Posted by LF: 1x1 Warriors RP

Brim (#40671)

True King
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Posted on
2019-10-13 19:28:42
Heya! So basically I’m just looking for a chill (but long-term) 1x1 warriors rp on discord. Just, like, 1-2 sentences a post, maybe more if we’re feelin it. Post when you can, at least once a week? I’m a college student, so I’m rather swamped but damn if I don’t miss role-playing :’) I’ll try to reply at least once a day, but those exams and research papers are gonna come a’knockin fairly soon ahah

We can do romance or no romance, completely up to you. Any sexuality or gender welcome, of course. I tend to do better with slow-burn romances or none, though. I’m also pretty down for other types of non-romantic relationships--mentor and apprentice, family members (adopted or not), estranged family members, friendships, ect.

I plan to only use OCs, but if for some reason you want to play a canon character, then by all means; feel free. I would like to only rp SFW, and avoid sensitive topics. I also tend to curse here and there, although I can limit it if it makes you uncomfortable. Please let me know if there are any triggers that I should avoid!!

I would love if we were to befriend each other OOC as well, but not a requirement. Also!!!! I love world-building!! If you wanna base these Clans in a mythical-esque realm/specific biome, want to add traditions, or anything else along those lines, I would love to help flesh that out!!! However, I’m not the best at drama? Please be patient with me, and let me know if I’m dragging on a bit too much lol


In case this sounds like something you’re interested in but want some semblance of a plot to go along with, then here’s a few ideas that may or may not be terrible ::

-Just day-to-day life from kit/apprentice to leader/deputy/medicine cat/whatever to elder, mini-plots thrown in as we go along

-Our characters get separated from their Clan (natural disaster? supernatural reasons? humans?), and thus the role-play is a whole ass fantasy-esque adventure getting home

-Something halloween-themed? Zombie outbreak? Rabies running rampant?

-The Clan(s) are broken apart, our characters are either trying to rebuild it/them or trying to survive on their own after relying on a group for so long

-A tyrant leader reigns over the Clan, while a rebellion brews in secret

-A loner is convinced to give Clan life a try, or vice versa. If the Clan cat decides to try out loner life, then Clans are just background information rather than The Focus™

-A bear or some other apex predator invades the territory

-Multi-Clan politics/war?

-Just, like, combine of these plots, or come up with something else. If you have an idea you’ve been dying to try out, please share!!! I’m very flexible, and I love hearing your input!! ^^


Sorry this was so long!! But hey, if you made it this far and you're still interested, please PM me for my discord tag! ^^

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