Posted by Hiding Trades

𝕂𝕒π•ͺ𝕝𝕒 (#11123)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-09-14 09:48:14
Feature adjustment #1
Okay. We all have our reasons to block or ignore someone but what if we just want to stop seeing their trades? With this feature you should be able to go to someones page and hide ALL of their trades. This can be for whatever reason you choose.

Maybe you don't like the way they're advertising. Maybe you don't like how high their prices are. Maybe their trades annoy you? Lol I don't know, everyone has their reasons. This also helps you see other people's trades instead of the same persons rebumpped trade every couple of minutes and then you don't have to browse through several hundred pages.

Feature Adjustment #2

Now this doesn't have to be for every trade they have. Maybe you just don't want to see one specific trade. Perhaps someone keeps posting something thats overpriced, or something that you'll never want and you just don't want to see it. Then you can go to that trade and hide it, kind of like you can hide markings in the wardrobe customizer. Their trades will still be there, but you will have a list of hidden trades like you have a list of trades that you're "watching". You can choose to unhide them if you've made a mistake.

*important notes
-I purposely didn't make art/design of this because I feel like the developers should be able to make it how they want to

-Please don't just write this off because this is a feature you feel is unfair in any way or you won't use, try to think about everyone else too

-Thanks so much for your support and comments! If you do happen to have any ideas to add to this feel free to post your images or feedback below!

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