Posted by |:| Feral Pride |:|

SandSiren (#90800)

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Posted on
2019-10-18 18:49:24

Main Roleplay Thread


Here is the Form to fill out and post here. When accepted I will add them to the Hierarchy on the Roleplay page. I will eventually add both Hierarchies here so they can be easily accessed by those wanting to join.

Desired Rank: [What they'd eventually want.]
Background: [This can include Views on the Other Pride and whether they originated in the pride or are an outsider who joined.]
Appearance: [Preferably Lioden Lion/Lioness]

The River Pride Hierarchy



Second in Command:

Lead Huntress:




Healer Apprentices: [Max 2]




The Ridge Pride
Rp Sample Required



Second In Command:

Lead Huntress:



Healers: [Max 2-3]




The Rogues
All Male. Rp sample Required.

The rogues are apart of the coalition that is entering the Two Prides' territories in hopes of taking over at some point. Please Pm me for more details!

The Role Descriptions
This is just a basic description for the role in both prides, only a couple will have pride specific descriptions.

The King is one half of the Leading Pair, and while he is in charge of the entire pride, he primarily overseas the guards, or basically, to put it simply, the males in the pride. He is pretty much equal to the Queen, though they can both override each other if needed, but it is rare. The King is the more dominant of the pair in the Ridge Pride, since he inherited the Throne through birth, instead of from being mated/marriage.

The Queen is the other half of the Leading Pair, and, like the King, while she odes oversee the entire pride, she is primarily in charge of the Hunters and Healers of the Pride, or, to put it simply, the Lionesses of the pride. Like stated before, she and the King are equals for the most part, and while it is unusual for it to happen, one can override the other. The Queen is the more dominant of the pair in the River Pride since she inherited the Throne through birth instead of marriage/mating.

The Heirs are pretty much just the offspring of the King and Queen. One of them will be chosen as the eventual Successor, though it defaults to the eldest male cub until one is chosen, or if one isn't chosen. They're to be protected at all costs, as they're the future of the pride.

Second In Command
The SIC is almost always a male lion, and is the second highest ranked male lion in the Pride. He is usually always pretty close to the King, sometimes even related, and is the most trusted male in the pride for the King, as well as, one of the strongest in the pride. The SIC is typically picked by the King, but it can be challenged for by other males. He also acts as like a Lead Guard making sure the orders they all receive are followed. When the King is not around, he will act in his place for the Male lions in the pride and make sure the Queen or Lead Huntress are obeyed. He is often the one who enforces punishments too if the King or Queen don't do it themselves.

Lead Huntress
The LH is pretty much the second highest ranked Lioness in the pride, as well as one of the best hunters if not the best. This position is given by the Queen to the Lioness she thinks is the best fit, which often means the LH is usually pretty close and highly trusted by the Queen as well. She acts as the Lioness version of a SIC. Her primary duty, though, is running hunts and making sure the pride stays fed. She will, however, fill in for the Queen when necessary and carry out her orders.

Healer is one of the ranks the is different for the prides.

For The River Pride, the Healer is also one of the most high ranked lionesses beneath the queen, sometimes even more so than the Lead Huntress. However, unlike the LH who might carry out the Queen orders for the pride, her only duty is keeping the pride healthy, and making sure the Apprentices are being taught. This is a Highly, extremely Highly Respected Rank since it is the Original Rank of the First Sister. While it is rare, it is possible for the Healer to a be a male.

For the Ridge Pride, it's almost the opposite. There are multiple healers, and there are no apprentices. In fact, the rank is looked mildly down upon because of the fact that it was the First Sister's original Rank. Even though they are crucial to the pride, they can be treated rather poorly. They are in charge, though, of making sure the pride, especially the injured are kept healthy, or at least get there eventually.

The Guards are the primary fighters of the Pride, the first line of defense, or offense, in the case of a fight. While all members will participate in fights more often than not, the Guards are the one who's sole duty is to protect the pride and the territory every day of their life. They constantly patrol and look for danger, and will defend the pride with their lives. There is almost always one Guard with the Cubsitters while the pride is out and about to help keep the young safe. Occasionally, if needed, they will also aid in hunts, but it is rare. The Guards are primarily Male, but they can be female too.

The Hunters are the ones who's main purpose is to provide food for the pride. They will aid in fighting when there is danger, but that isn't their main job. The Hunters who are heavily pregnant or have newborn cubs who require frequent nursing temporarily act as Cubsitters until they can return to hunting. Sometimes the Hunters will even act as Cubsitters if there are a lot of cubs, or there is danger present in the area. So it isn't unusual to see them fill in different positions when necessary, like the Guards will as well. While most of the hunters are going to be Lionesses, there are some male Hunters as well.

Healer Apprentices
The Apprentices are on in the River Pride, and there is usually only about two of them at a time under the Healer's guidance. Usually there is a significant age gap between the two, the older one day will replace the Healer, and then eventually the younger will replace them. This just ensures the pride is never without a Healer and always has apprentices. They are learning the ways of healers, and function under her guidance.

The Cubsitters are the ones in charge of the cubs when their mothers aren't, which is typically when the pride is out and about. There are temporary Cubsitters, like the lionesses who are nursing or too pregnant to hunt safely, but many of the Cubsitters are lionesses who just love cubs and want to spend their days teaching them and keeping them safe. There can be male Cubsitters but it is mostly a female dominated rank. Cubsitters are basically babysitters on steroids.

These are the cubs from birth until one year old. Once they turn one they are flushed out into their decided rank, and are trained to do their duty with the adults. But, before than, they are cubs. They are meant to be rambunctious, and to have fun and be under the watch of the pride. They are, by every means, the future of the pride.

The Elders are the highly respected lions who have made it to old age and now have the luxury of just spending their days being lazy. Some of them do make a habit of helping out, usually through cubsitting, but they aren't required to do anything except for occasionally tell stories, because even adults like those. Elders are too be respected, any disrespect to an Elder can result in terrible punishment.

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Edited on 20/10/19 @ 19:59:07 by Mahara (#90800)

SandSiren (#90800)

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Posted on
2019-10-18 18:54:33

4.5 Years
The River Pride
Desired Rank:
She's happy at the top.
Kat is a very friendly and kind lioness, though she doesn't have as much patience as her ancestor did. She tries her best to be understanding and forgiving of mistakes, and often succeeds. However, once she has been burned badly by someone, she's not quick to trust them again. Much like her ancestors, though, she is always right there in the front-line trying to help others, and takes it personally when those in her pride are harmed. She has a deep, bitterness for the Ridge Pride, and it's one of the few times anyone will ever see her be aggressive. She is very strong-willed and confident, though her kindness leaves her open to be taken advantage of. Kat will pretty much trust anyone until it's proven they are untrustworthy. She also does her best to be calm headed, though sometimes she gets easily frustrated by things. She tries her best to be graceful and elegant, but she can be a little socially awkward with males, mostly when they're flirty. She has no knowledge on how to flirt, and often verbally trips over herself when she tries. Also, Katlego is extremely hesitant to become a mother, as she fears she doesn't have what it takes to be a good one.
Kat is the descendant of the First Sister, and so their hatred for the Ridge Pride was passed down to her. Often, when asked, Kat stumbles over why she hated them, but she just knows that she does. Still, she's been raised to be a kind hearted lioness who is open to others, groomed from the get go to be Queen.
Noting for now.

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Edited on 19/10/19 @ 19:17:08 by Mahara (#90800)

SandSiren (#90800)

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Posted on
2019-10-18 18:55:28

3 Years
River Pride
Desired Rank:
She isn't really sure what could be ahead for her, but if a Lead Cubsitter rank was created, she'd want to be bestowed that rank.
Inaya is a very caring lion, with a very empathetic nature. She adores cubs, and takes pride in defending them from danger. She is always one to try and help others, but the female has a very fierce side as well. She's always the first to jump to the defense of someone, usually cubs, but she would put her life on the line for anyone she cares for, no matter the consequence. However, she's just a little shy and easily intimated by stronger or bigger lions. She only becomes that feisty little lioness when someone else is in danger. Inaya is a little clumsy and has a significant lack of coordination in every day life, though she's very careful with cubs, and it causes her to be a horrible hunter. She is insecure about the fact that, while she can focus enough to fight and defend cubs, she has no skill in hunting mostly do to her lack of coordination. So, if hunting comes up she will quickly retreat and avoid the whole situation entirely. This insecurity of her hunting ability has left Inaya being a little shy, and not the best at social interaction. Truthfully, Inaya also wants nothing more than to be a mother and return the gift she was give when she was taken in by one of the pride's Cubsitters, and thus her adoptive mom.
Inaya was not born into River pride necessarily, but she and her brother were orphaned cubs who were picked up and raised by a Cubsitter in the pride. She greatly admired her Adoptive Mother, believing her to be the strongest and greatest lioness in the pride since she took in two orphans. She admired the Queen too, but no one has ever had a bigger impact on her than her Mother. So, once she was old enough, she became a Cubsitter herself, though her lack of coordination helped, since it makes her a terrible hunter. She doesn't know how she feels about the Ridge pride, but if they're a threat to cubs, they're not friend of hers.
None, but open.
None, though she wants them
Inaya has a brother, pm me if you wish to Rp him.
She's done, but I'm still kind of working out the bumps in her personality.

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strwberrie (#93848)

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Posted on
2019-10-18 23:08:14
Name: Brooke
Age: 4 years
Gender: Female
Pride: River Pride
Rank: Guard
Desired Rank: Brooke has a desire to become Queen someday, however, respects the current Queen too much to challenge her, so if there was ever a position of Head Guard she would quite enjoy that as well
Personality: Brooke is fierce and determined. She has a bit of a colder temperament than most of her pride, however she has adopted a lot of their kinder traits as well. She has a very empathetic side and cares about her pride members tremendously, she just has a hard time showing it occasionally. Like most of the River Pride, Brooke is fairly friendly although more guarded than some of her pride members tend to be. She is quite confident in her abilities and will defend her pride with everything she has, Brooke always gets up when she is knocked down and while she does not actively seek conflict, will never back down from a fight. She is quite flirty with every lion and lioness, often not realizing she is flirting (she is a tad oblivious at times). The main insecurity Brooke has is her past as well as her scars, she tries to pretend she isn’t but occasionally you can catch her staring at her reflection in water huffing when she looks at the marks that slice through her otherwise gorgeous coat. She has a soft spot for cubs and sometimes thinks she would like to be a mother, but other times fears she will be inadequate to raise a cub or so.
Background: Brooke was taken in by the River Pride as an older cub/young adolescent after her sister from the Ridge Pride was killed in one of their many skirmishes with rogues and other prides. Terrified from the ordeal and realizing the Ridge Pride was not all she thought, she fled and sook out refuge. Although reluctant, the River Pride’s King and Queen at the time took a chance on the scared, injured cub and decided to welcome her. She has since proved her loyalty to her pride tenfold and despises the Ridge Pride based on her past.
Crush: n/a although open!
Mate: n/a
Cubs: n/a
Other: She was given a new name after proving herself to the River Pride and due to her blue-grey coat was called Brooke. (ignore the cubs in the photo hehe!)
I don't know how to upload photos still :( she is in my 'keepers' den under the name Aqiria, if you can help me learn to upload an image feel free to PM me :))

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Edited on 18/10/19 @ 23:11:58 by Ginger (#93848)

Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-19 09:20:02
Name: Shujaa

Age: 4

Gender: Male

Pride: River Pride

Rank: King

Desired Rank: Happy where he is

Personality: Shujaa is a kind and quiet soul who would rather talk it out instead of fight. He is protective and will do anything to protect his mate and the pride, even if it means death. He loves Cubs and hopes to at least father one batch before he dies. He is sweet and will always listen to others and get their opinions. He is a benelovant ruler and tries to stay that way.

Background: Shujaa was born into the pride by some pretty messed up parents. They were ashamed that he was born more beautiful Than they and tried to mar his looks with scars. From that, Shujaa has some self image issues and trust issues, although he tried to hide them from most of the pride the best he can. He has scars all over his body, but if anything, they make him prettier, not uglier. He was amazed when he made his way to the top and became King. He is still getting used to being near a female who doesn't sneer at his scars. He loves Katlego and is loyal to a fault whith her.

Crush: none

Mate: Katlego

Cubs: none yet

Other: nah.

Free Image Hosting at

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Edited on 19/10/19 @ 09:44:39 by Snini9 [demiurge frontal]L/on (#154479)

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-19 16:09:27

Note: While the pose above denotes a female, Solis is and always has been male.

Name: Solis
Age: 3 years
Gender: Male
Pride: River Pride
Rank: Healer
Desired Rank: Satisfied.
Personality: The best way to describe the ghostly male is that his head seems to almost always be in the clouds. He is quiet and gentle in his wake, with his interactions with harsh gossip being minimal to none. When he's seen, it's to gather herbs or to help those in need of aid. Some describe him as a hopeless romantic, but it's impossible to make assumptions because he simply keeps to himself. Solis is far from an open book, but he does have an obsession with the stars and believes they hold significant meaning. Most disregard this as nonsense and sometimes consider him insane, but rest assured, he's about as harmless as a house fly. Solis keeps a peaceful approach in almost all situations, and can be seen as a diplomatic creature. He moves with all the elegance and caution in the world, and his wisdom is unimaginable.

However, the male strongly prefers to keep to himself. He recognizes himself as an oddity and sometimes fears what his pridemates might think of him. Do they consider him an oddball? Will he ever be accepted as a member of the pride? Regardless, he is diligent and dedicated to his duty, and very sensitive towards others. He may not say much, but Solis makes a phenomenal companion. If you ever need to get something off your chest, he's the guy to go to. He may talk to the stars and mumble things about omens, but your secret will always be safe with him.

The male is responsible and accepts what he is in stride: a rarity, and an individual holding a powerful position. Solis priorities his duties over his own personal relations, hence his lack of close friends (or even a girlfriend). While he is silent, his mind is always at work. It is his greatest desire to find a way to unite the prides as one, to overwrite the wrongs and violence of the past and look forward to a peaceful and fruitful future.

Background: He was born a mistake, between the previous queen of the Ridge Pride in a fiery scandal with a hybrid rogue. She regretted her one night stand almost immediately, remembering her duties to her pride and affection for her king. She did her best to hide it, and during the day of his birth, she tossed the hybrid son away, to erase the wrongs she had done and created.

She didn't care of what might happen to him- she thought he had passed. Unbeknownst to the Queen, her son did more than live: he prospered.

The cub was taken in by an elderly lioness who named him Solis and taught him to be great. He was raised to be proper and grew up with tales that inspired him, stories of the two sisters. Sol was inspired by what he heard, and desired enlightenment more than anything else. He wished to learn from the mistakes of their past, and with that, he struck out to find the prides as an adult.

He joined the diplomatic River Pride, and shocked them all when a sign was given: he would be their next healer. He trained hard as an apprentice until he became their full healer. He's been their full healer for roughly a month.
Crush: None
Other: Demisexual...very very open to plotting and fun twists! Closed to family.
Appearance: [see above]

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Edited on 20/10/19 @ 07:57:14 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829)

Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2019-10-19 21:15:16




3 years




Ridge Pride



Desired Rank:

Queen, but in a different capacity


Observant and judgmental Rameka is a hard lioness to please. A first impression means everything to Rameka, she believes that there are no 'do overs' in life and you get one shot to show the world what you're made of. The boisterous lioness likes to get the upper paw in any situation and doesn't enjoy being caught by surprise. Ram has no problems telling people exactly what she thinks of them and tossing in her two cents on every issue, biting her tongue is not a strong suit. Rameka sometimes has trouble sensing tension in a situation so when she starts to run her mouth she often doesn't notice when her words ruffle feathers and sometimes the backlash catches Rameka off guard. She doesn't enjoy fighting per say but she's very good at it, her unnatural size and strength aiding in her abilities.


Since birth Rameka was groomed by her mother to personify the ideals of a true Queen. She was supposed to be the perfect mate for her king, to follow behind him and facilitate the upbringing of the next generation of pride royalty. Unfortunately for the Queen Regent Niara her sister did everything in her power to undo the traditions that the former queen drilled into Rameka. Taka is a firm believer that lionesses should rule, she had left the Ridge pride to start one of her own, where she was the sole ruler and the lionesses ran the show. Despite her best efforts, Niara’s teachings were cast aside for the more radical beliefs of Taka the Queen of the Mut Ma’at pride. Now Rameka hopes the tentative whispers of a merging of the two prides could set the stage for her own revolution of sorts.


N/A currently


N/A currently




Roleplay Sample(s)

Another Reference image
And another one
Lioden Lion image

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Edited on 19/10/19 @ 21:56:35 by Kailani (#18301)

SandSiren (#90800)

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Posted on
2019-10-20 01:01:57

5 Years
The Ridge Pride
Guard or Second in Command (Haven’t Decided Yet)
Desired Rank:
Oh yeah. You heard it here first, Nero for King 2020. He has his sights set on it all.
Nero is a charismatic and confident male, borderline cocky, practically oozing masculinity from every pore in his body. More than just your brawny brute, Nero has a lot of sarcastic wittiness to back him up. Not that it’s a good thing, though. He can definitely be selfish at times, putting his own aspirations above most, though there are times he will gladly put others first, it’s just not a lot of the time. However, once Nero has his eyes set on something, it’s incredibly difficult to shake him. His determination and will know no bounds, and he will do anything to get what he wants, even if it makes others angry. All that confidence comes with experience though, and he’s got the skill to back it up. Nero has seen his fair share of fights, and he’s come out victorious in most of them. If he hadn’t, he likely wouldn’t be here today. And Nero, loves a good fight. If he’s being challenged in a fight, it’s a good day even if he loses. The male just doesn’t know any shame. Which, again, is not good when it presents itself in other ways. Like, say going after a Queen he has no business trying to woo? Yeah, a lot of points for this one right? It’s important to know that, while there’s few Nero puts before himself, however, once you’re one of those people, he would defend them with his last breath. Most of the time.
Nero grew up with a pretty normal cubhood. He only left his home pride in search of more. He earned his way into the Ridge Pride, and is determined to get as high as he can within it. And if that means taking the River Pride down in the process, then so be it. He may not have anything against them personally, but if it ends up benefitting him, he won’t hesitate.
He may or may not have a desire for the Queen.
He’s not really shy about it though.
Nero is definitely up for some drama llama. He’s really not supposed to be an overly likable character, but I think he will be a lot of fun.
Ain't he just a basket of fun?

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-20 07:25:01

Name: Ingwe
Age: 4 years
Gender: Female
Pride: Ridge Pride
Rank: Guard
Desired Rank: Anywhere that'll allow her to better crush the skulls of her enemies.
Personality: The guard is almost a ghost of her Clan, in terms of socialization, but her presence is still widely known and deeply respected by her pridemates. She forever scolds herself for the mistakes of her past (bearing some lame rogue's cubs), and absolutely refuses to discuss them. Ingwe leaves little time for petty conversation, but can occasionally make herself decent company. Intimate talk, however, isn't typical of her. She prefers to converse about accomplishments and how enjoyable it would be to demolish all other prides.

Work is everything. The time she has relentlessly poured into her pride is no joking matter, it's almost frightening. Ingwe is horribly serious, and her only "jokes" are about beating the stuffing out of others, and it's really difficult to tell if she's joking or not. The lioness rarely relaxes and is almost always the first to volunteer to patrol or do anything notably difficult. She has earned the respect (and fear) of her pride through blood, sweat, and tears.

The feline's loyalty is something that will never, ever be doubted again. When she sets her heart on something, Ingwe pours everything into it. All she wishes to do is to build the Ridge Pride up and make them proud of her accomplishments, and keep all that she loves safe from harm. The lioness is really willing to die for her pride, or even suffer the sins of a thousand lives for them. Call her up-tight, but Ingwe is something to be reckoned with. Her might and presence are serious, and the love and loyalty she has for her home is something even a blind lion could see.

Background: Ingwe was like most reckless adolescents: upset that she could never win the respect of her mother and father. She was born and raised in the Ridge Pride alongside a litter of four, meaning that it was a constant brawl for the respect of her parents. Unfortunately, Ingwe always came last...after all, her four siblings were all ambitious little dudes, all aspiring to be second in command. The little lioness simply couldn't impress her parents the way her brothers did, leaving her to feel empty.

As an older adolescent, the lioness fled the Ridge Pride without a trace, and had an explosive relationship with a rogue that lead to a litter of cubs. It was then that she realized that this wasn't what she desired, that the respect of her parents didn't matter: her pride did. The father failed to come around any longer, and Ingwe regarded her cubs as those of tainted blood, and she disowned them all. Their fates are unknown, and perhaps it's best kept that way.

Ingwe returned to her pride and hasn't ceased her hard work ever since. She's become cold and stony, and mentioning what she's's a death sentence. She will die for her pride in order to prove her worth and loyalty to them.
Crush: None- she seems pretty married to her duty.
Cubs: Three deceased cubs.
Other: "Ingwe" means leopard, as most South African lore regards the lion as the coward, and the leopard as the brave and powerful one. c:
Appearance: [see above]

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Edited on 20/10/19 @ 09:05:50 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829)

Karrie (#173901)

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Posted on
2019-10-20 13:08:20
Name: Miko
Age: 2 years
Gender: Female
Pride: Ridge pride
Rank: Heir
Desired Rank: She's happy wherever she can be in power and best brutally murder her enemies
Personality: She has no problem telling people what she feels even if, especially if, it hurts their feelings. She has anger problems, let's just say you don't want to get her mad. She's very charismatic and a little sarcastic. She is strong, you can tell by the way her muscles ripple under her fur.
Background: She grew up in Ridge Pride, wanting to be just like her mother. Following her father everywhere, watching everything he did. She adored him, and still does.
Crush: Nero- although he pretty much treats her as though she's invisible.
Mate: None yet
Cubs: None yet
Other: N/A
Appearance: click

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Edited on 21/10/19 @ 13:55:08 by Karrie (#173901)

Coach (#184450)

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Posted on
2019-10-20 17:03:32

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Edited on 26/08/22 @ 16:16:57 by Coach (#184450)

hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2019-10-20 22:19:10
Name: Darbi
Age: 2 and a half years
Gender: Male
Pride: River pride
Rank: Heir
Crush: Caligo
Mate: Open
Cubs: None
Other: He is a primal

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Edited on 21/10/19 @ 12:40:16 by Neros (#184208)

cheesethechao10 (#163953)

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Posted on
2019-10-22 08:34:19
Name: Catastrophe (Nickname: Catas)
Age: 6 months old
Gender: Male
Pride: River Pride
Rank: Cub
Desired Rank: Hunter or Healer Apprentice
Personality: Catas has pretty low self esteem. He hasn't held himself to a high regard, and has a chance of never going to. Maybe it can be attributed to his name, but he actually likes it.
When the cub isn't busy beating himself up verbally, he likes to play (like most cubs do.) . Playing is like an escape for him. Meaning, he engrosses himself in it, and doesn't stop until he's mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted.
All in all, to other lions, he's quiet then he plays... a lot.....
Background: Catas was abandoned young. All he knew was his name. He could barely walk, or even open his eyes. When he did, he found himself in River pride. When he was asked any questions, his response was always "I-I don't know."
When they finally asked his name he responded differently "Catastrophe. But I guess you can call me Catas."
Thus his nickname was made.
His low self esteem came from not know what had happened. A million scenarios had run through his mind, before he settled on that Rigid Pride had thought him useless and abandoned him.
Deciding on that path made him long and hate Rigid Pride. He never really let himself get extremely close to any of the lions here, afraid they would abandon him as well.
Eventually, a month after he arrived he started to get less cold and detached.
He still holds the fear of River Pride not wanting him anymore, so that's where his harsh criticism to himself comes into play.
(Sorry it's so short! >~<)
Crush: Open
Mate: Too young
Cubs: Too young
Other: He's open for an adoptive mother.
Appearance: [Preferably Lioden Lion/Lioness]
His base coat is deep fawn and eyes are Celestial. He has a bobbed tail that he was born with and black stripes. His piebald is white and withered.

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Gizzard (#125465)

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Posted on
2019-11-01 19:08:53
exactly 7 years
Ridge pride
Ridge pride king
Desired Rank: [What they'd eventually want.]
Retired elder? not desired, just thinking it inevitable.
While appreciative and protective of his pridemates, he will not hesitate to make sure they know their place.
His acts of kindness seem sparce however, normally only acting in dire situations or treating pridemates he is very close to openly kindly. This leads most pride members to think he is very cold and emotionless. Which is true for some cases, especially for outsiders. If they don't prove themselves right off the bat, they are treated hostilely by him and he would show no mercy in driving them out.
His softer side might remind one of a gentle elder however, he is not physically affectionate nor takes physical affection well. However he does have kind words for pridemates in need and close friends.
Background: [This can include Views on the Other Pride and whether they originated in the pride or are an outsider who joined.]
He actually would rather ignore the River pride then seize it over to expand territory. Although his ancestors did all they could to drive them away or get rid of them for good, he'd much rather pretend they didn't exist simply for his and his pride's safety.
Others may be against this and while he is open to discussion, he leaves battles with the River pride to be arranged by his Second-in-command.
He knows this is lazy but simply doesn't have as much of a grudge towards the pride then the others unless they openly look for war or to endanger his pride.
N/A, not interested in a mate.
He maintains "tallies" in the form of scars on his left shoulder. Done out of respect instead of a trophy. Though that's what his pride would think.

(WILL PROVIDE RP EXAMPLE TOMORROW, just making my sheet now.)
Appearance: [Preferably Lioden Lion/Lioness]
(no wardrobe pic just yet only because i don't quite have the hang of it)
Dove gray with darker striping along his flanks and tail. Mane is a cloudburst type color.
He has supernumerary teeth, primarily in his fangs which is the most dangerous feature about him. The extra fangs jut out from under his lips.

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Mira Mira (#183810)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-12-04 19:17:53
Age:3 weeks
Pride:river pride
Desired rank: guard
Pers9nality:sweet but cunning,a bit evil,Hyper,good.
Backround:was a cub found somewhere,so he doesnt have a single drop of river pride blood inside of him. A secret he keeps to himself is that he was born in ridge pride,then his mother left him to die. He tries not to say anything about the past,he likes to tell himself if you live in the past youll never see the future or stay secret stay hidden stay safe from his days alone.
Other:has a half tail when his mother tried to slay him. He escaped,hut not with the tips of his tail,or his left ear.
Looks:a grey cub with Bloody crimson eyes and scars on his half tail and ear. A bit of primal fangs,although might never be a good hunter.

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