Posted by King Appearances Saved [+42/-11]

Aphelios {Strat,
Galaxy, NHR} (#5717)

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Posted on
2019-09-11 21:28:07
Hey so I randomly got this idea when I decided to replace my current King with my new one that I have now. While it is exciting to replace an old king’s looks it is also sad if you spent a lot of GB on the previous one and idk to me it feels kinda like a waste in a way...

Basically what I’m wanting is to have something like where 1-2 of our old king's appearances are saved so if we end up missing our old kings looks we don’t have to struggle with replicating the looks again lol. It would still work the same tho with replacing a heir. Basically in the retiring options there could be one that says “choose looks of a previous king” and there you could select! :) Feel free to comment what you guys think!

This suggestion has 50 supports and 12 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/11/19 @ 20:36:48 by Kiki {clean ice rosette pie} (#5717)

Aphelios {Strat,
Galaxy, NHR} (#5717)

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Posted on
2019-09-11 21:33:09
Only 1 of the old appearances can be saved at a time otherwise people would abuse the system. Also to replace the slot you would have to pay extra.

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Edited on 13/09/19 @ 17:33:25 by Kiki {clean ice rosette pie} (#5717)

JennyWren (#101593)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-09-13 17:28:52
Support, but for exactly one extra saved appearance. I can understand wanting to switch back and forth between two designs, but more than that and people would start abusing the system, switching to whatever happened to be popular at the time.

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Aphelios {Strat,
Galaxy, NHR} (#5717)

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Posted on
2019-09-13 17:30:41
Yeah you have a point! People would abuse that. So I agree one would be better.

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