Posted by Moth Decors

Coleoptera (#122306)

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Posted on
2019-08-11 00:07:40
I was taking a look at all the decors to find every moth for one of my girls to wear, and found that there's less than TEN moth decors. Why are there so few when we have so many butterflies? Most of the reasons I get for not supporting when I say we need more moths is that butterflies are prettier. Definitely not true, just wait til you see some of these African moth species that are possibilities for decors!

Meharia Murphyi
A nice solid yellow. Bright contrast for those dark lions who love these little lepids.

Eulophonotus hyalinipennis
Super cool looking clearwing moth! Just look at those red bands! :D

Eoophyla Capensis
Another yellow moth with some cute little spots and very fuzzy wings.

Cryptosara Caritalis
Fiery looking little guy!

Hyalobathra Dictatrix
Pink and yellow, what a cute combination

Isocentris Charopalis
Another bright orange guy!

Neurosymploca Concinna
For some of the edgier fellas on LD to enjoy ;D

Dysodia Vitrina
Another pretty red moth ❤

Now these are just a very small amount of the hundreds of moths in Africa, and I'm only stopping my list so I don't break browsers :'3 not to mention there are more around the world that could be Gorilla Enclave decors :D

This suggestion has 58 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Kit in a Box ~🪽~ (#61961)

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Posted on
2019-08-11 00:11:39
I LOVE pink and yellow on moths. We have some here and they are just amazingly fuzzy things.

Support, moths need love too!

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cas (#178145)

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Posted on
2019-08-12 22:32:19
these r a tiny bit scary but I support lmao

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