Posted by | The introduction of Mega Evolution to Sinnoh |
![]() Lynx 1.0 (#91211) ![]() Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-14 17:27:17 |
I have had this rp idea for a while, we will be rping humans and pokemon. About Me as an Rper 1. I'll reply every day and I expect the same from you. I'll loose interest if the rp does not move forward. 2. I like to write 3 large paragraphs, if not more; but I will generally match what you give me. NO ONE LINERS. 3. I write only in past tense 3rd person, I expect the same from you. 4. Always up for OOC chat, just not good at starting it. 5. I am always up for hearing rp ideas. If you have an ide . Dont be worried about saying something! 6. I am dyslexic. So sometimes spelling will be weird. I usually catch it, but it is a thing. 7. I am not a fan of pointless filler. If I write 7 paragraphs and you just can't come up with anything and can only write 7 sentences? I get it, it happens. But I do not want, the color of the cracks in the old fences separating lawns, mentioned in every paragraph. It's pointless filler. Can't work with that. We will each rp one main human character and one main pokemon character. The pokemon are Lopunny and Lucario, because they both evolve from human trainer relationships and mega evolve. We will ONLY be rping pokemon from Sinnoh. If the pokemon was not in Diamond, Pearl or Platinum, they will not be featires. Except for Eeveeloutions and pokemon added to the evolutionary chain. Story: Mega Evolution was only recently discovered. Team Galactic is after these mega stones. There are one of each pokemon who hold and protect these stones, a garchomp protects garchompite, a houndoom protects houndoomite. The lopunny and lucario who had been protecting their mega stone had been awaiting their replacements. Waiting to meet trainers willing to release their beloved pokemon to protect these powerful artifacts. Except they do not arrive in time. Team Galactic destroyed the lopunny and lucario protecting these stones. Team galactic has all the known key stones. With Team Galactic gaining more and more mega stones every day it's up to our two trainers to defeat them. Rules: our characters will start off with 3 pokemon. The starter pokemon can be from any region but you can only have one. The next pokemon will be buneary or riolu. The final pokemon is a eevee that evolves into Espeon, Umbreon or Sylveon. Just cause they evolve from friendship. If you want 3 more pokemon we can catch then along they way, but our pokemon cannot be the same. We will have a Character thread for our trainers and our pokemon. As will sort our natures, abilities and moves as well as held items. Few other things I'm weird about: Lucario must be male and Lopunny must be female. I really love both these pokemon so I'll leave it up to you which one you want. I can rp a male or female human just fine, but I will rp opposite of what you choose. My starter will be Tyflosion so that one is off limits. You can have any starter in the game except the one I claimed and ones that mega evolve. Also, I highly recommend that if you choose a slow moving starter like torterra or swimmers like samurott, they know a good get away move like dig, aquajet, bounce, something that can be used for a quick exit because our characters will be on the run 90% of this rp. Also, our starters will be around level 50, and egg moves are acceptable among ALL pokemon. As well a tutor moves, but TM/HM moves wont be entered until they are necessary. While our Starter pokemon are fully evolved, powerful level 50, the rest of our team would range from level 5 to level 15. Our trainers only have one pokemon they used for protection, so the rest will have to be trained up. Z-Moves may be introduced later... just not for our mega evolving pokemon as they can hold only one item at a time. No pokemon on the team can mega evolve except Lupunny and Lucario! I dont care about genders of pokemon, and I dont mind if you have a couple shinys. Just not all of them. Okay! Hit me up if your interested!!!! https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429376791 Pokemon Roleplay! How Mega Evolution became known in Sinnoh!!! ![]() Edited on 14/10/19 @ 18:39:04 by Queen Lynx (#91211) |
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