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Posted by | Gathering Darkness CS- a multi species rp[open] |
![]() Patryx [1GCleanShadowCinnaM R] (#173231) Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-08-31 05:54:23 |
Main Roleplay ThreadPLEASE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING HERE, THIS IS FOR CHARACTER SHEETS ONLY, EVERY REPLY WILL NOTIFY A MODERATOR. IF YOU WILL REPLY WITH A NON CHARACTER SHEET, THIS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM. ooc chat! Name: Age: Species: Rank(if applicable to your characters situation): Personality: Appearance: History: Family/relationships/freinds: Sexuality Other: All species and all groups are allowed. Powers are welcome, all shapes an sizes(just if they have rediculously powerful skills don't overuse them)You can include a picture if you'd like<3 ![]() Edited on 15/09/19 @ 15:38:22 by LucifurFalling[2gwither.augur] (#173231) |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-08-31 06:45:51 |
Name: Mala Age: 21 Species: Centaur Rank(if applicable to your characters situation):? Personality: stubborn, strong willed, kind, playful, loving Appearance: long brown hair, vitiligo skin, black spotted blanked Appaloosa horse half History: unknown Family/relationships/friends: Lorcan, unborn baby (foal? Baby? Idk what they're called) Other: ![]() Edited on 11/09/19 @ 18:44:53 by Snini9 [demiurge frontal] (#154479) |
AtlasMoth (#130870)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-01 18:28:36 |
Name: Alaqirr ( ahl-uh-kirr), or just Qirr (kirr) Age: 26 Species: CatFolk (Think from like Pathfinder kinda, I'm not sure what one would call it lol) Rank(if applicable to your character's situation): Technically royalty, although it means nothing now and he is glad to be rid of it. Personality: Bold, Not afraid to say what's on his mind- or of the trouble that comes with it. Occasionally overconfident in his abilities, but usually has a backup "plan". Could be called spastic, as he despises being in one place for too long or stuck in a routine. Not the best memory of all catfolk, and has a tendency to get lost, even though he'd never admit it. Qirr is much more likely to be found wherever the wind takes him, and is frequently forgetting his belongs places. Optimistic and happy-go-lucky. Does not at all claim or share the fact of his royal blood and is glad it is behind him. Appearance: short and lean, angular features and eyes. Still carries himself like a noble, even if he never acted like one. Pelt resembling that of a tiger, and eyes an irregular frigid silver. One of his whiskers on the left side is twirled from a nervous habit he's kept up since his youth. Usually wears an assortment of light leather traveller's armour with green cloth embellishments. Carries a large bag filled with his belongings and numerous trinkets he picks up along his travels. He has a jagged tear in his right ear, near the top. History: While born a prince to the CatFolk across the sea, he was more often found rolling around in the dirt with the other children instead of attending to the meticulous studies and practices of his birthright. Qirr, while fond of the geography, swordplay, and history lessons, never liked the idea of being a king tied down to his kingdom. As he aged, his rebellious streak became less and less tolerated, promting his parents to provide him with what they thought was an unbeatable ultimatum. Get his act together, become an at least ok king, and stop with the nonsense of crossing the sea, or disappear in the night and his sister would take the throne. They did not plan on him thanking them vigorously and slipping to the docks at midnight. Tries to dismiss the ravens' tales as simple chatter and fear-mongering, but his explanation falls short at the Elders' disappearance. Family/relationships/friends: No friends or anything yet lol, has both parents and a sister surviving across the ocean, although they think he became lost at sea or similar. Some of the citizens mourn his 'passing', having hoped for a ruler that would better identify with the people, while most are happy and thankful for the more traditional rule and personality of his sister. Other: Alaqirr is gay. Please let me know if this is to ott or anything lol-I get a bit carried away writing characters sometimes-I'll happily change it. ![]() Edited on 08/09/19 @ 15:05:47 by Reikier (#130870) |
Patryx [1GCleanShadowCinnaM R] (#173231) Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-07 01:42:33 |
Name: Tamiel Age: Unknown. Even he doesn't know. Species: Winged Tiger Rank(if applicable to your characters situation): Personality: Tamiel flames up easily, but he has a heart of gold and really cannot hold a grudge. Is very affectionate, and has severe homesickness if he leaves rahm. He's very cuddly too. Appearance: A slender tiger with huge white swans wings, glowing golden eyes. When he is stressed, golden smoke starts pouring off of him like dry ice. History: Tamiel doesn't know much about his past, but he can't remember his parents or having any siblings. Doesn't even remember meeting rahm, it's as if everything up to that point has been wiped from his memory. Family/relationships/freinds: mate is Rahm, no family. Other: he and rahm are two bros in a hot tub Name: rahm Age: unknown-appears young, around 20, but will occasionally mention things that happened a long, long time ago. Species: there isn't really a name for it? He's an oc and I made him up Rank(if applicable to your characters situation): N/A Personality: Rahm is fidgety, and is constantly in fear of offending someone. The only person he actually relaxes around is tamiel, and even then he's nervous. He has an obsession with maps, which makes his knowledge invaluable whenever a resident of the valley is lost- find rahm, and he'll help you. Appearance: he is a bully, feline-esque creature with a very heavy head that looks more like a lion. He has huge, very long pointed ears with golden inners. His eyes are black, and sometimes they reflect the stars. He is dark brown except for the golden coloured plates on his back. History: no one knows. Tamiel might, but he's not telling. Family/relationships/freinds: no family, the valley is unsure if he ever even had one. His mate his tamiel. Other: he is very gay lol ![]() Edited on 15/09/19 @ 14:49:50 by LucifurFalling[2gwither.augur] (#173231) |
🥝 cool.kiwi 🥝Uneven2ros (#182174) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-11 14:29:54 |
Name: Libra Age: 2 years, 6 months Species: Leopon Rank(if applicable to your characters situation): Libra runs a secret organization made up of... well, just her. Working mostly at night, she quietly steals food/items/beetles from the richest of animals and leaves it in the homes of the poorest. Their are many animals who want her dead, others who love her. Regardless, she continues her selfless work. Personality: Smart, quick, and salty Appearance: Demiurge-based Leopon with EHR and Dawn eyes History: Abandoned by her parents as a cub for being a leopon. Lived on her own ever since. Family/relationships/freinds: None. Other: She has severe trust issues. ![]() |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-11 18:47:52 |
Name: Lorcan Age: 22 Species: Centaur Rank(if applicable to your characters situation):? Personality: protective, strong, stubborn, kind, loving, patient Appearance: long silvery white hair, vitiligo skin, dappled grey spotted blanket Appaloosa horse half History: unknown Family/relationships/friends: Mala, unborn baby (foal? Baby? Idk what they're called) Other: ![]() |
Dilophosaur (#177674)
![]() Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-13 00:25:17 |
![]() (The art is done by me and owned by me.) Name: Ofelia Age: 124 Species: Unicorn (Though seems to be a hybrid) Rank(if applicable to your characters situation): None to her knowledge Personality: Ofelia is quite peaceful and kind, yet has more.. anti-social side, often times becoming witty and sarcastic if the mood calls for it -- though it's apparent the mare simply shifts personality to suit those around her. Appearance: As seen by the picture, Ofelia sports the classic cloven hooves -- though that's where the similarities stop as she appears to sport a curved, pointed horn with markings that seem to be of a sunrise. Furthermore -- she lacks any irises or pupils and rather sees through some unknown magic. Though unicorns are meant to be cloven hooved as she is on her right and left front legs -- it is rumored that she is a product of her mother and a lesser stallion. History: Ofelia was born to a singular unicorn mare after she was - indeed so - brought into existence by her mother falling in love with a simple farm horse. Not much is known about why her father was never in the picture, or why her mother never spoke of him but as far as she's concerned she's a purebred unicorn like those before her. Family/relationships/friends: Eirene (Mother, alive), Talos (Father, unknown) Sexuality: She finds herself into more feminine members of her species. Other: Nothing to be documented ![]() Edited on 17/09/19 @ 22:54:43 by Dilophosaur (#177674) |
Brokenwing[1GCleanNi dCrestPie] (#169921) Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-13 04:27:42 |
Name: Ashalka Age: 4 years in hyena age(about 23 in human years) Species: buda-hyena shapeshifter Rank(if applicable to your characters situation): princess of the buda tribes- mother is the matriarch. Personality: shy and cautious in interactions, but also a fierce fighter. Has been looking for her missing mate for the last two years and is often suspicious of new people. Appearance: in her hyena form(which she stays in most of the time) she is just a regular spotted hyena, as a human she is a tan skinned woman with spiky short brown hair and brown eyes. Long arms and shorter legs. She often wears a gold-and-BONe circlet as she doesn't like to deny her mothers rank. History: left the tribes after her mate went missing. Mkango(her mate and best freind) had gone to explore the mountains. It was supposed to only take a week, but she never returned. Family/relationships/freinds: mother is the matriarch, father was a loner, and her mate(missing for two years) is a leoda (my own species of shape shifting lions.) Sexuality: pansexual Other: once she hears about what the ravens said, she heads for the mountains immediately. She has not heard of them yet. ![]() |
🥝 cool.kiwi 🥝Uneven2ros (#182174) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-14 07:12:30 |
Name: Usawa Age: 4 Years Species: Lion Rank(if applicable to your characters situation): Loner Male Lion, has a HUGE grudge on Libra for stealing all his stuff Personality: Furious, Grudgy, Brutal, Unforgiving Appearance: Melanism, Muscular, large lion History: Libra stole a bunch of his stuff to give to some poor animals. He's been after her ever since. Family/relationships/freinds: None Sexuality : Straight Other: n/a ![]() |
AtlasMoth (#130870)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-15 16:26:50 |
Name: Abraham, most just call him The Prophet or The Wanderer- or avoid referring to him entirely. Age: Unknown Species: Wolf (?) Rank(if applicable to your character's situation): N/A Personality: Eccentric, fanatical, chaotic, one could say insane. Very forceful about his prophecies, asserting that they are true without question, has the capability to become violent. Meddlesome, to an extent, if he believes you are part of one of the grand auguries he has found divined for himself. Absolutely no filter, very brash and unaware of the trouble he is causing. Unstable. Speaks in a strange icy sing-song voice, like everything is some kind of joke or riddle. Appearance: Piebald, like spilt black ink over dirty white paper. The black markings split his face, cover the entirety of his legs and tail, and his right arm up to the elbow. Yellowed teeth, left canine snapped off. A single sun-bright yellow eye, pupil permanently shrunk to a pinprick, the other (the left one) ripped out with the socket scared with a trio of clawmarks. Walks with a noticeable limp and carries a wooden quarterstaff that doubles as a cane. Typically wears an odd black hooded robe, there are unknown bloodstains on the fringes. History: Lived in Fell his whole life, took over his father's sheep farm in the foothills at the base of the mountains. Once the ravens started to bring the news of what lied over the mounatins he dismissed them. "Well, of course, I know the mountains are dangerous, sheep that wander there never are found- neither are people." Then, sheep started dying in his fields, seemingly frozen in place. Standing up, some still with mouths open bleating, drained of blood and missing their eyes- and always facing the mountains. That was his first warning, when the ravens returned to tell him what had caused it. The mountains. His second was the lights, three of them. They danced in the sky and in his mind, always over the mountains. He was not lucky enough for a third. The night after the lights appeared, he took his father's sword from its place above the fireplace and went into the mountains. There, he was greeted by something he cannot remember or forget. Something both light and dark, the most grotesque and horrifying SOMETHING with an unearthly loveliness and blighted grace. It is trapped within his mind and soul like his sword is trapped in the mountains, a scourge on something never clean. He has been cursed and scared by the Rising In The Mountains, and blessed with its sight. Family/relationships/friends: no family surviving, ![]() Edited on 15/09/19 @ 16:39:24 by Reikier (#130870) |
Dilophosaur (#177674)
![]() Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-16 03:45:53 |
![]() (The art is done by me and owned by me.) Name: Clover Age: She typically leads creatures to believe she's 7 years old (human years) Species: Just your average run of the mill Clydesdale.. Or is she? Rank(if applicable to your characters situation): Nothing that she'll tell you Personality: Clover is more of a down to earth mare, trying to look on the logical side of things, while trying to keep an open mind. She'll help a friend in need, but isn't shy to stray from helping one who had wronged her -- even if they were close. Appearance: Above History: Some say Clover's existence is based upon a story of a unicorn mare wanting to disguise herself as a simple workhorse to integrate herself into modern society -- though others say she's simply a mare who appeared one day out of the blue with no warning, causing her to be seen as somewhat of a suspicious figure. Family/relationships/freinds: She considers Ofelia a friend and.. something more. Sexuality: She honestly doesn't care Other: N/A ![]() Edited on 17/09/19 @ 22:57:27 by Dilophosaur (#177674) |
Patryx [1GCleanShadowCinnaM R] (#173231) Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-17 15:02:40 |
Name: Vivante Age: 3 years old Species: Leopard Rank(if applicable to your characters situation): n/a(leopards are loners) Personality: very sweet and shy, loves to listen to other people's stories and is a shoulder to cry on. Very loyal. Appearance: just a regular leopard. History: not much- mother kicked him out when he was old enough like all leopards, he's been wandering ever since. Family/relationships/freinds: none; has an intrest in libra. Sexuality : Straight Other: has no idea what to think of the news, mostly just dismisses it. Has never really believed in the Elders. ![]() |
Rain (#180377)
Merciful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-19 16:05:57 |
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FmWq3L-HBysvP6IQ5K-oRKphGNcucuA2hxIS4JALSkU/edit?usp=sharing (Art is done by and owned by me! P.s. Put this link in to see the art) Name: Ruari Age: 6 Years Species: Common Raven Rank(if applicable to your characters situation): N/A (Got Kicked out of his flock) Personality: Scatterbrained and unpredictable, Ruari oftentimes finds himself doing what he never intended to do in the first place. He is notably bad a navigating because of this. It is hard for him to make/keep friends due to his queer nature and sometimes even his tendencies to forget about things. His cackling laugh is sometimes enough to drive anything away. Appearance: Ruari is a large raven with normal iridescent plumage, excepting the queer and seemingly random white feathers dotted about his body, appearing as white flecks akin to snow upon his feathers. One eye, rather than the normal brown/black coloring that is exhibited on ravens, it is an eerie, bright, blue that looks nearly white. History: Ruari was once a respected raven within the flocks the flew, even leading them at times. That was, until, they flew above the black pools of water with their revolting scent. Curious, Ruari had soared close to the water, and got splashed by the inky liquid, barely able to tumble down onto the shore rather than into the depths of the lake- as it had caused great pain. The flocks left him for dead, although he was not- but he was scarred mentally and physically beyond repair or recognition. Family/relationships/friends: None, at least none that he can remember. Sexuality: Has no romantic interest, but would be straight if ever. Other: When/if the darkness spreads, so does his white plumage, and erratic behavior. If it gets strong, something very interesting may happen... ![]() Edited on 19/09/19 @ 18:15:30 by Rain (#180377) |
LunarLion (#186464)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-02 16:44:22 |
Name: Midnight (aka Rose) Age: 18 Species: Lion/Human - shifter Rank(if applicable to your characters situation): what ranks are available for someone who is part lion? Personality: Quiet, kind, agile, sweet, caring, loyal, fierce, swift, shy, but strong. Appearance: ![]() Human: Red and black hair, light tan skin, sunset eyes, stands at 5"8, red, crimson, black, grey, or white clothing, scar on her shoulder, black wings. History: No one knows who she is to say for exact, she showed up out of nowhere one day and no one seemed to really care. Family/relationships/friends: Her family abandoned her, she's single, develop friendships. Sexuality: Bisexual Other: She shifts between a human with onyx lion ears, a ginger tail, with black wings into a lioness. Teleportation. ![]() Edited on 03/10/19 @ 09:32:43 by LunarLion (#186464) |
Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-11-05 15:28:09 |
Name: Nia Cooper Age: 20 Species: water dragon shifter Rank(if applicable to your characters situation): anything with water Personality: kind,sassy,stubborn Appearance: a dark skinned girl with dark brown eyes with long straight hair that is dark brown and gold . Her clothes are usual casual are a black shirt with rips and black ripped jeans Dragon form A blue female with dark blue eyes ,water always around her wings and claws . If she isn't in her dragon form she has her hair turn into water and her eyes turn a clear blue History: none Family/relationships/freinds: unknown family open for a guy Sexuality straight Other: ![]() |
Dilophosaur (#177674)
![]() Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-11-05 22:24:47 |
Name: Jenson Age: Unknown Species: Poulífo Rank(if applicable to your characters situation): N/A Personality: Jenson is a quiet, reserved humanoid creature. He has a hat which he deems his own life -- if you touch it or take it from him you'll surely suffer in the 9th circle of hell. Appearance: Jenson looks most human, donning robes, gloves and boots -- but he has a spell cast upon him to give the illusion of being human, though his beak is left unphased. Therefor, he goes around in a plague doctor mask with his hat. From the flecks you can see, he has light skin with brown matted hair in a mess bun. Without it he's as feathery as a dark raven, donning his own set of wings, piercing gaze and beak as sharp as a blade with talons on his hands. History: Jenson was cursed forever to be one with the Poulífo. His reason? He was at the wrong place at the wrong time. He saw too much and thusly was cursed as in his horrific state, none would believe his stories that the Poulífo, instead they'd run from him -- screaming in terror. Family/relationships/freinds: No one but his sentient hat, Anastasia. Sexuality: He hasn't put much thought into it, but he doesn't really care. Other: Do. Not. Touch. The. Hat. ![]() |
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