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Sleep ๐ŸŒฑ (#44085)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 12:30:41

Main Roleplay Thread



ยท All of Lioden's rules apply.
ยท Roleplayers of any strength can join, as long as you use correct spelling and punctuation for the most part.
ยท High ranks must be approved by me, ranks lower than Priest do not need approving.
ยท You may have as many characters as you like, but may only start with two high ranking characters.
ยท Dogs may have jewelry, clothing, etc. but must stay within semi-realistic limits. No unrealistic dogs.
ยท Hybrids are allowed, hyena-dogs (yea, hyenas aren't canines but who's here to stop us?) , AWD-dogs, wolf-dogs, coyote-dogs, etc.
ยท God-modding, mary-sues or unrealistic characters/circumstances are prohibited. If your character dies, it dies. You cannot roleplay other people's characters or "dodge" attacks with your sick 360 skills.
ยท Gore, sensitive topics, birthing and mating are to be censored properly or not mentioned at all. Once your characters become mates, they will be given the option of pups after one week. This requires no steamy scenes, sorry.
ยท This is a laid-back roleplay, we all have lives so try and allow for at least two people to reply to the thread before posting again. If you do not respond to the roleplay thread within two weeks your characters will be presumed dead, unless you post in OOC that you will be missing.
ยท More rules will be added if needed.


There are four major deities, all have their own customs and followers.

Surf the links below for all the lore and other bits of information you'll need for the roleplay.



Animals and Items

Season; Mid-spring. Temperatures are cool and rain is often in the Moon and Earth tribe territories. Sun tribe is experiencing a drought, relying on water shipped in from the Earth tribe to thrive.

Allegiances; Sun and Moon tribe are at war, while Earth tribe continues to remain neutral and leave it's borders open to all travelers.

Territories; Earth tribe is found between Sun and Moon and holds a large market underground in their tunnels. Sun tribe lives in the desert to the south, Earth lives in a dense forest and Moon resides at the base of a mountain to the north. On one side they are surrounded by a great ocean, the other they are bordered by a seemingly endless desert. Humans no longer roam here and are extinct to the dog's knowledge, they know them only by the buildings they have left behind.


Sun Tribe

Leader(s): Spiro, Closed

Second in command: Kirtonos Closed

Shaman: Dipita Closed
Priestess: Araceli Closed

Scouts: 3 Open
Craftsmen: Open Unlimited
Warriors: Bailey, Keres, Open Unlimited

Elders: Open Unlimited
Pups: Open Unlimited

Moon Tribe

Leader(s): Kite Closed

Second in command: Dallas Closed

Shaman: Cygnus Closed
Priest: Aquila Closed

Scouts: 3 Open
Craftsmen: Abel, Finnigan, Open Unlimited
Warriors: Maximum, Zelda, Open Unlimited

Elders: Open Unlimited
Pups: Open Unlimited

Earth Tribe

Leader(s): Eden, Closed

Second in command: Aspen Closed

Shaman: Open
Priest: Open

Scouts: 3 Open
Craftsmen: Bravo, Open Unlimited
Warriors: Orcus, Asra, Ranger, Open Unlimited

Elders: Open Unlimited
Pups: Open Unlimited


Atticus, Caspian, Aurora, Yoloti, Polaris, Open Unlimited


This is only a template, feel free to add or move things to your liking.

Delete everything in parentheses.

Breed(s): (Remember, these are stray dogs. Purebreds would be quite rare.)
Family: (Relatives and pups.)
Appearance: (Photo or Description.)

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Edited on 27/09/19 @ 21:25:20 by Sleep แดนแต˜แต—แต— หขแถฆแตˆแต‰ (#44085)

Sleep ๐ŸŒฑ (#44085)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 14:04:58

click the image for it's source

"Words are wind, but wind can fan a fire."

Name Dipita Meaning: Inflamed
Gender Female.
Religion Questioning follower of Elio.
Breed 75% Rhodesian Ridgeback, 25% Staffordshire Terrier
Age 4 years.
Tribe Sun Tribe
Rank Shaman
Sexuality Heterosexual, Heteroromantic.
Mate None, open through roleplay.

Dipita is a fiery character, as her name suggests. She can be quite authoritative at times and unrealistic in her demands and wants. She is rather self-centered when she wants to be and quick to temper if she doesn't get her way or she feels as if her skill is questioned. Her high-and-mighty personality can rub any dog the wrong way, though she knows full well how important her position within the pack is and uses it's advantages to their fullest.

Despite her abrasive traits she is a good pack member to have in a pinch and knows her way around the apothecary table quite well. She isn't one to let the weak fall behind or get forgotten. She knows what it's like to be at the bottom and has a soft spot in her heart for the young, sick and old of the tribe. Deep within her heart she has her doubts against the deities, though she would never let those doubts come to light given her current circumstances.
Tall, angular and rugged are all terms that fit Dipita's appearance well. She is a sight to behold when the desert sun shimmers off of her blood-red coat during the day, giving her the appearance of being part of the desert herself. She has a ridge of fur raised along her back due to the ridgeback in her blood, almost always giving off the facade that she's angry over something and stunning fiery eyes that match her coat. She is always seen wearing golden rings in her nose and often has a golden band around her neck, especially on important occasions.

The "lion dog" in Dipita's heritage comes through quite blatantly in the way she holds herself and she has all the teeth and muscle she needs to back up her hostile personality. She has a square gate when running and although she isn't the fastest dog in the desert, she has an ample supply of stamina to make certain she catches whoever or whatever she's intending to catch.
Dipita's origins are quite a mystery, it seems as though she just blew in with a desert storm one day and never left. She arrived in the Sun tribe during a particularly harrowing drought, only a lanky pup and took on the role of a beggar for some months. The tribe's shaman at the time took pity on the scrawny pup and took Dipita under her wing, teaching her the ins and outs of healing, speaking to Elio and keeping up the shaman appearance. It wasn't much of a surprise to anyone that Dipita took up the role as shaman once the last one had passed and she still holds the title to this day, though she has begun to feel her heart waning as she searches for the truth.
Theme song - Barns Courtney - Hellfire
Theme song - Mother Mother - Wrecking Ball


click the image for it's source

"There is more to life than both cold facts and blind faith."

Name Abel
Gender Male
Religion Freethinker.
Breed 100% Weimaraner
Age 4 years.
Tribe Moon Tribe
Rank Craftsmen
Sexuality Bisexual, Demiromantic.
Mate None, open through RP.
Adan - Father - Unknown Whereabouts
Yeva - Mother - Deceased
Caine - Brother - Deceased

Abel has a rather bold personality for being as quiet as he is. He isn't afraid to speak his mind when it needs to be spoken and won't hesitate to rise up against authority if it means defending something he believes in. He has no intention of creating an uprising amongst the non-believers, though it seems that's just what he's doing.

His will and values are both strong, he was raised by a bull-headed yet kind merchant and that shines through most blatantly when his resolve is being tested. He isn't afraid to throw his weight around in defense of another dog but he detests unneeded violence quite fervently. Once his mind is made up about a certain subject, it's rare to ever change. He has a firm grip on reality and can sometimes let his brain override the emotional side of relationships, unintentionally hurting a friend's feelings with his words or actions.

He is best with his words and makes it a point to speak until he has changed either his mind or the minds of those who oppose him, sometimes making a speech out of something as simple as which metal is best used for knives. Some sense of leadership remains hidden deep within his heart, rearing it's head only when he's being relied on. He fears the sensation though and would rather remain a lowly craftsman, afraid he will end up just like his despicable father if he were ever to be allowed at the top.
Abel has a tall and sleek figure, sporting the characteristic silver-blue coat of weimaraners. His tail has been cut short, a decision he regrets making in his teenage years, though his ears are still natural, circular and drooped. His eyes blend in with his coat, they match same silvery shimmer that makes up his fur. He is always active and often makes treks to the Earth tribe to sell his weapons, resulting in a toned and muscular physique. You will more often than not see him with a leather vest on, pockets holding an assortment of knives and spear-tips.
Born to a former leader of the Sun tribe, Abel found himself lucky to be the second born of the mad ruler. In tradition, Abel's father placed his brother Caine into the sun and left him to the elements, ending in the newborn's death. Adan couldn't accept the outcome and blamed his mate for the weak child, killing her and banishing Abel from the Sun tribe. He was brought to the Moon tribe in a traveler's satchel, no more than a day old, and was raised with kindness and acceptance by a merchant. To Abel's knowledge, his father Adan was dethroned by his tribe and cast out into the desert. He took up his adoptive parent's trade as a weapon's maker and has little interest in the whereabouts of his true father, hoping he withered away into nothingness in the sand.
Theme song - Xan Griffin - Capricorn


click the image for it's source

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every dog's needs, but not every dog's greed."

Name Eden
Gender Female.
Religion Follower of Alira.
Breed 50% Saluki, 50% Greyhound
Age 4 1/2 years.
Tribe Earth Tribe
Rank Leader
Sexuality Pansexual, Panromantic
Mate None, open through RP.
- Sister - Alive - Open to be adopted. Contact me in OOC.
- Sister - Alive - Open to be adopted. Contact me in OOC.
Dallas - Brother - Alive

Eden has a flittering personality, depending on the season and the current mood of the world around her. She is open minded, kindhearted and quite soft spoken though her words usually hold immense value when she speaks. She has a serine and pure air to her, though she can get rather distracted by her own thoughts at times and act a bit air-headed if you catch her at the right moment.

She genuinely loves living, loves the world and everyone in it. Seeing the death or struggle of any other living being pains her beyond words and she's quite finicky when it comes to killing her meals. Due to her love of nature she finds herself quite depressed when winter rears it's ugly head, burying all the beautiful plants under it's icy weight. She is exceptionally dependent on her tribe members when she's in a low mood and she holds them dearest to her heart, blindly faithful to all dogs in her tribe.
Quite deer-like in height and movements, Eden's appearance mimics the swaying branches themselves. She sports a rather short coat, growing wispier in areas near her face, belly and tail. Her fur is an earthy almond brown and her soulful eyes are a richer, sap-coloured amber. She holds herself with much dignity and grace while in the presence of other canines, though if you catch her asleep you'll move likely see her twisted into an awkward position with all four feet flailed in the air. She wears a light brown, embroidered collar around her thin neck. From it hangs a single white tassel with beads encompassing the string that holds it to the fabric.
Born within the Earth tribe with three other siblings, Eden has always had a fondness for plants and life. She believes wholeheartedly in Alira and the god's abilities, as they were drilled into her and her sibling's heads by their leader parents at a young age. Her devote nature meant she was naturally chosen to become the next leader of the tribe after her parents stepped down in their old age. She has reigned for no more than a year now and is still learning as she goes, relying quite a deal on her pack's strength and support. She finds the freethinkers sad, though she isn't interested in persecuting them for their ideas she believes the gods will punish them in due time.
Theme song - Sleeping at Last - Saturn

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Edited on 19/09/19 @ 17:56:59 by Sleep (Mutt Side) (#44085)

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-09-17 14:39:17


"The reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another."

Name: Kirtonos ("Kirt" by a very select few)

Gender: Male

Age: 3.8 years

Tribe: Sun Tribe

Rank: Second-in-command

Religion: Agnostic

Breed: German Shepherd/Wolf hybrid (75/25)

Sexuality: Demisexual Polyamorous (sometimes...he's difficult, duty is his first love)

Mate:: None

Family: None

Personality: Kirtonos is known for being boisterous, not necessarily 'rowdy', but a very loud and vocal character. It is noted that he has a very loud and almost 'booming' voice that can easily be heard through the land, particularly while he's on patrol. He's one for taking charge and command, known for his leader-like qualities. With this demanding trait, he requires great respect from those around him. He doesn't play nice with others when treated like a low-life, although he has a respect for authorities who respect him as well.

Because of his earnest ways, Kirtonos gains decent respect and often works his way up in the ranks when joining packs or factions. He doesn't appreciate too much 'fun and games', particularly during work-time. He will not tolerate goofing off during the incorrect times, and won't hesitate to deal out punishment. He takes his work greatly to heart and puts in his full effort to receive the best results. He can be taken as up-tight, but when around close friends (or pretty ladies), he loosens up and becomes much more relaxed, and will even joke around when in a good mood.

Kirtonos is known for his smooth tongue and intimidating appearance...or, by the local ladies, he's known for being extremely charming. The silver-tongued male has no difficulty in persuading others and bending them to his own will. He's also known for sweeping the ladies off their paws with his attractive appearance and clever words. Kirtonos can also be terribly frightening while in verbal combat and is also undeniably flirtatious as well as self-centered.

It can also be noted that Kirtonos isn't all brawn, he is, in fact, quite an intelligent figure. He's surprisingly organized as well, although everyone has their flaws. Kirtonos has a tendency to put himself and his duty before others, as he prefers what is best for himself. Close relationships tend to crash because of this. He'll push all others away to focus on himself and what he believes is most important: his duty. This does, however, make him feel remarkably lonely in the end.

Appearance: Even for his breed, Kirtonos is absolutely massive and burly (110+ lbs) thanks to hybrid ancestry, standing with impressive broad shoulders and a wide chest. However, he is impacted with that typical German Shepherd breeding complication, and that would be his stance. His back slopes, forcing his chest to be puffed outwards (although, this is often intentional) and his hind legs to be parted. His bat-like ears are often pricked, but have a few good nicks in them from previous scuffles. Around his neck rests a rusty metal chain- but nobody knows where or how he received it.

History: Kirtonos was neither born nor raised within his tribe. He was always a roamer, born a rogue and raised by a traveling band of battle-hardened wolves. His mother passed away, so his father, a wolf hybrid, took him along on their journeys to strengthen his son and to make him an honorable fellow. Kirt learned an astounding amount about leadership and independence, yet at an adolescence, he left the wolves.

His ambitions grew strong, as did his urge to settle and create his own roots. He had an intense flame with a young lass, but his love for duty, in the end, won out. He left her to join another group, attempting to explain that harbored feelings made him weak, and that while he loved her, it simply wouldn't work out. Work and responsibility would always be his mistresses.

Kirt had been a member of various small packs, climbing the ranks because of his obsession with responsibility and control. If needed, he has even acted as an executioner and merc of sorts, hunting down those who have sinned to put an end to their criminal ways, or to pay a debt that was long overdue. Over a year ago, he decided to settle in to the Sun tribe, a gang that would (hopefully) cling to life and not disband like all the others he had participated in. Like all other times, his dutiful ways allowed him to climb the rank of second- and his command never goes challenged.

Other: If anyone would like to own his old flame for drama purposes, PM/OOC me! He is afraid of romance and commitment due to what happened previously with his ex.

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Edited on 18/09/19 @ 12:14:52 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829)

e๐Ÿชฟ๐Ÿชฟ(Main) (#171995)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 23:04:40
(Orignal pic:
"Just because someone has said something about you, doesn't mean it's true and if they say anything about you call me and I'll rip their face off
Name: Maximum (nn:Max)
animal Companion: Mocking bird(name: Mercy)
Breed(s): 30% Shetland sheep dog) 60% border collie) 10% German shepherd
Age: 2.2 years
Tribe: Moon tribe
Rank: Warrior
Mate: None
Family: Dead

Personality: Hello I'm maximum A warrior of the moon tribe, I am very dedicated to keep the tribe safe and making sure that everyone is able to breath easy. In time of ease I'm usually very chill and laid back and pretty easy to talk to. In tense situations I tend to close up Create a shell in which I can not be hurt by the grin and or dangerous situation I am involved with. When alone and no one is around Tho I will engage in puppy like activities, gnawing on things, chasing leaves and small rodents, and such.

Appearance: -photo- I tend to wear a tattered leather harnesses most of the time, only in time of battle will I switch to the armor. I normally carry a knife with my but will again only in time of battle carry a spear. I have a clip in my right ear with the numbers "2390" on it.

History: born September 4, 2017 I was raised in a weird place, I didn't know where I was or what was going on all I knew was my mother's scent. We where all in a cramped kennel me and my two sisters and one brother, I had been the strongest in the group and always was first to get milk.. My brother tho hadn't been so lucky and died a few days after his birth. Me and my sisters where raised on wire flooring so you could imagine how much we got cut from it. Weeks passed with living in these cramped conditions me and my sisters where larger and stronger. My mother tho was getting weaker and weaker, she died a few days later After being impaled by a large tree branch that fell down during a storm... all that was left of her was an ear tag that I proudly wear to this day. My sister's and I had ran off into the woods once we realized how dangerous it was becoming. Society has fallen apart and there where no two legged creature left. But the animals and Canines most of all found a way to survive. We had been found.... A large group of hyenas surrounded us cackling and growling, they looked at us with beady red eyes. They all had rabies there mouths foaming with the ever so familiar white froth... I had managed to escape but my sisters weren't to lucky.. Torn apart and eaten their last words to me still ring in my ears to this day... " you where the best brother I could ever ask for... I love you"..days went by I was alone and scared.... I wanted mom... I wanted dad... I wanted someone to be there for me... My wishes came true a dog had came around After picking up the scent of and outsider dog... I was maybe 5 months old by that time and alone malnourished and sick they asked me who I was and what I was doing here... I answered in what little bark I knew... "Family... dead... Only... Me... Left" it was broken bark but it was enough to get his attention. He took me to there leader. I hid behind his leg shaking in fear a long explanation later and a good look down I was accepted into the tribe.. After that tho everything was very fuzzy and I couldn't remember to much and my head would start to throb if I tried, it's like someone erased that part of my memory.

Other: Theme Song:AGOSTI - Triangles 0:00-1:00

(Original Pic:
Don't worry about what others say about you Darling, just be the best you
Gender: Trans
Religion: Freethinker
Animal Companion: Raccoon(name:Radio)
Breed(s): 75% Poodle) 5% Doberman) 20%hyena)
Age: 3 years old
Rank: Merchant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Half Brother: Maximum (max doesn't know that tho)

Personality: Hello There darling I'm Atticus. I am very well know for my huge heart that will be willing to help others in need, even In The difficult of task. Wandering around selling herbs and materials To a lot of the dogs in the trides. I have my tendencies to help groom the large amount of fur for Other dogs because you can't do it on ya own. Im happy cheerful nd up for making people laugh. I'm puppy and heart and never really grew up so yeah

Appearance:-photo- I have hyena like stripes down my back. I always carry around a leather bag so that I can keep my merchandise in and safe. I tried to keep my fur in check keeping it in the classic poodle look. One of my eyes are a little bit lighter brown then the other, and my favorite part about me I was lucky to inherit the classic hyena cackle from my mum

History:Most of it was fuzzy I can only remember. Bits and peices. I was born October 20 2016 my mother was a hyena. And my father a poodle... My father abandon the pack of dogs and hyenas. I was always the odd one out. Everyone didn't like my fur so puffy and big. It wasn't like a normal hyena coat. I was the runt of the litter, barely surviving on what little meat I was getting my paws on... And as I grew and grew I had to leave at somepoint ... I was chased off by my own mother, into the thicker part of the forest away from their land.. The day I fell down a hole in the woods was the day that changed my life. I was found by a dog and taken back to a tribe. They had cleaned me up and have me the bag. They wanted me to be a warrior but I refused.... I was not much of a fighter.. But I decided to pursue the job of a humble travelling merchant tracking the lands with animals I find along the way

Other: ThemeSong: shhh ((edit)) - mi$ery (Extended Edition)

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Edited on 21/09/19 @ 17:52:55 by IceTheCat (#171995)

Sleep ๐ŸŒฑ (#44085)

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Posted on
2019-09-18 12:39:46

click the image for it's source

"Carpe Diem" does not mean "fish of the day."

Name Caspian
Gender Male.
Religion Omnist. He claims no one religion but finds truth in them all.
Breed 50% Standard Poodle, 25% Curly-Coated Retriever, 25% Irish Water Spaniel
Age 2 years.
Tribe None.
Rank Traveler.
Sexuality Homosexual, Homoromantic
Mate None, open through roleplay.
- Brother - Alive - Open to adopt. Contact me in OOC.
- Brother - Alive - Open to adopt. Contact me in OOC.

Caspian is quite the old soul, finding some sort of happiness out of mundane tasks that would bore your average 2-year-old mutt. He is much more focused on the now of life and tries not to dwell too much on the future or past, finding it rather easy to forgive and forget. Though he enjoys repetition you will more often than not find him in areas he's never been before, wandering about with no certain destination in mind. He finds some sad sense of fulfillment out of getting lost in the most lonesome of places he can find and that suits his melancholy, angst-filled attitude quite well.

Caspian doesn't particularly like or dislike the company of others, though others will usually find his company rather depressing. He tends to mope about, even on the sunniest days or the happiest occasions and to see a smile escape past the brooding fog that surrounds him is a rare sight to behold. The one task he seemingly enjoys the most is fishing, be it with a net or catching the slippery sea-dwellers with his teeth. He adores water of any kind and finds himself happiest when he's by the sea.

It isn't uncommon to see Caspian annoyed or disgruntled in some fashion, though to rile any more than a growl out of the fluffy fellow is a feat in itself. He isn't one to cause or join scuffles but he isn't above defending himself if it comes down to it. But let's be honest, who would want to fight with this sheep of a dog?
The most noticeable characteristic of Caspian is his dense, water-proof and curly coat. His diluted liver fur is quite nice to look at, bordering on isabella in colour. He has very expressive brown eyes, when you can see them for his fur, and dark liver skin. He is quite a hulking dog in height, coming in at a solid 2 ft. and he sports a rather average weight for his breed.

Caspian tends to keep his coat rather clean when possible and regularly visits the market places of tribes to have it trimmed any chance he gets. The fur around his face can sometimes impair his vision, making it rather hard for him to pick up on and remember dogs based on their looks alone. He will sometimes wear beads in the fur on his chest and ears, though you'll most likely see him with nothing more than a fishing net traipsed over his back if you are to run into him at all, that is.
Caspian was born in the south, past Sun tribe and the endless desert. A part of the land untouched by man-made structures and religion, where dogs live in 'packs' rather than tribes. The land is much more untamed, canines more brutal and unkempt in their ways. His family was driven out of their homeland by an volatile disease, once called rabies by man. They traveled through the desert, blind to what they would find, though it was only the youngest three boys who made it through. Caspian and his two younger brothers, together as they found themselves within the Sun tribe's city. They all soon departed to find their own paths in life, Caspian knows little of their whereabouts now.
Theme Song - Far From Home
Theme Song - Little Boy

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Edited on 18/09/19 @ 16:28:36 by Sleep (Mutt Side) (#44085)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-09-18 13:25:42

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."


Variant spelling of Greek Spyro, meaning "spirit."

4 years old.


Demisexual, Homoflexible.



Follower of Elio.

50% Ibizan Hound, 30% Thai Ridgeback, 20% Whippet.

For any unfamiliar with Sun Tribe or their overlord Spiro is more likely to be mistaken as a regular pack member compared to a ruler, only the way he holds himself and the fire in his gaze evidence of his noble bloodlines. The hound is quite diminutive, no taller than 19 inches and unnervingly thin. His skin stretches tight over his lean, streamlined build; the indents of his ribcage always visible. Slender legs lead to dainty, long-toed paws with clear, sharpened claws that reveal pink veins and pale, faded scars cut through his sleek ghostly coat; so white it shines under moonlight like a beacon in the dark and can be blinding under the sunโ€™s unforgiving rays.

His almond-shaped eyes are as bright and gleaming as burnished gold, implying the male to be leucistic over albino. He is prone to burning, taking frequent breaks beneath any shade available or hiding within the depths of the church during daylight hours unless needed. Spiroโ€™s skull is narrow with a long muzzle that tapers to a point, ending in a light rosy-colored nose freckled with slightly darker pigmentation. His large, wide-framed ears are naturally erect, almost appearing too big for his head. His neck is slightly arched while his back is level and straight, a noticeable ridge of fur running down his spine.

Despite his oddities, Spiro proves quite elegant and refined. His tail is low-carried and spindly, curving upward near the tip. While born with dewclaws he gnawed them off as a youth, leaving behind a scar on each of his front paws. His throat is adorned with a thick leather collar, an intricate design etched into it, colored in gold and brown with a grand, iridescent gem shaped into a sun placed at its center. A sheath of a similar make hangs across his shoulders, withholding a sizable knife crafted from metal and heโ€™s been known to paint his face in red designs using berries or fruits imported from the Earth Tribe.

Life without love has hardened Spiro into a less than friendly animal. While Polaris went to great lengths to ensure her child didn't perish needlessly she was rarely kind to him and her methods of training had the tendency to cause her tribemates to gaze away in discomfort. He has a sense of duty to the dogs who depend on him but tends to cross others as cold and unapproachable outside of his responsibilities, his tone perpetually holding a hint of annoyance, and his temper often proving short. With that said, there is little doubt Spiro can be trusted to get a job done and his dedication both to the Tribe and Elio is unquestionable.

Spiro claims to have heard the god speak, and to converse with him in dreams or visions, a gift ordinarily granted only to shamans. His claims have the tendency to inspire either great awe or scrutiny from his followers, but either way, it is clear Spiro believes what he says, his devotion to Elio genuine and convicting in its intensity. Despite his cold exterior paired with a strict, uptight demeanor, there is compassion to be found in his heart, the ice surrounding it only frosting the surface.

At his core Spiro is a dog now ruled by his own fears and trauma, ignoring his true emotions and replacing them with something harsh and unforgiving. He is more than a little egotistical, spending hours a day tending to his appearance simply for his own satisfaction. His vanity should not be mistaken for prissiness, however, he isn't afraid to get dirty and if moved to violence can prove quite monstrous. His tongue is just as sharp as his teeth, or the knife at his side, and he's not afraid to use either if pushed.

Spiro was born to the last leader of Sun Tribe, the dog who would take Adan's place once he was cast out to the desert. As her firstborn child, Spiro was left upon the pedestal to face the elements at only a week old. Miraculously, he survived, but the circumstances hold a secret even he is not aware of. Polaris did not believe in their god, and resented the meaningless sacrifice required of her. She put on quite a show, her face a facade of belief, but when her son was placed at the altar he was not alone.

Three Spirit Ravens were persuaded to watch over the defenseless pup, keeping him shaded and safe from the elements and predators the best they could. They succeeded, but the ill-fated birds were not rewarded as promised once the task was over. Polaris couldn't afford to let the truth of Spiro's trial to ever be told. Their bodies were buried in the sands, their blood-stained feathers blown away on the breeze to lands unknown. Spiro's survival solidified her reign, and Polaris ruled the tribe for the next two years, training Spiro to someday take her place.

She instilled in Spiro a certain harshness, passing on her stern demeanor as well as her paranoia. In her last days, that precaution turned into psychosis. She would babble incessantly, sometimes lashing out at her own tribemates while shouting blasphemy until it was decided something must be done. Spiro protested, pleaded even. "She's unwell, she knows not what she says! Leave her to the shamans!" He would cry, but his words fell on death ears and the Tribe expelled her into the desert much as they did for Adan.

And thus, Spiro became a leader at the dreadfully young age of two, and never quite forgave those who participated in his mother's banishment. He closed himself off, Polaris' paranoia becoming his own. He was not exempt from their scorn, but he wouldn't let them be rid of him so easily. Oh no. The tribe would respect him, the tribe would fear him and most of all, the Tribe would know he was irreplaceable.

Again and again, Spiro has proven himself worthy of his role, through prowess at war and combat against those who would challenge his throne. The fact has yet to select a mate or produce a son has begun to stir controversy, however, rumors spreading even outside Sun Tribe. The whispers he hears may or may not be real as his mind whirls with the idea his Tribe wish to dispose of him like his mother.


None. Determined through roleplay.

แด›สœแด‡แดแด‡ sแดษดษข
Blood // Water - Grandson.
Children of the Sun - Thomas Bergersen (feat. Merethe Soltvedt).

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Edited on 24/01/20 @ 19:08:43 by Vespertine (#33076)

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-09-18 14:12:56


"Any fool can know. The point is to understand."

Name: Cygnus

Gender: Female

Age: 4 years

Tribe: Moon Tribe

Rank: Shaman

Religion: Follower

Breed: Tornjak (50%), Kuvasz (25%), Great Pyrenees (25%)

Sexuality: Demisexual - sometimes considers herself completely Asexual.

Mate:: None

Family: Brother: Aquila (living)

Personality: The female embodies the ideal traits of a Moon tribe individual, boasting a tranquil yet head-in-the-clouds demeanor. She is captivated by her god, Aibek, and follows him dutifully, believing in a diplomatic approach to most situations. While she makes herself a good companion, Cygnus is much more frequently found away from the typical busy lifestyle of most tribe members. She has an obsession with learning about all forms of life surrounding her and making ties to the lore she grew up with.

However, for a shaman, the mutt is strikingly independent, outside of the frequently-sought-after counseling from her beloved twin. More often than not, she entertains herself with life outside of the walls of her tribe, with a strong yearning for understanding the unknown. The ties to her tribemembers are few and far in between, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's without her allegiances to them. Rather, she's more interested in devoting her wisdom and presence to Aibek to communicate with him as frequently as she can. She is mysterious in her wake, a canine of few words, but she believes actions speak beyond verbal transmission. One only needs to look into her eyes to understand the overwhelming sense of devotion she has to her duty.

Albeit a lady of few words, the reserved canine is diligent and tenderhearted to those who are wounded and placed at a disadvantage. She has always leaned towards the underdog, and encapsulates a benevolent side seldom shown to strangers. Cygnus takes bonds seriously and intensely to heart, and it is cautioned that one does not betray her trust. There is a sure-good reason why it takes so long to gain- her scathing tongue might just rival the wrath of the gods.

Appearance: She may be elegant in her wake, with motions as fluid as a stream and a pristine coat that flows with every move, yet Cygnus is hardened with muscle underneath that thick fur. She stands at a decent height, towering over most, but she is still on the small side for a dog with such a rich giant breed ancestry. The female is extremely fit from always being on the go, and is surprisingly lacking in the scar department. Cygnus' fur is as white as snow, however, she is patched with minimal black, in the addition to some shading and black spotting every here-and-there. Her face, with an almost constantly concerned expression, appears to be "freckled" from tipped black hairs.

Cygnus refuses to wear armor, preferring to keep herself light-weight for travel purposes. Instead, she is decorated with tiny, light silver chains that are occasionally complimented by tiny sapphires that were scavenged from the mountain. On her head rests an almost circlet, fashioned from the same material with a dark sapphire positioned in the center.

History: The shaman was born under sacred circumstances, an event that some might consider a blessing, or even a message of favoritism from their god. Cygnus was born alongside her twin brother, Aquila, during an epic event: a lunar eclipse. It was interpreted that the pair were gifts from above. Their mother was a hyper-religious and preached about how perfect her little darlings were, how they would grow up ever-faithful to Aibek.

However, their father disagreed with their mother, arguing that their children had the right to follow whichever deity they preferred, Aibek or not, and that their fate wasn't sealed within the stars. The pair proceeded to argue, and surprisingly, Cygnus always found herself closer to her father. She admired his wisdom and take on life, with how he urged her to find her own place in the world.

The female started out as a dutiful warrior, perhaps even one of the best in their tribe, despite her graceful appearance. One might mistake her for a scout. Yet while she was out on a hunt, she found herself to be confronted by a raven with the moon in its eye, a sign of her destiny. It crowed to her that if she wished, she may take up a different path in life, to delve into the unknown and knowledge she craved with every ounce of her being. She agreed, and the raven followed her back to camp, perched on her shoulder, to seal her new fate: the Moon tribe's newest shaman.

Other: n/a

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Edited on 19/09/19 @ 12:58:53 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829)

Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-09-18 20:15:44


โ€œAre we living a life
That is worth the harm?โ€


[โ€œAltar of the Sky"]


3 Years

Who knows!

Follower of Elio
[perhaps not as set as she seemsโ€ฆ]

Sun Tribe


Silken Windhound

โ€œMy contempt will always taste like grief.โ€

Physical Description
A sylph-like canine amidst a barren land. Whimsical in appearance, she can attract wandering eyes. Her legs are long, built for speed, and boasting a narrow, aerodynamic body that grants her an elegant and aristocratic aspect, supple and sinuous. Reaching an average twenty-three inches at the withers, and holding a delicate, but well-fed twenty-two pounds, one can easily see that she was a prized pup, granted love and care. With an elevated, slim head and a focused, lightened gaze, itโ€™s easy to spot her place in the tribe. Inquisitive, aristocratic, and elegant in nature, she has a certain comforting allure to her, as if you could speak of your troubles and sheโ€™d lift them from your shoulder.

Graced with a coat that doesnโ€™t allow heat to kill her, but one that still flows in wisps, curling at the edges. Her chest sports a wind-swept look, out of control and cow-licked. She has long figured out that it is impossible to tame, yet sometimes, if you watch her long enough, you can spot her attempts to smooth out the unruly strands. Her pelt is rich and glossy, slipping between rich onyx and pristine ivory. Her limbs remain a solid ivory, with the onyx pertaining mainly to the upper half of her body. Her tail is long and heavily burdened by fur. Her eyes are an allure all their own, with a celestial blue with copper swirling within, sparkling like metallic paints. To match her aristocratic look, her ears adorned by hanging metals that create a sound similar to wind chimes, a soft and delicate sound.

This Windhound is proper in her stance, holding herself high as she was taught. After all, being chosen as a Saint is no small thing. A purposeful dog, she walks undisturbed by terrain, her strides long and fluid, like the constant stream of water. Her steps are quiet upon the land, as if she doesnโ€™t wish to disturb it. Her tail, long and heavy, is always seen elevated slightly, to prevent tarnishing her often freshly cleaned pelt on the sun-scorched earth. Despite her important aura and divinity-kissed appearance, she doesnโ€™t hold a snobby vibe. A tender look rests upon her countenance, as if it has made a home there.

โ€œWorse than having too many secrets
Is having none at all.โ€


A priestess raised with her eyes to the sky, a prayer on her lips, and her mind to her tribe. Loyal, dutiful, and loving. She will do anything to make sure her tribe is well cared for, even if that means doing the things a Priestess wouldnโ€™t normally do. It is not uncommon for her to stray from her prayers to fetch food, to her parentโ€™s dismay. They wanted a complacent female, and they were disappointed to find that Araceli was anything but. Dedicated and passionate about the things she loves, itโ€™s hard to keep her from acting in response to that passion and love.

Blessed with a silver tongue, it didnโ€™t take Araceli long to notice the effect she had on others. How the softest voice could insight the strongest action, how a firm voice could strengthen a dog, or weaken them. But a tongue was not the only thing she learned how to wield as she grew. The body is a lighthouse, a beacon, a guidance system. If she sends the right signals, a lowered head, darting eyes, a slow smileโ€ฆ all have power. And they are a power she wields with precision. While she has the tribeโ€™s best interest at heart, she is not above manipulation, or cruel words, even when those cruel words are veiled behind feather-soft vocals.

Reserved and hidden behind her love for her tribe, Araceli seems to be an open book, with her tittering laughter and warm smiles and gentle words. While you feel like you know her, it is a lie you have forced onto yourself. Veiled behind manicured expectations and an ornate mask, you will rarely ever find her true thoughts on the subject. Even when asked for her opinion as Priestess, she conjures up what they want to hear, what they expect to hear. Rarely ever does she allow her true emotions to bleed through. She is precise in everything, as if fearing coloring outside the lines, meeting the unknown, and failure.

โ€œI beg you to know
That in the end
I meant well.โ€


Born within the Sun Tribe to a pair who thought theyโ€™d never have the offspring they dreamed about. They begged and prayed for a pup and, finally, they were blessed with one. Araceli, deemed a gift from Elio and believed her to be the rightful Priestess of the Sun Tribe and thus raised her specifically for the role.

Alone and without siblings, Araceli made due with what her parents were gunning for. It was here where she first found faith in Elio, feeling alone and misunderstood. She fell into the duty headlong, eager to find worth with devotion and her parentโ€™s love. Eventually, it became a thing she grew out of, leaving her parents expectations in the dust, fueled by the teachings of Elio, their burning deity. She figured that, if the god she worshiped wouldnโ€™t stand for his life being controlled, then she wouldnโ€™t either.

Now, sheโ€™s the tribeโ€™s well-known Priestess, mostly known for her kind words and love for her tribe, and her dedication for making things right within their community.

โ€œThere are forces outside of your control.
Most donโ€™t care for you.โ€


Family & Relationships
Clio - [Mother] - Alive
Controlling and selfish. You lead me down this path. To greatness, sure. But at the cost of happiness.

Kester - [Father] - Alive
When I tried to refuse, you dug your teeth into my flesh. You deserve nothing from me, and I everything from you. You donโ€™t get to dictate how I repaired what you broke.

[Nothing else so far! Message me if you want to set up something, or come meet her!]

Theme Song
Carry You - Ruelle & Fleurie
"I know it hurts
It's hard to breathe sometimes
These nights are long
You've lost the will to fight
Is anybody out there?
Can you lead me to the light
Is anybody out there?
Tell me it'll all be alright."

Dream - Bishop Briggs
"I wanna lay here, lost and bitter
So long I feel like I could die.
I wanna tell you what my truth is
But it's buried down inside."

Angry Too - Lola Blanc
"I buried the unseemly urges
Deep down in the ground with the roots
But it's all coming up to the surface
Maybe it's getting ready to bloom
And I don't wanna be a monster in the making
I don't wanna be more bitter than sweet
I don't know how to be just standing by blankly
Not getting angry."

Araceli fears failure.

โ€œSome are the bandage.
Some are the knife.
Some get creative.โ€


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Edited on 08/10/19 @ 18:06:45 by โ™›LadySeerโ™› (#139547)

Jay (#182776)

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Posted on
2019-09-19 11:04:44

"Have faith that our blades will not shatter; have faith that our hearts will not waiver."

Name: Kite

Gender: Female

Religion: Loyal follower of Aibek

Breed(s): 40% Borzoi; 20% Border Collie; 25% Australian Shepherd; 15% Husky

Age: 4 years

Tribe: Moon Tribe

Rank: Leader

Sexuality: Demisexual; Homoromantic

Mate: None; open to be developed in rp

Family: Aurora - Sister; disowned

Personality: Kite is an old soul, lead strongly by her devotion to Aibek. She is a stubborn, wise leader who cares deeply for her pack and defends them viciously, willing to take down anyone who threatens their safety. She holds grudges and refuses to forgive those who she believes has betrayed her, regardless of their prior significance to her. She will not stand for lying or deceit, firmly convinced in the truth and the truth of her beliefs. Kite is hard-headed and rarely changes her stances, a trait both good and bad. Her tongue is sharp and she holds a quick wit, often the first to scold someone and leaves the unlucky ones with words so scathing they may leave Aibek quivering. She is not without humour, though, and often has a sarcastic quip or otherwise playful reaction to those brave enough to try her.

Appearance: Kite is a long-legged, elegant lady of 65 pounds. She stands tall, her long flowing coat spread around her like plumes of black smoke, constantly seeming to flow around her. Her long, slender face is accentuated by her sharp, pointed ears, constantly pricked and alert to what's around her. The female has a delicate white underbelly, leading up to her chest and neck. Her eyebrows are white, giving her a constant stern appearance, framing her golden amber eyes. She often wears a silver chain headband around her forehead that is decorated with three moonstones, two smaller ones above her temples and a large, iridescent one directly in the middle, just barely above her eyebrows. Kite also wears a thick, flowing cape braided with crow feathers down her back, intricately wrapped with leather. It blends with her black fur gorgeously, making her appear part bird if one glances too quickly. An intricately designed silver dagger is neatly hidden under her cape, serrated with sharp teeth along its edge. Runes decorate the blade gently, giving it an old appearance. Crow feathers are carefully braided through her long haired tail, giving her a shadowed winged appearance.

History: Kite and her sister Aurora were born and raised in the pack of the moon by their father, who led before Kite herself. Their mother had passed shortly after their birth even with the best efforts of the pack shaman. Aurora grew to hate the deities, wondering why they would take her mother if they were so good and holy. Kite convinced herself that her mother must have been needed by the skies and thus had served her time on Earth, and her faith refused to waver. Though, secretly, she spent sleepless nights wondering if perhaps she was wrong. Kite blossomed into a wonderful leader under her father's command, learning the ins and outs of the pack rules and ceremonies. The night before her crowning as the new leader, her sister Aurora approached her and begged her to leave, to reject the packs and to start a revolution. The deities were wrong, she insisted, they didn't exist and their imaginary opinions had no effect on the lives of any canine. Kite rejected her sister ferociously, leaving Aurora with a scar under her right eye to serve as a memory. Kite told her sister that her first command as leader was Aurora's banishment, and prevention from joining any other tribe.

"Bury the hatchet or bury your friend."

Name: Aurora

Gender: Female

Religion: Freethinker

Breed(s): 40% Borzoi; 20% Border Collie; 25% Australian Shepherd; 15% Husky

Age: 4 years

Tribe: None; loner

Rank: None

Sexuality: Demisexual; Panromantic

Mate: None; open to be developed in rp

Family: Kite - Sister; disowned

Personality: Aurora is just as stubborn as her sister, though she would tear the ears off of anyone brave enough to say that to her face. She's a level-headed, strategically thinking girl with an incredible determination. She seeks new information constantly and is always trying to learn, and grow. She wholeheartedly believes that the deities she was forced to grow up on are unfounded and all her attempts to believe led her to sadness and frustration. Aurora is a forgiving personality and she tries hard to love everyone around her even if she finds faults in them, though she has a deep grudge with her sister that may never be healed.

Appearance: Long-legged, lanky, and lean are all words far too accurate in terms of Aurora's appearance. She's a thin form, built for speed and agility. She can move much quicker than most and travel long distances with ease. Aurora is some sort of sight hound mix, streamlined in form, with a long slender face and short, small ears flattened back against her head. She has short fur that lengthens on her limbs, tail, and chest/neck area. The fur on her body is unbelievably silky smooth and soft, a broken brindle pattern decorating her form and appearing almost like a dappling effect. This is likely due to her collie lineage. Her tail is long and flowing and she often braids it with feathers of random birds as a memory of her sister. The female has deep, long scar under her right eye that she refuses to speak of. Her eyes are a gorgeous amber brown, shining like honey in certain light. Aurora wears a thick leather braided collar around her slim neck that is studded with random stones she's found and thought to be pretty. She spends a lot of time crafting. She wears a harness around her midsection, complete with a toolbelt and a blade that matches her sister's.

History: Aurora was born and raised in the Moon tribe, though now she finds it sort of shameful. Her mother passed when she was born and she finds that fact extremely frustrating and depressing. She often wonders what her mother would think of her; whether she'd be proud. Their father raised them with the idea that they would one day lead the pack, Kite as the alpha and Aurora at her side. Aurora found herself questioning their religious preachings and refusing most practices, thinking it was archaic and unfounded. The female based her ideals on reality and found the deities confusing. She begged her beloved sister to leave the pack with her the night Kite was to be crowned, hoping against all hope that her sister would understand her beliefs and stay by her side. She was rudely awakened with a scar that will never fade, and a branding of one that is banished from pack lands. She resides now hidden on the edges of the earth tribe, too scared to show her face in the sun tribe for fear she would be recognized and killed. She lives her life warily, keeping most dogs at a distance.

Theme song: Otherside - Post Malone

"I don't even wanna know why you don't answer /
When I call your name /
Are you on the other side? Will you save us? /
Or will you run away?"

Ignorance - Paramore

It's not a war, no, it's not a rapture /
I'm just a person, but you can't take it."

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Edited on 02/10/19 @ 09:48:41 by Jay (#182776)

WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-09-19 11:35:12

Image Credits: Bastien Konfourier



Follower of Elio (She does have some hyperreligiost tendencies, but is not fully swayed.)

Coyote & Borzoi Mix

3.8 Years (44 Moons)

Sun Tribe


Bisexual (Interested in Males or Females!)

OPEN (Develop in RP or PM me!)

Buck (Deceased)

Bailey is a headstrong young female, with the bulk and brawn to match her opinions. She's quick to start an argument, but there's no real fire behind her eyes. Instead, her passion lies in the fun that comes from inciting action amongst others. She has fun creating events out of thin air, and finds it fascinating to learn what she has to say to motivate others. Of course, her respect for her tribe-mates often outweighs her desire to start a scrap. Regardless, of her short temper and slightly manipulative personality, Bailey tends to make friends quite easily. It's most likely due to her outgoing nature, because picking a fight is just another way to start a conversation.

Bailey is an off white female with a pelt that is generally medium in length. It's not long enough to get tangled or matted, but it does pick up sand and flow easily in the breeze. She often uses her pelt to her advantage as, from a distance, the white shades of her fur can blend into the pale sand. Another attribute that helps her in the sandy territories are her large paws. Although they're attached to elegant and thin limbs, her paws are broad enough to provide exceptional support as she races over the terrain. She also constantly wears a pocketed harness-pouch mixture that she stores trinkets in.

Bailey may have been born an outsider, but has grown up within the Sun Tribe. She was taken in as a pup, along with her brother, and raised alongside the Sun Tribe's own pups. There is not much excitement in her past, other than that of an average life. She's been raised to be a methodical fighter and a strong advocate for Elio. Her tribal influences are an anchor to her personality, as she protects them with her everything. She's even gone as far as placing the tribe's wellbeing above that of her own brothers. It's an unconfirmed rumor but, it's been whispered that she chose to incite an attack against a Moon Tribe warrior, which ended with her brother becoming fatally injured.



Image Credits: Meghin Moore

Finnigan (AKA: Finn; His full name is only used when he's in serious danger or trouble.)


Follower of Aibek

German Pointer & Alaskan Husky Mix

2.2 Years (26 Moons)

Moon Tribe


Bisexual (Interested in Males or Females!)

OPEN (Develop in RP or PM me!)

Felicity (Estranged)

This young male is enthusiastic about literally everything. Life is an unopened treasure chest to his mind. He's often creating weird and unusable creations just because he's willing to give anything a try. At his bolder moments, he'll even wear his crafts to show off to the tribe. Of course, the pride he takes in these actions is more foolish and light-hearted than real self-righteous pride. Finn is very pup-like in his behaviors, often being oblivious to tension and anger. (WILL ADD MORE.)

Finn has a medium-small stature, he walks the line between being to short to notice and almost tall enough to be respectable. If anything, he looks like a pup of a much larger breed. Even his ears and paws give hints that he should still be growing, but the mixed heritage in his blood seems to have agreed he's at a perfect size. His coat is a very closely cropped length, leaving no room for dirt or twigs to attach themselves to him as he forages for tools. However, he also ha little protection from thorns and branches, often leaving his white and red dappled coat mottled with bruises or innocent cuts.




Image Credits: N. Karim



Follower of Alira (Some Heretic/ Heathen doubts, but would never admit to it due to his respect for the tribe's traditions.)

Anatolian Shepherd & American Pit Bull Terrier Mix

5.1 Years (61 Moons)

Earth Tribe

Second In Command

Bisexual (Interested in Males or Females!)

OPEN (Develop in RP or PM me!)

Arya (Loner, OPEN if someone wants to play her for some drama!)

Aspen has quite the standoffish appearance, but quite the opposite personality. On the outside, he seems like the kind of dog to snap at you for breathing in his personal space. But, if anyone threatened by his looks took a single moment to converse with him they'd realize he's just a handsome old man with a heart of gold. He always strives to do the best by his tribe-mates, after all, his is intending to lead them one day. He struggles with this because he has recently come to doubt in his tribe's deity, Alira.

Aspen is a very simple looking male, with a tan coat and broad shoulders. His short fur allows his imposing frame to be constantly on display. At the points of his body, his nose/paws/tail are a darker shade of black which blends seamlessly into his tan basecoat. His face is quite square, with sharp features that allow his deep cognac eyes to seem almost black in color. Additionally, he also refuses to wear any adornments that the craftsmen make, as a policy. He hates the feeling of materials against his skin.

Until recently nothing truly exeptional has happened in Aspen's life. He was born to a bloodline that had spent generations living the tribe life, and so he did the same. He learned, he trained, and he worshiped on repeat for years. At some point, he worked his way up to Second In Command. He's honestly a bit fuzzy on the memory of how or why that happened considering that he sees himself as a very average, non-outstanding, dog. What has truly brought a change to his life in the current moons is the seeds of doubt he has noticed in his heart. Aspen knows that his fears are irrational; there is no way that the deity Alira has abandoned the tribe. Still, with his twin sister, Arya, angrily deserting tribe life after she was passed over for the position of Second In Command, it seems that he can't stop thinking about the anti-religious rants she spewed as she left...


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Edited on 20/09/19 @ 19:51:10 by Kekoa (#88005)

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-09-19 12:55:12


"...There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I feel I now have the burden of proving it."

Name: Bravo

Gender: Male

Age: 2.8 years

Tribe: Earth Tribe

Rank: "Craftsman"

Religion: Heatheeeeeeen!!

Breed: Great Dane (70%), Rhodesian Ridgeback (15%) Catahoula Leopard Dog (10%), Labrador Retriever (5%)

Sexuality: Unknown- if you can tolerate him...take your shot. Please.

Mate:: None

Family: N/A

Personality: For what he lacks in size for a traditional dane, the male makes it up with great, great ego. They argue that he has a complex, that he's peeved about being smaller than most great danes, but in truth, Bravo firmly believes that his brain rivals all of those around him. He is absolutely convinced that he's surrounded by idiots who have taken it upon themselves to make a false religion in order to feel like they have a greater good, a reason behind the normal happenings of the world. He thinks he's a total genius, and frankly, he is, but nobody lets him believe that. He'll just gloat about it until the end of times.

Bravo is easy to offend, and he's a super big brat. The male cannot tolerate dirt and or germs, and therefore avoids pups at all costs. He puts himself up on a very high pedestal with room for only himself because he's clearly the superior individual around here. He may not have the brawns, but the male's as sharp as a whip, even when it comes to making crude statements. He can wage verbal war all day long, but physical? No thank you, no interest in getting dirty!! However, Bravo is a very sore loser. The shrewd male won't hesitate to come up with an excuse to "back out of" any disagreement if he feels that he's beginning to lose. Honestly, he's just too tired, or his paws are simply too sore.

However, while he may be an arrogant smart-ass, the dane does come with his benefits. Indeed, he's extremely difficult to get along with and very relentless with his attempts to drive everyone away, but once you get to know him, Bravo isn't half bad. He's passionate and this is contagious, and not to mention, he's pretty loyal to his pals. He can have a good laugh every here and there, and he's always eager to spread his knowledge...even if you don't feel like listening to that senseless babble of his.

Appearance: His ego? Enormous. However, when it comes to his stature, Bravo isn't particularly "giant" for one who carries such strong ties to a giant breed. As can be expected, the mutt is impressively slender with short, sleek brindle fur that clings to his build. He's relatively powerful, but not exceptionally so, unless he gets a running start and tosses himself into someone. His oblong legs provide him with exceptional speed and stamina. Bravo is almost always well-maintained when it comes to appearances, seeing that he's disgusted by dirt and anything gross. He doesn't drool, and never refer to him as a slobbery mutt. He will nag your ears off.

History: Really, there isn't much known about Bravo. He started out as a loner, spending most of his years studying the life around him and taking up multiple mentors. He eventually joined up with the Earth Tribe after deciding that he wouldn't mind companionship and potentially dissecting the unique social class of the tribes. However, he's pretty useless, since he doesn't like to get dirty. He can be pretty fun to argue with, I suppose.

Other: n/a

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-09-19 12:55:47


"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."


Latin for eagle.

4 years old.





Follower of Aibek.

Tornjak (50%), Kuvasz (25%), Great Pyrenees (25%).

The seemingly gentle priest has grown rather large, reaching 30 inches at the withers. The oversized male has a build many might feel would have been put to better use as a warrior, but Aquila chose a different path, or perhaps it chose him. Well-proportioned and agile despite his size, his sturdy framed is covered by a thick white coat. A large patch of brown framed by black hairs along the fringes and around his ears adds some color to his face, stretching from one side of his head to the other, broken by a white blaze up the muzzle. Brown speckling stretches across his broad snout, meeting at his coal-black nose.

Another patch of grizzled fur lays across his hindquarters, with brown spotting dotting the rest of his body like paint drips on canvas. His tail is shaggy and held high like a flag, his movements dignified and coordinated. A serene expression is most often plastered across his maw, his honey-brown eyes filled with patience and warmth. The fur around his neck lengthens into a fluffy ruff, resembling a mane. As such, some tribemates have taken to giving him the nickname Leo, which he seems less than fond of. He wants no association with lions, the symbol of Elio.

A dog revered for his wisdom and conviction of faith. Perhaps his greatest strength, or his weakest, Aquila is a very driven and focused individual. He exudes a sense of calm and neutrality, but this is little more than an extraordinarily well-maintained facade. Once his mind is set on something there is no changing it. Heโ€™ll keep pushing forward until whatever ambitions he may be pursuing are either accomplished or else no longer relevant. This tenaciousness is both a curse and a blessing, heโ€™ll never give up on any cause he aligns himself with, but that in itself could very well be his downfall. He also tends to be unforgiving toward anyone who slights him, holding grudges for years upon years.

Heโ€™s a passionate, outgoing canine all around, usually with an encouraging word for everyone he meets so long as they remain on his good side. His natural charisma may be mistaken for being flirtatious, but more often than not heโ€™s only trying to be friendly. On the occasion, he actually is flirting itโ€™s unmistakable as he isnโ€™t shy and is known for being straightforward and unabashedly direct. Aquila is a highly intuitive and meticulous person, extremely in touch with both his own emotions and those of others. His charm and empathy can lead to him being a tad manipulative from time to time, but he isnโ€™t inherently a malicious dog.

Aquila is renowned for his courage, never one to back down from a challenge no matter the danger. While not quick to resort to violence, he has a fuse difficult to put out once ignited. In the few instances heโ€™s needed to fight he proved vicious and brutal to his opponents, not letting up until either they lay dead at his feet or begged for mercy.. There was, perhaps, regret to be found after the anger had faded, but heโ€™d never admit to such a thing aloud. If asked, Aquila would tell you he has no time to waste on remorse.

Secretive in nature, he keeps much of his true opinions and thoughts to himself, rarely sharing them with even his sister. Despite likely being viewed as a social butterfly, he is in truth a bit of an introvert who enjoys his privacy and needs a good amount of time to himself every now and then. When his wishes arenโ€™t respected he can grow quite resentful. Anyone unfortunate enough to have Aquila pissed off at them will find him difficult and vexing to work with.

Whether in regards to friends, a family member or a lover heโ€™s undyingly devoted, despite some finding him flaky and unreliable. One of his worst traits is his predisposition to jealously. While both confident and self-assured, he doesnโ€™t take well to anything or anyone he perceives as a threat to his relationships. He doesnโ€™t hide his displeasure well in such cases and things can get ugly if not addressed in the early stages.

Aquila was born in the midst of a solar eclipse, an event deemed sacred by their incessantly religious mother. Unlike his father and sister, Aquila whole-heartedly accepted the expectations of his dam from an early age, trailing after the priest and shaman earnestly to learn all they could teach him. Aquila privately hoped for the rank of a shaman, the journey through the mountain and opportunity to speak with Aibek an honor he wished for himself. Instead, once the former priest passed he was asked to take his place. Nothing was ever guaranteed if he refused, and so he accepted, glad to serve Aibek in any way he could.

The day Cygnus returned with a white raven perched upon her shoulder, Aquila found himself more envious than happy for her. He had dedicated his whole life to Aibek's teachings, and yet his sister chose the path of a warrior and was granted his greatest dreams? Why had no spirit bird ever come to him? Why had Aibek chosen his sister instead? It stung deeply, but he forced a smile and congratulated her, eventually settling into his role with the acceptance he was still a servant of Aibek and must accept this defeat with grace.

Sister: Cygnus: Living.

None. TBD.

แด›สœแด‡แดแด‡ sแดษดษข
Come With Me Now - Kongos.



"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."


A name of Old French origin meaning forest guardian.

3 years old.






Kai Ken.

Standing on the shorter end of the spectrum at 18 inches, what Ranger lacks in size he makes up for with tenacity. He sports a compact and well-muscled build, capable of surprising strength. His tail is curled, carried in a sickle position, and Ranger's fox-like ears are always pricked to attention. His medium-length coat is harsh in texture, meant to offer protection from the elements and is a dark, reddish brindle. He appears to be have been meant for mountain life, his strong, heavy limbs and overall rugged physique adapted to climbing. Small dark brown eyes easily reflect his inner fire and anyone with half a brain cell won't dare to underestimate him in a fight.

Anyone expecting a gentle lamb of a dog are going to be sorely disappointed. Impatient and a bit lacking in the impulse control department, he portrays himself as being calm, collected and composed, but in truth, he's a fiery soul with a temper that's easy to ignite. Once set off he tends to be unforgiving and relentless, more often with words than teeth, until he has time alone to cool off. Whether he comes to regret his actions or not will likely depend on how he feels about the other person or people involved. Despite Ranger's volatile moods he isn't entirely unkind and attempts to treat others with respect until given a reason to dislike them. He comes across as confident and resolute despite his smaller stature but has his own private insecurities to deal with.

Fearless and bold, he's not one to shy away from a challenge. Undeniably passionate about the causes and people he chooses to align himself with, Ranger is someone you can trust to have your back no matter the dangers or risks. He always strives to do what he believes to be right, but tends to be so stuck on his own ideals that he isn't always open to new points of view. Fierce and protective, he considers himself a guardian and will always look out for the downtrodden. This in itself could prove a weakness. He is easily moved by the plights of others. Those who know him best can see past the rough and ever-so-serious facade he has created for himself, knowing him as an enthusiastic and optimistic individual with a softer heart than one might expect.

Ranger was born into Moon tribe to purebred Kai Ken parents, their family working hard and painstakingly to preserve the purity of their bloodline; the downside, of course, being a lack of options when it comes to mates, with the only true choices being dogs who already shared your blood. Ranger found his kin smothering and their obsession with keeping their ancestry free of outside blood frankly disturbing, he never shared their views despite having them preached to him every waking moment, and while his parents never struck him, their words were often harsh and cruel should he express his discontent.

As a yearling, he made the decision to leave the mountain in order to escape their controlling grip. It was only in the compassionate and tranquil lands of the Earth Tribe he realized how bad things had really been. The emotional abuse and manipulation he was subjected to for his first year of life hitting him like a stampeding herd of murk deer as he observed other, more loving families. He's never regretted leaving, and while he won't be quick to say it out loud he's grateful to Eden and her dogs for allowing him a new and better life.

Back in Moon Tribe. They're terrible, so npcs unless someone wants to play an awful character.

None. TBD.

แด›สœแด‡แดแด‡ sแดษดษข
Dear X, You Don't Own Me - Disciple..



"I don't expect the words of a faithless heathen, as you so mildly put it, to matter all that much to you, but express some critical thought once in a while. Your 'gods' absolutely reek of fake ass bitch syndrome."


A name of Aztec origin meaning heart.

3 years old.






50% German Shepherd Dog, 25% Standard Xoloitzcuintli, 25% Mexican Coyote.

Though a mutt, it's clear Yolotli comes from a long line of German Shepherd mixes, built just like a Shepherd for the most part. Her frame is well-muscled and robust, her structure solid yet slender. Her short, airy coat is a patchwork of black, tan and white. Her eyes are mismatched, one a strikingly pale blue while the other is a bright chocolatey shade. Her medium-sized ears are tall and firm, moderately wide at the base and ending in rounded tips.

Her tail is subtly curled, reaching down to her hocks and covered in longer, feathery fur. Her paws are round, equipped with short, sharp-edged black claws and her dewclaws have been left intact. As she wasn't born among the tribes and follows no religion she sports no piercings, but a red bandana is tied around her throat.

While never one to harm another dog without reason, Yolotli tends to be unforgiving and suspicious, the sort who leaves little room for second chances. Her vanity is likely her worst quality, convinced she is a gift to the world and should be respected as such. Stubborn and efficient, she's an exemplary hunter, known to chase and track down prey for miles, returning with a matted, muddy pelt, but also carrying a prize in her jaws.

It's undeniable she has a lot of passion for her interests and such qualities might define her as a desirable pack dog. All the same, Yolotli is both exceptionally picky and hard to impress, preferring to rely on herself over counting on others. Life is far easier when you only have your own needs to satisfy. This, and her clear refusal to accept the Tribes religions keeps her on the society's outskirts despite her clear signs of intrigue.

While not in any hurry to be tied down by a pack, Yolotli is far from adverse to company. On the contrary, she's happiest with a companion by her side, whether she'll admit it or not. Her independent nature and headstrong tendencies tend to make following orders difficult for her, but when she's the one issuing out commands and being admired? Well, that's a whole different story.

Born in lands far beyond the tribes reach. She adopted a nomadic lifestyle once she was old enough to strike out in her own, and many different names, wandering from place to place, but never finding anywhere she wanted to stay. Many different companions, canine and otherwise, came and went until Yolotli stopped purposefully seeking out fellowship. No one ever remained with her, so what was the point? Eventually, her travels brought her to the tribes. She has little interest in their religious traditions, but there is something about the community that intrigues her, enough so that she occasionally mingles among the dogs who call the vast ruins home and lingers within the fringes of their territory.

*Insert generic family names here. As they're unlikely to be relevant I'm not going to add them.*


แด›สœแด‡แดแด‡ sแดษดษข
Team - Krewalla.



"Your god is dead."


Derived from the Latin stella polaris, "pole star". This is the proper Latin name of the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor, commonly called the North Star or Pole-Star.

6 years old.




Former leader of Sun Tribe.


Ibizan Hound.

Delicate in appearance, but built fairly hardy all the same with strong bones. Her wide, pointed ears are a trade-mark of the Ibizan Hound. Her coat is smooth and silky, the majority being a pristine white splotched by burnt orange. Her eyes are a clear, pale amber flecked with copper and her nose is a dark rose color. She is decently tall at 20 inches, but proves lightweight at only 45 pounds. A noodle of a dog. As with most sighthound breeds her build is lithe and lean with an elegant, athletic outline and springy gait. It's clear see from which parent Spiro inherited his grace and good looks. It's also evident Polaris has been better days. Both of her ears now contain tears and there is a rather grotesque scar along the left side of her muzzle, cut so deep you can see a hint of teeth through the wound, leaving her with what appears to be a permanent sneer.

TW: self-harm.

Gonna write out later bc t i r ed.

- Emotionally blunted/distant. Apathetic.

- Socially isolated. Untrusting.

- Disorganized and erratic.

- Compulsive and easily irked. Tends to bite her legs in frustration hard enough to leave bloody marks behind.

- Proud, vain, clever. Once considered a very beautiful, classy, impressive dog. Some of those qualities still linger beneath the surface.

- Rough around the edges, reluctant to let herself give love or be loved.

Her paternal grandparents were nomads from another land, settling into Sun tribe in their youth. Her father was the apple of his parent's eyes. It was a shame she couldn't be the same for him. The male was frivolous, and could never seem to commit to anything or anyone. Many said it was his nomad's blood, gossip his parents took offense to. Were they not loyal, both to each other and the Tribe? But it didn't matter. Outsiders would always be subject to scorn. They urged their son to take a Tribe born mate and he relented, but it did not last long, and he was on to the next girl by the time Polaris and her siblings were conceived.

It was no surprise to anyone when the lackadaisical male disappeared, abandoning his tribe and bringing further disgrace to his family. Their mother was resentful, and she raised her offspring to be just as bitter as her, treating them coldly as they reminded her of the mate who broke her heart. Polaris worked hard to prove her worth to the Tribe, believing she must make up for her father's shortcomings. It appeared to have worked, her dedication and strength soon earning her a place as second-in-command and eventually leader, but Polaris hid a secret. She no longer believed in the gods.

As a yearling, her brother died after being attacked by a lion. Polaris prayed and prayed, but his wounds were too great. At the age of 3 her sister also perished, terribly wounded in a battle against Moon Tribe and dying at her paws. When her mother, glacial and nasty as she was, also perished to an incurable disease Polaris silently denounced Elio. Everyone had been taken from her no matter how hard she worshiped or how much she prayed. Elio had never rewarded her devotion, so she would turn her back against him and never say his name again.

Soon she bore a son of her own, her mate simply a donor. She didn't need anyone to rule beside her or help her raise this child. She would bring him up to be the next leader, she would pass on to him a disbelief in the gods. There would come a day when Sun Tribe no longer believed, when Elio's grip on the desert was broken, but to her dismay, Spiro believed with all his heart, spurred on by his father and the other followers. Saving him on the pedestal felt like a waste, he was a failure. She would have to have another. A child more easily moldable.

Yet every time Polaris attempted to produce another litter nothing came of it. Thus came the first wave of paranoia. Had Elio struck her barren? Polaris felt fury rather than fear. Even if this god were real she wouldn't submit. It made her more determined than ever to destroy his legacy. She kept at Spiro, hoping to cast doubt, but as another year passed her paranoia grew, developing into something dreadful. The other dogs didn't understand it, they feared it, and instead of helping her they cast her out to the sands and crowned her son king.

Spiro: Son: Alive.


แด›สœแด‡แดแด‡ sแดษดษข
"Can you hear the fury, the tides now are turning
There's power in our veins,
It's madness, so insane."

Savage - Sam Tinnesz.

"Tell me would you kill to save a life?
Tell me would you kill to prove you're right?"

Hurricane - Thirty Seconds to Mars.

She's become inflicted with a condition similar to schizophrenia in recent years. Her connection to reality can prove fleeting and she's often plagued by conflicting hallucinations and delusions. With help this could have possibly become a manageable condition, and perhaps it still can be, but the girl is often troubled by the trials of her ravaged mind and her behavior tends to scare off strangers.

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Edited on 20/09/19 @ 13:08:47 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Sleep ๐ŸŒฑ (#44085)

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Posted on
2019-09-19 14:02:12

click the image for it's source

โ€œWe all have a Monster within; the difference is in degree, not in kind.โ€

Name Orcus
Formerly: Adan
Gender Male.
Religion Follower of Nagaraj.
Breed 100% Weimaraner
Age 7 years.
Tribe Earth
Rank Warrior.
Sexuality Heterosexual, Heteroromantic
Mate Deceased. Open through rp.
Caine - Son - Deceased
Abel - Son - Alive

The definition of two-faced itself, Adan Orcus is a dutiful and personable dog to the naked eye. Dedicated to his role of warrior; he keeps his head down and does as he's told, when he's told and doesn't make a fuss while doing it. He seemingly enjoys the company of his pack and does his best to fit in, though he does just enough to keep up appearances and not enough to pull him into the spotlight. When meeting the other "side" to Orcus you would wonder if it were just that, another side, a split personality perhaps.. if only he weren't entirely conscious of the fact that he has control of bringing either side to light.

His true personality lies just under the sprinkled sugar coating of his facade. He is a ruthless killer, free of guilt, even when lying to the faces of the family members and children of the dog he just felt gasp their last breaths between his teeth. He can look them in the eye and spin a yarn that even a dog who saw him kill would believe. Extreme narcissism envelopes what little humanity he might have left, he pities those who aren't him. They are merely bugs, so easily squashed under his paw.. if only he were still in a place of power. Oh, how he loathes those who banished him from his place atop the throne in the Sun city. His burning desire for revenge grows exponentially every day, and his cries to Nagaraj all the more loud as he screams for them to be destroyed. His son.. left from his past life of being someone else. The thought haunts him, drives him mad at night, when and where will he come for him? How long is it until he's found out for being mad? Mad.. Orcus isn't mad, everyone who doubts his true right to power are mad for standing in his way. If only he were as young as he used to be, then they would rue the day they disowned him. That's only a thought though.. things are much different now and 'Orcus' will have to adapt to survive.
Orcus exudes an odd, sickly demeanor. It seems his mind is caught in the past, riddled with what once was, while his body wastes away with age and neglect. He isn't frail in the least, the thought of him possibly being sick seems to be a feeling you get upon meeting him. His body, though toned and relatively healthy for his age- seems to not be able to keep up with his demands of it. His coat is a dusty grey, common for his breed, and it seems quite dingy and unhealthy. His eyes are a piercing brown, a stark contrast to his murky coat. They are always studying, thinking, watching..

He bears many scars on the skin of his legs and face, the worst being a deep hunk of flesh missing out of his left hind leg. Though healed over, it is a plain reminder as to why you never tango with a desert monitor. Orcus often wears a silken scarf around his neck with which he uses to cover the majority of his face on occasion, once it helped him keep out the blinding sand- now it is just a piece of cloth that masks his identity from those he fears.
Once the adored, stunning, revered leader of Sun city- Adan! Now, a nobody living within a tribe he could care less about under the name 'Orcus'. The thought itself sickens him, though the story of his downfall brings a feeling of burning hatred in his heart.

Let down and abandoned by the deity he so worshiped and the tribe he so loved, his own mate disgracing him with a weak.. son. If only that squirming hairball would have lasted another hour in the grueling heat, perhaps Orcus would still be 'Adan' and Adan would still be leader of the Sun tribe.. perhaps. Once he had gotten rid of those closest to him, who had hurt him so deeply, he was turned on by his own tribe- cast out into the wasteland and swept up in a harrowing sandstorm. He found himself lost in a desert he knew like the back of his paw, scavengers nipping at his heels and waiting for the moment of his demise. A close run-in with a monitor seemed to be the tragic end of his tale, a fate befitting such a mad ruler. He would disappear into the desert, never to be seen again.

Though just as he was ready to throw in the metaphorical white flag, something spoke to him. The glimmering scales made him think it was the monitor, coming back to finish him off in his last moments. He looked into the face of the beast and saw the souls of those who had died to it, trapped for an eternity. As it spoke to him, he couldn't quite make out what it was saying- only that he could see his own withered soul being sucked in with the others. Nagaraj, the name finally came to him and he spoke it to the creature just in time for him to lose consciousness. When he awoke he was being tended to by an unfamiliar shaman in a rather familiar land, Earth territory. It seemed as though much time had passed, the wounds that had been draining his life only moments earlier were healed over. Perhaps it was a chance to start anew.. a chance to change the past, or an opportunity to rise once again and take back what was once his. Only time will tell.
Theme Song - Dessert - Devil
He's a crazy old man, the only thing he could do to kill anything now is bore someone to death with his war stories.

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Edited on 20/09/19 @ 12:02:09 by Sleep (Mutt Side) (#44085)

Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-09-19 14:49:59


โ€œI stood eye to eye with violence
And it blinked first.โ€


[โ€œTravels at Nightโ€]


3 Years


Follower of Alira

Earth Tribe



โ€œEven dogs bleed like sheep.โ€

Physical Description
A medium-sized lass who is more muscle and fluff than anything else. Standing above average at twenty-three inches at the withers, sheโ€™s not the tallest, but certainly not the shortest either. Her legs are long and her chest is broad, exuding strength. A prized warrior boasting impeccable balance and endurance, it sets her apart from the common folk. With a thick layer of muscles that speak of hard work and dedication, Asra is a sight to behold when in action.

An earthen hued canine, she fits right into the dense forest she calls home, a breathing masterwork of rich oak, cream, and tan. Her tail, bushy and curled to rest against her side, has an ivory underside. Small, triangular ears are proudly displayed, rarely drooping, and adorned by a small kernel of copper colored piercings. Her neck exhibits a layered copper necklace, twisted into a corded appearance.

Asra exudes power, despite not being the most herculean of the Earth tribe. Her head is always lifted, ears always forward. Sheโ€™s balanced securely upon her paw pads, appearing as though she is both an immovable object and an unstoppable force. Her eyes, a brilliant mix of amber and moss, appear focused and alert at all times. She moves in a confident glide, with fluid strides.

โ€œI often forget to temper the hornets
Within this loveless mouth of mine.โ€


Resolute and quick-witted, Asra is good at making quick decisions and sticking to them with a strong, unwavering dedication. Nothing can sway her once sheโ€™s made up her mind, and even her respect for her leader can rarely push past those reinforced walls of stubbornness. It is possible for her to let go of the decision, though. Possible, but not likely. She understands risk and reward like no other and uses that understanding to make her decrees. Asra views everything in a realistic way, refusing to be some naive, optimistic dog. On the other hand, she refuses to be an overly bitter and jaded pessimist. She keeps all of her goals tangible.

A hard worker at heart, Asra is tireless and diligent, possessing both endurance of the mind and body. She will get the job done, one way or another. Usually while completing others and coming back early to relax. Her extraordinary work ethic can only be trampled by her criticism. Openly critical of herself and others, she will snap at the heels of lazy dogs and those who halfass things to offer a bit of encouragement. Despite her critical attitude, sheโ€™s watchful and protective of her tribe.

Possessing a strong urge to do what is necessary more than what is right, others can tell that this lassโ€™s moral compass rarely ticks. She looks after herself first, before others, proving to be selfish at times of survival. Still, she does not lack intelligence. Often times, she will find the most โ€œcost efficientโ€ way to complete a task, and is no stranger to asking for help. However, she can prove to be quite sarcastic, and caustically so.

โ€œBeing loathsome and lovely
In equal measure
Is probably a talent somewhere.โ€


Asra was born in the Earth Tribe to a pair of former loners who sought refuge from the harsh world to try and give their offspring a chance they didnโ€™t have. Asra grew up surrounded by the tribe and its dedication to life, learning how to be a tribe member and learning about the deity they worshiped.

Her parents, so dreadfully uneasy with tribe life, still found the time to teach their young offspring how to survive as a loner, should fate choose that outcome for them. Asra was taught how to hunt alone, how to get creative, how to track and trap, how to hide. She excelled with those teachings and listened dutifully to her parents lectures about who to trust and who not to trust, what not to say to others, and how to properly lose dogs to the wilderness.

Eventually, her parents figured tribe life wasnโ€™t for them and left. Asra was left heartbroken and furious, but remained in the place she came to love and care for. Now, she serves as a scout to the tribe, and does a damn good job of it, too.

โ€œIn the end
There is no blaze of glory.โ€


Family & Relationships
Fraja - [Mother] - Alive
You left me when you promised you wouldnโ€™t. You said you were going to be different than your parents. Youโ€™re a liar. Show your face to me again and it will be scraped off.

Alendro - [Father] - Alive
You left an hour before our lessons. An hour. And you didnโ€™t say goodbye? Pick a hell and rot there.

[Nothing else so far! Message me if you want to set up something, or come meet her!]

Theme Song
Anger - Sleeping At Last
โ€œI feel the Earth shaking under my feet
I feel the pressure building until I can't breathe
And it takes everything
And it spills out
Reckless but honest words leave out my mouth
Like kerosene on a flame of doubt
I couldn't make it right
Alarms will sound
But it's too late for holy water now.โ€

Eyes on Fire - Blue Foundation
โ€œI'm taking it slow
Feeding my flame
Shuffling the cards of your game
And just in time
In the right place
Suddenly I will play my ace.โ€

Abandonment Issues?? Yes bls.

โ€œThe road to ruin is shorter than you think.โ€

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Edited on 25/09/19 @ 07:34:53 by a Moderator

msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-09-19 17:49:02

Click image for source

50% Saluki, 50% Greyhound
Moon Tribe
Straight, but he's not much for mates.
Eden(Sister) ALIVE
?(Sister) ALIVE
?(Sister) ALIVE
Fisk is a very quiet dog, not outstanding or standoffish. He's lean, and gentle. He takes pride in how the young pups of the tribe come to him and how he watches over them. Hidden under his soft, sweet exterior is a vicious killer though. He killed his way up the ranks, heartlessly letting them bleed out.
-photo- He has dark, chocolate brown eyes and stands at the same height as his sister. He wears a small pouch, with a small dagger and vial of poison. He's got silver, heavy rings in his left ear.
He left Earth at age two, seeking greatness and power. He joined Moon, and his ambition corrupted him. He murdered his way up the ranks. At the moment, he has his heart set of the murder of Kite. His end goal is to fuse all the tribes and take control.
Open to a mate

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Edited on 04/10/19 @ 15:40:09 by Msiai(Clean Aufeis Mosaic) (#174627)

โOrionโž (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-09-21 16:45:14

ย  ``๐”ธ ๐•ค๐•ฅ๐•ฃ๐• ๐•Ÿ๐•˜ ๐•จ๐• ๐•ž๐•’๐•Ÿ ๐•ค๐•ฅ๐•’๐•Ÿ๐••๐•ค ๐•ฆ๐•ก ๐•—๐• ๐•ฃ ๐•™๐•–๐•ฃ๐•ค๐•–๐•๐•—, ๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•• ๐•’ ๐•ค๐•ฅ๐•ฃ๐• ๐•Ÿ๐•˜๐•–๐•ฃ ๐•จ๐• ๐•ž๐•’๐•Ÿ ๐•ค๐•ฅ๐•’๐•Ÿ๐••๐•ค ๐•ฆ๐•ก ๐•—๐• ๐•ฃ ๐•–๐•ง๐•–๐•ฃ๐•ช๐• ๐•Ÿ๐•– ๐•–๐•๐•ค๐•–.``



Zelda, infact, is agnostic though she has not told any of her pack mates in fear of being exiled or punished for it.

Breed(s): (Remember, these are stray dogs. Purebreds would be quite rare.)
Zelda is quite a strange dog, well she isn`t really one. You see, Zelda`s mother is a husky, but her father was a wolf. Most dogs don`t know about Zelda`s history, but let`s just say some wolves know a thing or two about her.

19 (in human years) but looks to be in her 20s physically


Moon Tribe




Family: (Relatives and pups.)
Zelda`s family is quite peculiar. She has a sister from her father`s side, a wolf named Mympha, and an uncle named Syrus, a siberian husky. Her parents are alive but she has no intel on where they are, all she knows is that could be out of the tribe territories after her mother left the moon tribe.

Zelda is a quiet elegant dog. She, however, has quite a rebellious personality. Like her name means (Zelda means grey battle) this wolf-dog is a fighter and is not afraid to speak up. She can be quite snarky and has and reputation for intimidating tribemates with her hot-headed side, which not most have seen since she tries to keep her temper under control. She doesn`t have much patience either when it comes to others and pups, but when it comes to battle moves and hunting tactics, she loves to show off her skills as one of the finest hunters in the moon pack. With all of this interesting personality, Zelda can be described as a wise warrior, which she won`t mind you calling her anytime.

Appearance: (Photo or Description.):
Zelda is a tall fluffy white husky... well looks like one. She is quite tall, in fact she is taller than most of her tribemates! She has a triangular nose and long pointed ears, with small tuffs on the tips of her ears. She`s is purely white, with dashing electric blue eyes. She is also muscular and firm, though her paws are slightly small and elegant along with her body frame reflecting that. She has a moon piercing on her left ear, a gift from her parents.

Zelda`s history is strange and not many packmates know it, but people all know of her mother. Her mother was Amira, a white husky dappled with light gray patches. She was kind, sweet, and gentle though her mother also had a fiery side like Zelda. Amira was a powerful warrior, some tribemates saying her orange eyes seemed to blaze like a fire when she glanced at an enemy. Zelda`s father was a friendly wolf, Tiberius, and was black as the night with eyes as blue and calm as the ocean washing up against a sandy shore. He was calm, patient, and elegant... though he was a real jokester. Amira met him as she went to wander around one day, and the two seeming like yin and yang got along well even though they bickered sometimes. Amira kept their friendship a secret, a soon that friendship became a bond of lovers. No one knew or even knows Amira`s mate was a wolf and she just said that one of her tribemates who had died recently, Zeus, was Zelda`s father. Zelda however knew her father wasn`t Zeus. Her mother had actually allowed her to meet her real father and Tiberius and her grew close. They all met each other and got along until, the tribe started getting suspicious. Apparently, word had gotten around that Amira and Zelda snuck out of camp a lot and the tribe began feeling dubious towards the two she-dogs. A few weeks later, Zelda woke up to her mother gone, and word from her sister Mypha told her that they had gone off to live a happy life, but they wanted Zelda to live a happy life in the tribe. Zelda was upset, wishing her parents had taken her with them, and Mypha promised to tell her when they return. Until this day, Zelda waits word from her sister about her parents` return, hoping to leave the tribes behind and roam as free as her parents` did with their secret bond.


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Edited on 23/09/19 @ 07:57:30 by โOrionโž (#172490)

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