Posted by Patrol stat outcome recordings

[Semi-frozen] (#179712)

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Posted on
2019-09-12 02:53:04
Not sure if anyone has posted similar before but I feel it would be a handy addition to the game for some players.

So, lioden keeps track of Sub male patrols in the user log, but I've noticed it only records the item outcomes of such patrols. Anyone keeping record/track of stat gains has to do this manually at the time of each patrol's end, which of course, isn't always possible.

My suggestion is that any stat gains are also recorded in the sub's patrol log entry, enabling players to go through and make as comprehensive a log as suits them when time permits.

Of course I realise stat gains are only of value to a smaller group of players, but the addition would be a huge help in those that do monitor them and would assist in making records much easier to compile.

This suggestion has 12 supports and 0 NO supports.

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