Posted by Pretty NCLs

Direwolf_1411225 (#183551)

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Posted on
2019-09-15 19:29:12
Okay so we all know the newly claimed lionesses are potatoes. They’re ugly. They just are. We all want some pretty ones. I am proposing the idea of a list of certain colors of markings/bases/eyes that are and aren’t able to go together, so you don’t end up with a light cream lioness with a ruddy tail and dark blue eyes. I think we just need it. Like them only bases and markings and eyes that look good together can be paired. So we could do this by the admins or mods or whatever making a caroll diagram of every base, eye, and marking that a NCL can get, and then there’d be a yes or a no as to whether they can be put together. Idek. And then somehow code that into the game. I feel like these lionesses just circulate. They’re useless. People just waste energy on them, and then kill/nature reserve them or chase them again for more people to find. NCLs would be more useful if they were attractive.

Any and all ideas/additions are welcome

This suggestion has 33 supports and 24 NO supports.

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Edited on 15/09/19 @ 19:43:54 by Direwolf_1411225 (#183551)

🐝Bumblewish (#159172)

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Posted on
2019-09-18 14:19:43
That's perfectly true, although there are a few pretty exceptions of NCLs.

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Direwolf_1411225 (#183551)

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Posted on
2019-09-18 14:20:48

Yeah I suppose, I’ve seen a few pretty ones, but most of them are just yellow-brown :/

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jupi | g2 Desolate
NShD x8 Vit (#12726)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-09-18 14:21:06
While I definitely understand where you’re coming from, I don’t think it would be a good idea. NCL’s are typically for the newer players, and are supposed to be kinda bland looking. As you get closer and closer to dreamboat, your chances for prettier NCL’s increase cause you can find chased ones, and also CRBed NCL’s. I think it would defeat the purpose of NCL’s and maybe even impression. I don’t know if impression effect any other aspects aside from NCL’s and raffle lioness though, aside from adventuring.

Edit; and most NCL’s are common bases because they’re,, well. Common lionesses. I guess is the best way to put it.
Idk how to word anything sorry

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Edited on 18/09/19 @ 14:22:09 by recklessgod (Interstellar boi) (#12726)

Warrior ✝️ G1
Nomad (#130610)

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Posted on
2019-09-18 14:28:01
This feels slightly useless to me, as NCLs are not supposed to be quality lions. You dont have to spend any effort to breed them or buy them, you can just get them for free from explore right into your den. The purpose of them is to be randomly generated.
People who mass hoard NCLs arent hoarding them for the lioness itself, instead they hoard them because they want cubs that the lioness could give them (such as CRBed lionesses)

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Direwolf_1411225 (#183551)

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Posted on
2019-09-18 14:28:54

Yeah that’s the other side of it. I mean, they would still have common bases and whatnot, just... some eyes and colors and markings don’t fit. So even if they were a bit aesthetically appealing it would help. And yeah I guess that makes sense but still.

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