Dunstac Dragon ARPG Adoptables
-=- Roleplay | Profiles | OOC
-=- "I was there, when it happened. I saw the Rupture. It threw our world into a cycling slow, and then loud, death. Like a heartbeat, but every pulse drained more from the land."
Still a WIP. These are a CLOSED species, meaning a Dunstac dragon is only official if one is bought from me or made with a MYO pass. All dragons are ARCHIVED to their respective owners, so I have a list of who has which!
Adoptable Rules
* You DO NOT have to join the RPG if you don't want to!
* Do not claim the adoptable's work as your own unless you have been permitted to color in a base. The lineart must still be credited to me!
* Prices are final, but can be paid for in items that are currently selling for the same amount.
* Payment must be sent in advance, once you have won or are using an autobuy, before receiving the artwork. If payment is not sent 7 days after the win date, the adopt will be placed back up for starting bid for another week.
* Do not remove my watermark. (I will make it as uninvasive as possible!)
* You can apply story, names, genders to your selected dragon: it is possible to claim a female dragon base as a male, but note he will be considered very feminine. There is sexual dimorphism to each species.
* Minor changes (Scars, birthmarks, eye color) can be changed. However...
* Designs are final. What is advertised will not be altered in color or markings, because these images are all destructively built. IE: I don't have the separate layers of them archived.
* Designs cannot be auto-bought through in-game cash. That can only be done through the USD autobuy option, otherwise you will need to wait out the 7-day bidding period.
* More rules may appear if needed.
ARPG Rules
* Armor, pets, magic, and other attributes granted through the ARPG will be listed as they are available.
* Do not draw or write about your character having an upgrade if they haven't been approved. I'll be keeping a sheet marking who has what.
* Re-selling or gifting your adopt IS possible, just notify me so I can update the archives!
*More rules may be added as needed. The ARPG is still under heavy development.
Dragon Statistics
While I'm a big fan of D&D, and was thinking about integrating that into the ARPG, I also realize that's a LOT to keep track of. So I'm simplifying the D&D statistics down to more easily match a forum RP setting. These will be translated to character traits, and when RPed, must be included as flaws and boons to that character. You can have these materialize however you like, however, and specify further what their strengths and weaknesses will be based on the stats. IE: If a dragon has a low Agility, you can state their balance is exceptionally flawed (IE clumsy), while they still have decent ability to craft small items with their claws.
In the future, I may introduce items that boost stats (with detriments to other stats -- no one should ever have straight 10s down the board) in case a player isn't 100% satisfied with what their dragon has. Stats will appear like so, in a spoiler under each adoptable now, with a number that is 1/10:
Strength: Physical Power, Brawn, Size, Etc. Dexterity: Balance, Speed, Coordination, Etc. Constitution: Staying Power, Disease/Poison Resist, Health, Etc. Intelligence: Brilliance, Spell Ability, Manipulation, Etc. Wisdom: Danger Sense, Caution, Patience, Instinct, Etc. Charisma: Cleanliness, Vocal Power, Poise, Etc.
1-2: The dragon is scrawny, thin, or perhaps even anorexic. They can have small wing muscles (Hard to fly or stay in the air), an inability to bully their way out of entrapments (chains, fallen rocks, grappling), or even -- if you wanted to advance the flaw that far -- have issues walking, running for long periods of time, and be either incapable or find great struggle in climbing and swimming.
3-4: The dragon is scrawny or slim. They can find some issues in flying, climbing, swimming, or running for long periods of time. While they may struggle with entrapment, they might still find a way to writhe out of it, perhaps not with full brute force, but more luck and agility. Perhaps they can appear wiry and lean, roguelike in physicality.
5-6: The dragon is of average shape, decently strong for their size and species. They appear healthily strong and can accomplish most feats of strength that would bring their abilities into question. They can fly well, climb well, swim well, or spar well.
7-8: The dragon is more muscular than normal. They can usually start to outperform dragons of average strength with impressive displays of flying/diving, lifting, powerful fighting, damage and breakage, and they could easily out-bearhug a bear. In some cases, a high charisma makes this strength look all the more appealing.
9-10: The dragon is an absolute star of power. They find little to no issues lifting their same body weight or beyond, they climb as easily as a squirrel or swim as easily as a fish, and they can power their way into the air with enough wind to kick the topsoil up into a cloud. Few can escape any grapple or hold they place on another, and they are usually very large in size, though this is not always the case. The downside; they may experience painful knots in the body after too much or too little exertion. A lot of muscle causes eventual and occasional pain.
1-2: This dragon has a high likelihood to be a hopeless klutz. This can manifest in a number of ways; A constant victim to gravity, a habit of getting limb-tied, really bad at flying and rarely able to land gracefully, or being entirely incapable of manipulating small objects. Give it a china plate, and it would be broken the instant it touched their claws. It might even break a whole boulder it was tasked with standing still and holding for four minutes.
3-4: Dragons with this level are noticeably unbalanced. While not entirely hopeless, incidents do occur of a rampant show of agile ineptitude. Tripping, crashes, fumbling of items, sometimes things just escape their fingers as though leaping away from them to land and shatter into a million pieces out of their grasp. Just bad luck, right?
5-6: Averagely dextrous, clumsy incidents are more rare for the midline of the stat. They have good balance, a good grasp on flight and landing, and can do some good artistic crafting. Some might be a little better at crafting than average, while a little worse in other departments; for example, this one dragon could craft an impressive suit of armor. But a narrow log across a chasm would be their undoing.
7-8: Dragons of this level are better than normal on acts that require a higher eye-hand coordination. They can craft artisan level works, execute acrobatic stuns midair, dodge at high speeds through narrow pathways and avoid obstacles flying at them with greater ease.
9-10: These are masters of the sky, masters of the crafts, and pure elegance manifested. Their skills are unrivaled unless by those of similar statistics, curling through the air and land like snakes or smoke, but this elegance comes at a price. The dexterity requires they maintain their physique; too much muscle or too much fat will start to hamper their abilities, and this mobility enables more stress on the joints.
1-2: The dragon is extremely weak. Highly susceptible to damage, its injuries bleed longer and heal very slowly, leaving them out of the fight for extended periods of time if they become hurt during a tussle. Alternatively, they could be extremely susceptible to toxins, poisons, or disease. They can only eat the freshest of food, preferably cooked, or else they become easily ill, nauseated even by the smell of rot. This often can result in them becoming clean freaks.
3-4: The dragon is weakened in terms of stopping power and is susceptible to disease or toxins. Their body fights back less powerfully than the average dragon, but it still wins now and then, keeping them on their feet more often than the truly weak. They can fail some constitution saves horribly and end up out of commission for weeks, but for the most part, they aren't at prey to every flu that floats in through the breeze.
5-6: The dragon is averagely strong at fighting back disease and poison, and they aren't kept down by it for very long amounts of time. They can withstand bad smells, slightly bad food (unless they are specifically carrion eaters), and stubbornly sit through poisons and venoms until the symptoms pass. Alternatively, their hide is of average strength, as is their healing capability, but they can still fall victim to infection and disease.
7-8: The dragon has a high resistance to poisons, toxins, disease, and/or physical trauma. They bounce back quickly from injury, show clues of pain tolerance, and in general are in exceptionally good health. Usually hints that their parents come from a strong, healthy bloodline.
9-10: The dragon is nearly indomitable in standing power. Its hide could be like iron, or tempered leather, bouncing blows back or only scarring the surface. What injuries do pass the scales heal quickly, anywhere between a week to a few days before they are back on their feet. They have immunity to some poisons, toxins, or diseases, and it takes a particularly mean one to actually get them bedridden. The flaw of a high constitution is that it can give them overconfidence, leading to situations that test their very limits, and in some cases break them. They're not completely immune to all, but very resistant.
1-2: The dragon is quite the opposite of 'sharp.' They get confused easily and often, have trouble calculating things, and likely cannot read. If they can read, they do not know all of the symbols. By contrast, this generally keeps them happier, as ignorance is bliss. But they are also prone to doing some pretty dumb things, purely because they didn't think ahead... or think at all.
3-4: Intelligence has been lacking in these dragons' life, but not through any fault of their own. They simply didn't have the mental capacity to grow strong at mathematics or the complex incantations for spellbooks, sciences, apothecaries or histories. But it doesn't mean they are butt-dumb; they can hold perfectly fine conversations, if not say the awkward thing sometime without thinking first. Dumb decisions happen to anyone of any capacity, but these dragons are a little more prone to it.
5-6: Dragons of average intelligence can read and write in draconic runes and symbols easily, taught from a young age. They can manage some of the more accessible spells and knowledges available to dragonkind and beyond, and can understand mathematics and sciences, especially if they receive it in a layman's version. Their minds are more searching and curious, and sometimes are capable of being unsettled by their own thoughts and ideas that pop up.
7-8: These dragons are more likely to be skilled in spells, sciences, histories, and crafts that require a high intellect; such as building orreries, potions, and chemicals in general. Their minds are always working, always calculating, and one can practically see the cogs grinding away behind their eyes, pondering and musing. They can get distracted easily due to tunnel-visioning on whatever they are focused.
9-10: Brilliance knows no bounds for these geniuses of the dragon world. Their mental capacity is as deep and chattering with information as their brain enables them, able to work even the most complex spells; sometimes that even require 2 or 3 others to aid with. They can become either frustrated, or fanatically, happily obsessed with something they do not understand. But what's almost a guarantee is the depression; those of high intelligence often end up sad, overthinking, and anxious.
1-2: This statistic wouldn't only poke a sleeping dragon in the eye, they'd do it repeatedly. To the same dragon. A lack of wisdom may seem to manifest as a lack of intelligence, but even the most brilliant genius could have no survival instinct whatsoever. Be it spawned from depression, curiosity, or outright disregard to what outcome might occur, lessons from the past don't seem to hold too well to future cautions and plenty of mistakes can be made.
3-4: Though not the least on the scale of wisdom-less dragons, those with these numbers still leave something to be desired. Looking before they leap, springing out into a fight before judging if they could walk back out of it or not, these are reckless creatures who rather let things hang on hope and luck than working with any kind of real caution, at least for the most part.
5-6: An average wisdom sports an average ability to NOT repeatedly poke that dragon in the eye. Or if there is some eye-poking, they learn from the original results, and try to find a method that involves less loss of limb. These dragons try to keep their self integrity intact, along with their hide, and learn from past mistakes, altering themselves to be better protected in similar situations.
7-8: More wise than the average dragon, these will learn from others' mistakes as easily as if it was their own. They have a fondness of history and are quite accurate on judgement, whether it's on another dragon's personality or past, or what they might do in the future. They make good guides, usually keeping followers safe by selecting careful, life-preserving choices.
9-10: These dragons are leader material; and if not a leader, than an advocate for whatever path in life they have chosen. Archdruids and archmagisters would be good examples; very, very delicately chosen paths and choices in life to narrow down their direction into the way they want their life to go. They're good at looking out for themselves and others, and cautious to a fault; sometimes this caution costs them a sense of fun. Treading the safest path isn't always the most exciting.
1-2: Is that a bog monster? No, that's a dragon! The lowest of the low charisma can manifest in a number of ways; a dragon who loves rolling in mud, and/or is uninterested in bathing. A dragon who has an unpleasant scent around them at all time, be it from refusing to roll off blood or gore, or keep their teeth cleaned. A dragon with an unattractive voice, or an unassuming poise, usually with a lowered head or hunched back, dragging wings or tail. Something about them is off-putting, eerie, gross, or in general just unpleasant.
3-4: Low-charisma dragons hold an unpleasant trait about them that is a little off-putting, though not quite to the above extreme. Perhaps they look bedraggled, oily or greasy, or maybe their legs are usually mud-splattered due to their choice of living space. Maybe they just walk with a limp, have a lazy eye, or a broken jaw that never healed right, giving them a jagged underbite. Or, perhaps, they simply are shy and nervous, shrinking down and making themselves look almost invisible in a crowd.
5-6: Average charisma dragons are common and the base level. Not particularly pretty or handsome, but not butt-ugly, either. A good, light baritone or soft feminine hum, decent cleanliness, and a nice smell about them, there's not usually something about the dragon that is off-putting upon a glance or spooky.
7-8: Dragons with this stat are a little prettier in some regard than the normal level. Maybe it's how they hold their heads and square their shoulders, maybe it's the naturally pleasant smell or the fluid movement to their stride, the pleasant rumble to the voice or the confident gaze. Either way, something about their general aura and nonverbal communication makes other dragons want to hang around them, finding it nice to be nearby.
9-10: These are drop-dead gorgeous and ruggedly handsome tier dragons. Even if their looks are not quite on par, there's an attribute about them that really strikes the attentions of others. A magnetically appealing voice, an alluring and enchanting scent, the hypnotic poise and movements of ultimate confidence or natural physique. These are the rock stars of the dragon world, the most desirable and attractive, and even if they aren't true leader material, others will flock after them.
Species Profiles
Important analysis on species' abilities. Personality traits are guidelines and entirely optional. Culture describes the species' backgrounds and may not carry as much influence into the new world.
Clans are entirely player-made and upheld. Want to create your own grouping with their own culture and way of life? You are entirely able to do so in this RPG, or you can join someone else's that you like the sound of. Benefits of clans will be described and are not yet hashed out.
Breeding will result in anywhere between 1-4 eggs, using a 4 sided dice to determine. Owners of the dragons will be able to choose ONE egg each from the grouping, which can be decided at the egg stage or the hatchling stage. Hatchling stage will be free, though it takes some time for them to crack through. Any remaining hatchlings, if they are unwanted or otherwise exceed the number 2 in a clutch, will be placed up here for sale; but the parents will earn 1/3rd of the resulting price each. (Technically 1/2 goes back to the parents, but that 1 will be halved unless the mother or father is an NPC.)
Clutches of eggs should be a somewhat uncommon thing, however, so only 3 slots at a time will be open for now. Each slot will have a 2 week cooldown after being used, upon which a slot can then be bought by a breeding pair to start gestation. That single payment extends to the clutch and the hatchlings themselves, so no additional payment is required. Once you have the slot, the egg clutch and resulting hatchlings are ensured, and all that needs to be done is wait. More specific egg information can be viewed below.
Same-Species Specific
Same-species breeding is the safest route for healthy hatchies. They have more benefits to their general stats (not yet implemented) that alter their strengths and weaknesses. They have a 20% chance to develop an uncommon mutation (vitiligo, piebald, leucism, etc at 80-100), a 10% chance to be born weak and runty (Lowered stats, more flaws, 6-15) and a 5% chance to have a very bad mutation (extra limbs, ill-formed body, very low stats with the occasional high stat).
Inter-Species Rules
Mutations are a low possibility, 5% with normal breeding parents. Cross-breeds between different species have an 80% mutation rate, however, since the genes are so wonked up. Sadly, this also means the chances of having a debilitating mutation are increased: IE, noticeable flaws. After all, breeding two different completely species together, in the event there is a result, isn't quite as simple as cut-and-paste attributes. This also means only 1 or 2 eggs will be available, even if there is more in the clutch, as the others simply will not survive.
Auction Starts at first bid and lasts a week. Top buyer is updated on main post. I will PM you when you have won a piece, and your name will be archived. 1 GB: 1,300 SB.
Available Eggs
Egg Info
Eggs are a unique addition. They can be the result of a player-made breeding or discovered here at random. Whomever wins their auction is the one whose dragon finds them first. If you have no dragon, that egg will be your main, and it will be hatched alone and orphaned.
Hatching does not happen after a set time. Eggs offered here are like a promise; you will be added to a list, and at some time (hopefully within the month, though it may happen as soon as a few days after a purchase) the egg will hatch and you will receive art of a baby dragon that reflects the color of their egg.
However, hatchlings do not grow on their own. Dragons grow very slow, and will require an item to grow themselves with. They will need to craft their own Effigy, a statue of some sort, and bring it to a magical font created by the leylines itself. In short: Effigy materials will have to be bought in the shop. It CAN be RPed out in the forums if you so desire, but this is not necessary. Only with the effigy will your dragon be able to advance to its adult stage.
Auction Starts at first bid and lasts a week. Top buyer is updated on main post. I will PM you when you have won a piece, and your name will be archived. If, when your egg hatches and you are not fond of the result, you can have it placed up here for adoption and earn 1/2 of the final price back.
Jaggedscale Highback Adopts
- = - Middle-Mouse Click for Big Version #1: Eye-cicle (Mother): (Top Offer: Kitti with 10 GB ) TIME: 12.29.19, 7 days Left!
SB: 10 GB
Increments: 100 SB
AB: $10.00 USD (Paypal Only) STATS
Strength: 8/10
Dexterity: 8/10
Constitution: 9/10
Intelligence: 10/10
Wisdom: 6/10
Charisma: 9/10
(Yes these are randomized with actual dice, and holy hecc this girl)
Oh yeah, easily. I'll get you marked up there. With the current going prices, if I have math'd correctly, a crunchy worm is roughly equal to 15 gb, so that's how I'll label it. #4's auction is officially started.
Any item is fine, I base them off the bid value of their going price on branches at the moment they've been added to the auction. It fluctuates a bit, but that doesn't hurt the value agreed to it after the fact.
As for the ARPG -- It's not currently in place yet, but I've got another thread being planned out in the RP forum section. If a player can reference someone to me that buys art from me, and mentions them as a reference, they get a free upgrade to their character and his/her art. Upgrades will be listed above, which I haven't gotten any set up just yet, 'cause the whole Dunstac Dragons thing is still quite new.
But, the first adopts are open so I figured I'd set them up here early.
Sure. At the moment, that'll translate to 18,000 sb -- Would you like to wait until the price changes? IE, that one 6000 is bought, or go ahead and submit the bid now?