Posted by Hidden {Literate Discord Shifter Roleplay}

Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-10-09 13:15:33


Unknown to the everyday person, a pack of Shifters live within the homes of the normal civilian. The pack is considerably small, four members in total, and have infiltrated the lives within the town of Ohera in the hopes of adding others to their family.

Under the rule of their leader, they have somehow added themselves into their chosen person's lives and have been living together for the past two years as pet and owner. But, soon enough, the leader will give the entire pack an ultimatum; bite and shift their chosen human, or face exile from the pack. Who will step up to the task and who will face banishment from their pack?

Basic Rules
▣ Roleplay is literate with a two paragraph minimum post size.
▣ Shifters can be any species kept as a pet.
▣ Adult language is permitted. If this makes you uncomfortable, this isn't the roleplay for you.
▣ There are only slots for 8 characters total.
▣ RP is on Discord

How to join
All you need to do is post a roleplay sample here! Please use the species you plan on roleplaying with as your character in your sample.
There are three shifter and four human slots still open!

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-10-09 14:14:08

Not the character I plan on joining with, but hopefully this'll do for a roleplay sample. Let me know if you were looking for something different. Hoping to join with a canine shifter, most likely a sighthound.



The word bounced inside her brain, a repeated mantra she continuously ignored despite the voice’s growing insistence. “I will rest when I’m dead,” Polaris replied flatly, her vision blurring as she forced herself forward. The night offered a brief respite from the sweltering heat that weighed on her limbs during the day, leaving the hound overheated and disoriented, yet the chilling bite was just as bad if not worse, cutting through her sleek coat down to the bone. She wasn’t meant to retain warmth, most of it lost through her comically large ears. This land was a curse, but it was her prison now. She must make the best of it.

Something slithered in the darkness, glossy dark scales glinting under the light of the rising sun. Polaris’ amber gaze narrowed, zeroing in on the beast as it coiled around her. “You are not real,” she stated factually, continuing her trek.

“Aren’t I?” The serpent hissed, his silky timbre ringing through her ears. “When will you see the truth? I am the one god. The true god. The only one who can free you from this suffering. Will you not submit?”

“I will not,” Polaris confirmed. “Be gone Nagaraj.” As if on command the snake burst into flame, disappearing seconds later in puffs of smoke. Polaris watched as it spiraled into the sky, feeling satisfied. Delusions of the gods were always the easiest to see through. They were nothing more than stories. Tales dogs made up to explain the world around them and give them something to believe in. She could see through the lies, the fairytales. They were not real. They were never real.

With an abrupt lurch, the Ibizan tumbled forward, landing in a clumsy heap with a grunt. Specklings of sand showered over her frail form and for a moment Polaris could do little more than lay curled on her side. Perhaps it would be easier to sleep. To give up and forget this world, but she was nothing if not tenacious. Crawling through the dirt with all the elegance of a worm, she found the strength to return to her paws, shakily continuing her aimless wandering.

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Edited on 09/10/19 @ 14:15:20 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

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