Posted by Sahara Roleplay
Kitsuma (#128201)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-08-24 10:33:48

This is an official clan thread for the Sahara Roleplay Clan!


1. There is to be no god-modding
-God modding is to take control of another person's character by describing their feelings, actions, and deciding their fated outcome.
-Note: Your character may perceive the other's feelings based upon the previous text but for the most part will never know, unless otherwise stated.

2. Your character in this Roleplay is your entire pride if you wish it, or it can be one specific lion.
3. Please play in Roleplay order. This means that you let everyone involved have a chance to reply instead of just continuing without a person. We all have separate lives. However, if you fail to respond in a reasonable amount of time, your turn will be skipped.
4. Please give a player a max of three days to respond before skipping them.
5. I know we cannot tag in forums, but if you will simply name the people you wish to include in the small group please list their names at the end of the post. That way, anyone wishing to play with you can easily jump in, but also be aware of who else should be posting.


I plan to hold raffles for the Clan. If you have suggestions for ticket prices or for raffle prizes please DM Vehicon or Kitsuma. I would like to hold raffles every week or every two weeks.


At this time, I do not plan to make you pay fees. Hopefully once raffles are started, we will make enough SB to be able to pay the monthly subscription. However, you are free to donate if you wish. All donations will go entirely for the Clan and will only be used for raffles, monthly clan fees, and other necessities for the Clan.

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