Posted by Fawn's Roleplay Finder!

fawn (#187772)

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Posted on
2019-10-16 10:00:14
Introduction: A Bit About Me
Hi everyone! You can call me Fawn or Sigur for short. I'm currently just getting back into roleplaying and would love to have more people to do it with! I am available on both Discord and onsite, Lioden- and may even make an exception to use email if need be.
A quick note: English is not my first language, so if I make mistakes every now and then that is why! I've been trying super hard recently to get better at English, which is also why I want to get back into roleplay.
I go between living in Europe to living in the United States quite often, so I will either be around two hours ahead of Lioden time or I will be 7-9 hours ahead. I will always find time to reply, though.
I'm cool with talking OOC and getting to know each other if you'd like!
My Availability
I'm available to roleplay for around 2 hours per day, depending on classes. I don't expect hasty replies and won't remind you to reply unless you'd like me to- I understand life can be really really busy. I'd also ask you do the same of me- to not push for a reply unless it's been a few days.

My Style
I write generally 2-3 paragraphs at a minimum, and will try to match my partner in length. One-liners aren't something I'll do ever, they just don't give me enough to work off of. I write in third person (first person is a little hard for me but I can try).

I do not have a preference on pairing (MxM, FxF, FxM), and I'm fine with mature content. I don't really have any triggers, but if you do please let me know! I generally only roleplay humans

I strongly prefer to come up with plots with my partner so we can both be interested and engaged in it. Worst comes to worst, though, I do have some plots in mind and we can always share ideas with one another and come up with something!

Great! I'd love to chat more. Either comment or PM me this info! If you have any questions for me, don't hesitate to ask. Thanks for reading!
Preferred platform: (Discord, email, onsite)
Preferred pairing: (if any- FxM, FxF, MxM)
Any triggers/limits?:
What you like in RPs:
What you dislike in RPs:
Anything else:

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GuardianOfAutumn (#187624)

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Posted on
2019-10-16 13:27:04
Name/Username: My username is GuardianOfAutumn, but feel free to call me Autumn!
Preferred platform: (Discord, email, onsite) Onsite PM's work best for me.
Preferred pairing: (if any- FxM, FxF, MxM) Preferred is MXF, FXF is fine with me and I often enjoy it, have no experince in MXM.
Any triggers/limits?: Nope, I'm really fine with anything. I mean, no scary age-gapes in mature RP's and stuff like that, but otherwise I am chill.
What you like in RPs: Human/humanoids are my strong suit, and something I quite enjoy Roleplaying with in a mature RP. Werewolve's, vampires, shifters, elemental's, hell even just human's is fine with me. I don't mind regular wolves or warrior cats, but human's or humanoid's are by strong suit. I do prefer romance/mature role play's (and slowburn. I. Love. Slowburn. Hehe ) but I'm pretty flexible in that area.
What you dislike in RPs: I don't dislike all that much, I mean...I don't like instant love. Like I said above, I am a sucker for slowburn. But. I know a lot of people don't like that, so...I guess one of the only things I don't like is instant love/love at first sight. I mean, I will tell you if I don't like something, but otherwise...that's it!
Anything else: I have to warn you, I'm a bit of a unorganized person, XD. I have a busy life, and often will read a message, and forget to reply. Please, if I do not respond within 24 hours, tell me. My Roleplay posts can vary from four or five lines to four or five paragraphs, it really depends on how I'm feel!

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Edited on 16/10/19 @ 13:51:31 by GuardianOfAutumn (#187624)

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