Posted by Looking for a 1x1 rp partner!

Chargebolt (#32472)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-09-02 08:43:50
I've recently gotten back into Lioden after remembering my username and with remembering that came the urge to roleplay again so I thought I would give roleplaying on here or anywhere else ( if not Discord, Emails, or etc ) a shot. 

Little about myself;

I am currently 23 till this upcoming October ( in which I'll be 24 ) and I'm a trans male so I strongly prefer male pronouns. I work full-time/40 hours almost every day of the week/end and this can mean replies for any rp started can become slow but I'm able to be online daily at almost all hours. I'm an animal-loving guy who's owned a number of pets throughout the years and is currently stuck with 4 cats ( that I love ). 

I'm not shy to discuss mature topics or such but I will draw the line for any roleplay or conversation if it appears to be digging for personal information or etc that shouldn't be asked when being almost complete strangers.

Onto what I'll roleplay;

Warrior Cats

Humans ( Anything that can stem from this, supernatural creatures etc )




Any creature if I don't already know about it/if its explained to me

MxM MxF FxF ( though FxF is and will be a semi new experience)

With what I've listed theres a broad and wide range of what I have done and haven't and with what I haven't tried I'm more than willing to give it a shot. 

Brainstorming a plot or just having a thought out plot to follow is my bread and butter but I'm capable of just hitting the ground running with a character. I'm always open to new ideas for roleplays so don't be shy to suggest them! 

All I got to put here for now but might be edited later. If you have any questions or such dm me or just have it down in the thread and I'll try to get back to you as quick as I can!

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