group down with them.

I’m super excited for the creative and colorful ways to fuck up!

Edit: Omg Captain is SUUUUPER JUICY i love already!

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 02:59:15 by ♛LadySeer♛ (#139547)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2019-08-05 11:42:27
So far all of the characters are gonna bring an interesting element to the group, and it’s gonna be fun to see how they deal with the other dogs when they're trying to get back to their humans. I imagine that if anyone gets in the way of that main goal it would really ruffle some feathers!

And I’m glad you like her Lady! I thought we definitely needed a dog in the group who didn’t understand the need to have their human back, and even hated mankind because of what they did.

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n| (#54187)

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Posted on
2019-08-05 23:05:18
All of your characters look wonderful! And sorry for taking a long time to post mine. I don't know why but I feel like the plot will have some very unexpected turns.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-08-06 02:44:00
@Mushroom, what a cute lil' dog! Is she yours?

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n| (#54187)

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Posted on
2019-08-06 03:04:59
@。BlazeRed。 She is a stray actually ,she really is a cutie!

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-08-07 00:34:13
@Mushroom, she's accepted! You may want to add somewhere in your form that you took the picture, though, otherwise the Lioden admins may take it down.

At this point we're only waiting on two others to post their character sheets, so we'll probably be able to begin by the end of the week!

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