”I’ve battled hard with the face in the mirror
Every scar makes me dig down deeper
Push it till there’s nothin’ more
‘Cause I’m stronger than I was before.”
3 Years
Female ♀
[she/her pronouns]
Biromantic & Bisexual
White German Shepherd Mix
Physical Description
A female with obvious history in agility, she’s light-footed and confident, always balanced readily upon her pads. With lengthy streamlined limbs, she can cross a good distance with powerful, trained strides and impeccable balance with a crisp, elegant gait. Her stroll is always that of regal power; smooth and loose, self-assured in her movement.
Inca’s ears are large and stand proudly, like the rest of her breed. With long legs and a raised chin, she looks ready to take on the world with precision. Her coat is a pristine wintry vision, for the most part. While the majority of her is a soft, pleasing white (as opposed to a blinding sun-on-fresh-snow look) around her nose is graced with a splash of black to accompany her glossy jet nose. Moving further along her body, it’s easy to spot the onyx strands that merge and grow towards the end of her tail, and even slipping into the cow-licked whorls at her hindquarters and shoulders. Around her ears, a soft shade of golden tan makes a home around her ears, the only hint of creamy gold on her body. A fair lass always poised for action, whether it be a simple adventure, or a harrowing fight. Her eyes, dark amber and sun-lit whiskey, always appear focused and guarded, as if amidst an enemy.
Inca’s body is mostly built for speed. She started off with a thin frame, before her owners got a hold of her, and then molded her into a vision of athletic grace, a masterwork of speed and strength held captive in a body of disciplined muscle and regal grace. Swiftness and power are what this female does best, a balanced skill set that goes easily with her body type.
Inca has a sort of overflow of confidence, enough where it could probably take a physical form at this point. She always has her head high, eyes and ears forward. She’s confident in her own abilities. But, despite all this constant confidence, somehow she hasn’t let it inflate her ego. She’s quietly assured of herself, never bragging or snapping off some arrogant line. She knows she’s good at that she does, she knows she can survive, and she’s proud of herself. This confidence gives her a rather outgoing characteristic, always sticking to a lively way of talking. Cracking jokes, sharing a few mischievous grins… nothing can quite slip from her grasp. Especially if she can slip some dirt jokes in.
But, with all her extroverted charm, there comes a time where her tongue is dripping venom. She doesn’t take shit from anybody, and she’d gladly show you that. While the lass is formidable physically, she can also pack a punch in a verbal bout. Away is the poised and elegant exterior, in with the harsh and venomous weapons of her arsenal. She knows how to land solid hits, even if they’re below the belt. She’s the kind to kick you when you’re down, because winning doesn’t have to be done gracefully or with morals. Observant and harsh, she makes a great friend and a fierce enemy.
Inca is quick to jump to business and get shit done. Built to please, she’s quick to complete a task and is eager to move on to the next. She’s one to drop into a state of hyper-focus to complete whatever is given to her, though she's not really a team player. She's found that a lot of other dogs lack the amount of discipline and focus needed to keep up with her. She’s quick to dish out orders and, if she needs to, offer some… encouragement to those slacking. Encouragement being threats and bruising, usually. With her hard-working disposition, she happens to be quite optimistic. She believes if you truly, fully give it your all, you can conquer all in your way. She does her best to keep the wind at her back and her eyes to the sun in all she does, hoping and working towards a better tomorrow.
Inca can and will be selfish. She strives towards her goals and her goals only. If you pray hard enough, maybe your goals will align and you’d have one hell of a soldier at your side. She’s equipped with a heart with room for only so many, and a habit of doing what’s best for herself and those select few. Regardless of her attention set to those few, she does not lack morals or empathy and compassion. In fact, she has a lot of it and she’s still struggling between her caring nature and her selfish one. She wants to help all that she can, but usually, her protective nature guides her towards those she loves, leaving her to turn her back on those less fortunate.
Her start at life was nothing short of unforgivable. Tossed aside like trash, she was on the streets for a good while. Spat on and yelled at, this lass had her trust broken before she was truly grown. Alas, the story doesn’t end here. Not in some dark alleyway, buried beneath rubbish, covered in dust, dirt, and unmentionables. Here, it only just begun. With a soft cooing from the darkness and a trail of treats.
Emaciated and covered in fleas. That was how they found her, but that would not be how they left her. Swaddled in a blanket and carried into a warm home, and that’s where everything changed. They rebuilt what someone broke. Rebuilt and fortified, a downtrodden lass turned into something of a white middle class family’s wet dream. Well-fed and groomed to a refined beauty, trained to perfection. They worked with her tirelessly and with infinite amounts of patience. Thrown into agility training and getting daily exercise made her something of a powerhouse. Gone was the starved and lonely lass. In her place stood a graceful, talented shepherd mix with a heart made for her family.
Then, something happened. All of the humans fled. Even her lion-hearted, patient masters. They fled. The humans who had taught her to trust left her? Surely they didn’t want to, right? They cried as they said goodbye. They wept into her fur, surely they still loved her and were going to come back for her? She doesn’t remember how long she spent searching for them. Howling for them until her throat ran raw and she couldn’t speak for days, not that she wanted to. Her family was gone, and it was like the opening of an old wound. And everyone around her, the ones she used to call her friends all said that they weren’t coming back. Salt in the old wound. Battery acid in the old wound. So, she collected herself, returned to the poised beauty she was before, and offered the unkind world a charming smile just before she dug her teeth in.
Eventually, she found a pack to slip into. Rebuilt herself there, too. Alone. Added some venom to her tongue, hidden behind a wildling’s smile. Nurtured that crumbling confidence and stood as she had before, all the while building a reputation of a dauntless lass with an iron fist and an appetite for hard work and purpose. And an insatiable taste for proving others wrong. Soon, Dutch’s words met her ears and all the things she tried to forget and keep at bay ran rampant again. It wasn’t hard to figure out what she would do. A lass truly dedicated to her owners. She left the pack, alongside Alistair, the leader she had come to follow and respect. Together they went into the unknown to search for those they still had love for.
► Isabella & Trinity Alcott | Owners | Loved ◄
They found her alone in an alley, young and afraid, nearly starved to death, but unwilling to die. They did all they could, and then some. Built her into the pristine vision of a good dog, and showered her with the love she should have gotten from the start. Inca will love them until her last breath, dedicated and loyal to her death.
► Alistair | Ex Alpha | Respected ◄
After Inca had pulled herself together and rebuilt herself in the image of her owners, she went looking for a community to have her back, and vice versa. She was surprised to find that some high class trash had found their way to the top of the food chain. In this particular pack, at least. Still, she knew better than to judge by the surface, and knew better than to judge by a life best forgotten. She grew to admire Alistair greatly, and still does, despite his dropped Alpha status.
► Erebe | It's Complicated | Frenemy ◄
A tough one, truly. She found the lass with her ass bloody and some arrogant hounds chasing after her. And Inca, with an eye always out for new ways to prove herself and ascend gracefully through the ranks, jumped in to fend off the mutts as they crossed the boundary into Alistair's territory. Here, she met Erebe, the drifting lass with a penchant for using others for her own gain. After she shooed the lass off the territory, grinning and bantering (with a side of venom), she failed to forget the strange, refined lass with a bite to her bark.
Theme Song
Born Ready - Zayde Wolf
Go To War - Nothing More
The Fear - The Score
• True Neutral and Ready To Break Bones To Get What She Wants
• The only lasting hint of her life as a dedicated pet is the hickory brown padded leather collar, adorned with brass plates that wrap around the exterior.