Posted by 🐱Warriors Of The Valley RP Server 🐱

oxalis² {ukame} (#154957)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-04 21:33:31

Warriors of the Valley takes place among 4 clans- Aloeclan, Heatherclan, Nettleclan, and Yarrowclan.

🌵Aloeclan resides under the blistering sun and cacti. Their land is harsh and filled with predators, but that hasn’t stopped them from thriving. Cats of Aloeclan learn the basics of healing and even grow their own herbs.

🌸Heatherclan is exclusive to shes and trans cats. A long time ago, Heatherclan and Nettleclan were united under the name Sedgeclan. After moons of oppression, the shes parted ways and claimed the waters as their own.

🌿Nettleclan is exclusive to toms and trans cats. After Sedgeclan and Heatherclan’s separation, Nettleclan learned the ways of their errors and earned Heatherclan’s forgiveness over the course of several moons. Now the two clans have their own customs and have become powerful allies.

🌼Yarrowclan is the youngest of all the clans. Once a rogue group in the city, they moved to the valley in search of a better life. At first, they were greedy and made a fool of themselves. Now, after receiving aid, the clan is determined to gain the respect of their peers. However.. That doesn’t stop them from acting on their kinship with kittypets.

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