Posted by New King Personality

The Crow (#112292)

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2019-09-27 13:50:22
I enjoy the different lion personalities, and the little gameplay advantages your main male gives you based on his personality type. Here's an idea I'm throwing out, let me know if you like it.

New Male Personality: Cowardly (Snarky)
This personality type is a reference, of course, to the Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz. Since a similar lioness personality, Timid, is a Snarky type, this one would be as well.

The perk you get by kinging a Cowardly Lion? No energy loss when you choose to flee a battle. Your king currently loses 5% energy if he chooses to flee, the same as when he loses. Since there's no difference in energy loss and fleeing eliminates the chance of victory, adding this mechanic would give you king an incentive to do the "cowardly" thing and run away. It would also serve as a counterpoint to the Stoic personality, where a king loses only 7% energy instead of 10% after winning a battle. We've all found ourselves in a tough fight where we are badly outmatched some time or another.

This suggestion has 35 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 27/09/19 @ 13:53:07 by Mysterious Stranger's Cousin (#112292)

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