Posted by Wanting Casual Partner

survivor (#183270)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-09-03 10:24:25
Hi guys, my name is Merlin and I'm a college student. I'm really busy most of the time and my muse is unpredictable because I have not written in a long time! I used to roleplay mostly horses and humans, I dabbled in lions once or twice but I would like to do it again. I like romance to be involved in my roleplay, I like men, so I like to play characters that date male characters. I used to write a lot, but I imagine I could comfortable write around 100-300 words each post. My favorite genres are fantasy, history, and all sorts of AU's/fandoms. Obviously I am also interested in doing a lion roleplay!

I'm writing this in class currently, so.. I'll probably update this some later! Look forward to any responses!

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