Posted by 𝙍𝙋 π™Žπ™€π˜Όπ™π˜Ύπ™ƒ

Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2019-10-22 09:22:48


γ€Š 𝙍𝙋 π™Žπ™€π˜Όπ™π˜Ύπ™ƒ | π™Šπ™‹π™€π™‰ 》

>As the title says, I'm looking for a few roleplay partners to help curb my recent boredom. If you can manage to read through the huge textwall below, reply if interested. I promise I'm not as serious as this page suggests, however I'd like to gather partners that are committed to roleplaying with me. :)

γ€Š π˜Όπ˜½π™Šπ™π™ π™ˆπ™€ 》

>Hi, I'm Spike, but feel free to call me whatever you want - I'm not picky. I'm from the UK, therefore I'm 8 hours ahead of LD, and I've been writing since 2016, so I have roughly four years of experience under my belt. Not a professional by any means, so a few writing errors may slip the net.

>I do have a life outside of writing, so there will be times where I cannot respond as frequently as some would like, though I will always be upfront with my partners, and explain the reason for any absences that occur on my part - I expect the same transparency from my partners, because no one likes being left in the dark.

>I don't mind if my partners don't want to get to know me, it's not a cause for concern, in my opinion. Though it's nice to have an out of character chat, you have no obligation to put up with my nattering if you don't want to. I'm not particularly chatty, but I've found that if the roleplay is going well, we've most likely chatted casually before we've started writing.

>Discord is a must - not interested in roleplaying via PMs, as I can't organise my character sheets/ideas properly.

γ€Š 𝙒𝙄𝙇𝙇 π˜Ώπ™Š 》

>I'm willing to try anything, and I genuinely mean that. Whilst I'm most adept at writing when I'm familiar with the concept, I have no issue with attempting to roleplay something I haven't before. Though I have a heavy preference for human roleplays, I can be easily swayed to roleplay as an animal if there's a good enough plot.

>If it's wanted by my partner, I'm not against world building. In fact, I'd encourage it, because it helps the roleplay progress naturally, and gives me a better understanding of the setting. I can make things rather complex at times, but I can tone it down if necessary - though I won't roleplay in a barebones world. For example, in a high school setting, I don't just want the school to be the main setting - it gets old quick. Why limit yourself to one place, when you could create fieldtrips, character's houses/favourite hangouts/etc? A change of location adds variety, which keeps the roleplay fresh.

γ€Š π™’π™Šπ™‰'𝙏 π˜Ώπ™Š 》

>There isn't a lot that can trigger me, I'd like to say I'm fairly desensitised to anything you could throw my way. Even so, my lack of discomfort β‰  I will roleplay it. I'm not interested in roleplaying anything sexual, so don't bother asking, nor am I interested in anything kink/fetish related. Anything regarding abuse towards children is also a no go, I don't see why you'd want to include it in a roleplay, unless it serves a reasonable purpose in your character's backstory.

>I will never, under any circumstance, play canon characters. It dampens my creativity, and my responses don't flow very easily when I have to think 'how would X character behave/react to this'. Overall, it's just a chore, and I don't enjoy writing for characters from shows/games. Kudos to those who can, though.

>If you're looking for a quick romance or fast-paced story, you should look elsewhere. I enjoy writing slowburns, so rushing my writing in order for our characters to become a thing does not appeal to me. I'd also appreciate the chance for our characters to get settled into the world before they face any large plotpoints - for example, in a crime roleplay, I don't want to jump into the action straight away, I want to see what daily life is like before the turning point.

γ€Š π™‹π™‡π™Šπ™ π™„π˜Ώπ™€π˜Όπ™Ž 》

>If you don't like any of these, don't fret - just suggest something you'd like, and we can compromise. More often than not, I'll take your suggestion and roll with it, I'm not picky. I usually play Muse B, but wouldn't mind switching up! These plots are suitable for any pairing.

-PLOT 1: Ghost (B) x Soldier (A)
It's the year 1939, and World War II has broken out across the globe. Muse A, freshly recruited, is fighting on the front lines, where they come across Muse B, gravely injured from a previous battle. Muse A pulls Muse B to safety, where they are treated by a medic. Despite the severity of the wound, Muse B survives, as if by miracle. Though friendly, there is something odd about Muse B; they never appear to eat or sleep, they stay away from the rest of the troops, and as clumsy as they are, they never seem to perish, despite not handling a gun all that well. Is there something supernatural going on, or is luck just on Muse B's side?

-PLOT 2: Merfolk (A) x Sailor/Pirate (B)
Muse B, owner of a fishing boat, spends their days at sea, in the hopes of catching their ticket to a better life. One day, when pulling in their net, they discover Muse A, tangled up in the rope and unable to free themselves. Though Muse B recognises this as their lucky break, Muse A isn't so keen on being sold off as a trophy. Using the power of the sea, Muse A transforms into a human, narrowly escaping the chopping block. Now that their prize is gone, what will Muse B do with the newly transformed Muse A?

-PLOT 3: Cowboy (B) x Upper Class (A)
Muse B is an outlaw in every sense of the word, from their poor etiquette to their unruly trigger finger. After successfully capturing Muse A, the child of a wealthy businessman, Muse B is certain that they're about to make bank. Or at least, they would have, if said businessman hadn't refused to pay the ransom for their kid. Now stuck with Muse A, who couldn't survive one day in the wilderness, Muse B contemplates if Muse A was really worth such a high price to pay.

γ€Š π™π˜Όπ™‰π˜Ώπ™Šπ™ˆπ™Ž 》

>Self-explanatory - these are the fandoms I'm interested in, ones that I'd love to use as a setting for our roleplay. Again, no roleplaying canon characters, but I'm fine with them being mentioned.

red dead redemption
my hero academia
harry potter
miss peregrine's home for peculiar children

γ€Š π˜Όπ˜½π™Šπ™π™ π™”π™Šπ™ 》

>If you've read all that, congratulations, you made it. If I haven't put you off, feel free to tell me about yourself, what plots you like, and if you want to roleplay! A roleplay sample is appreciated, and definitely sets you apart from those that don't provide one. If you'd like one from me, I'm fine with supplying one too.

>Please, don't PM me! I prefer to look over potential partners on the forums, and then PM the selected people myself. If you reply with a simple 'I'm interested', count me out, as I can't judge what you're looking to roleplay with that.

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Edited on 29/03/20 @ 14:34:44 by Spike (#95362)

{Strawbz} (#129868)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-10-22 13:35:27
*cough I’ll just leave this here*

Hey! I’m Bee.
Short stack of hyperactivity and endless chattering!
19 - weeb - fe m a le

I like FxM and MxM pairings!

The one plot I have Is for MHA:

*This can be changed/altered to whatever we see fit!*
*Muse 1 and muse 2 both go to UA. Muse 1 is wanting to be a pro hero while Muse 2 is on a darker path, while walking home Muse 2 is met with a villain that takes them under their wing and helps them train but puts dark ideals into their head so they want to be a villain. While Muse 1 is still training to be a hero.
Muse 2 suddenly goes off the radar. Until a massive attack on UA. Lead by Muse 2 and a few villains
Muse 1 and 2 fight each other until muse 1 realizes its muse 2, feeling complicated feelings they don’t know what to do.*

I normally intertwine cannon with OC during roleplays, that way there more story to it,
More possibilities, build story.
But i can always avoid it!

My role play example:
*my writing depends on how much I’m given, but on discord I write a minimum of 5-15 mobile lines*

This was a starter for a rp I did a bit ago. Added some to it.

*It was a hot day in Japan, summer was just about on its way. While the others schools were out for break, UA was still in session. Most of the students were training to become pro heros, explosions can be heard and rattled the earth. The owner of the explosions laughed loudly, he stood victorious as a smaller body laid on the floor* β€œ**Told you Extra! I have the better explosive quirk!**” *The smaller body slowly pushed itself up, blood ran down her forehead down her cheek, the smaller person was Absinthe. She spat out blood and snarled* β€œ**J-just because were supposed to act like rivals doesn’t mean y-you need to kill me.**”

*Bakugou lifted his hand and went to fire but couldnt* β€œ**What the hell?**” *he said looking at his hand, Mr.Aizawa was behind him* β€œ**Thats enough Bakugou. You’ve clearly won the match.**”

*Absinthe struggled to get up, her body shaking. She sighed as she grabbed her wounded arm. Her body was laced with burns and scratches. She coughed hard as blood splattered the hard earth under her, Mr.Aizawa sighed in anger. This wasn’t the first time Bakugou had beaten her to the point of near death. The two were incredibly stubborn. Both refused to back down.* β€œ**Lets get you to Recovery girl..**” *He said as he rubbed his tired face.*

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Edited on 22/10/19 @ 13:38:14 by {Queen Bee} (#129868)

Gravity | G3 Rift
OSR (#170941)

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Posted on
2019-10-23 14:07:02


Hey there! I'm Gravity, and I'm a college sophomore, working toward an English degree. I've been roleplaying or writing for myself for close to thirteen years, and I hope to make a career of the latter. Due to classes, I'm not terribly active during the days (LDT+2) but I make an effort to reply at least once every couple of days. Please don't be afraid to nudge me if it's been any longer, though - I may have gotten waylaid by projects or exhaustion.


I write M x M exclusively, and I prefer to use Discord. Very few topics are off limits for me, as I have extremely few triggers, and mature content is perfectly fine. Romance is preferred but not a must, and slow burns are always fun! OOC chat is welcome, as I can be pretty chatty, and if it's a day when motivation is low or I have other things to work on, I enjoy taking the time to get to know my partner.

In terms of fandoms, RDR2 is my favorite game, and likely always will be. I have a specific character that I use quite frequently for said fandom, and he can fit into most plots in some capacity - of course, I have others, as well! My other primary fandoms are Voltron and Kingdom Hearts, although I tend to use canon characters for those, which I saw you prefer to avoid.

As for plots, I'm the most interested in variations on assassin x target, criminal x cop, royal x poor, and enemy x enemy. Typing this up, I have a pretty vague idea for ghost x haunted that would work within the RDR universe, as well. Could be fun!


pardon the length and language - this is an excerpt from a voltron roleplay

Keith didn't miss the way the cadet reached for his holster - he was a fighter, an assassin, and a damn good one, at that. He wasn't blind. No, he simply didn't care. Whirling on the young man with his teeth bared, he spat out a muffled curse - a Galran word he hadn't yet heard from any other species. Only then was he content enough to turn back to Shiro, seeming to calm down, at least superficially, in less than an instant. Shiro had always had that effect on him, back before... well, back before. Shiro, standing before him in the flesh... it was almost impossible to believe.

Whereas time had dealt Keith a rather unconventional hand in terms of physique, it seemed to have been far more kind to Shiro. The older man had barely changed, if anything merely becoming more powerful, more capable of dominating a room. Being Captain of the Atlas, he supposed, would do that to a person. The white shock of hair he'd learned to love had grown to dominate the entirety of Shiro's head, but that was nothing new. Stress, he'd decided ages ago, stress and nowhere near enough time to simply care for himself. The Altean prosthetic hadn't changed, either, seeming just as Keith remembered it; overall, on the surface, it appeared as though Shiro hadn't changed one bit.

That hurt something deep inside his heart, something he refused to acknowledge.

Keith realized the Captain was staring at just about the moment he realized he was doing the same; irritation returning in an instant, he huffed out a frustrated breath, one corner of his lips quirking to bare a sharp fang in a silent warning. Time was running out while he waited here for Shiro to get over himself - no matter how much I missed him, too - and more than that, the strain of having to unfold himself from his craft and haul himself to his feet to walk inside had no doubt done wonders for the wounds across his torso. Wonders. Right.

Privately relieved when Shiro nodded for him to follow behind, Keith did so, with one last, sharp-toothed glare at the cadet behind the desk. "I made it down here alive, didn't I?" he muttered in response to Shiro's inquiry, the sarcastic response entirely instinctive and equally characteristic. Something made him falter, though, as he nudged the door shut behind them; no matter how quickly the rumor mill worked, he didn't fancy everyone and their mother knowing the fine details of the conversation he was planning to have. "I'll be fine. Just need to sit down."

Whatever it was that had made his tone soften and his hackles go down for that brief moment was quick to take its leave, however, as he watched Shiro settle behind that goddamn desk of his. Keith steadied himself with one hand on its edge as he sank down into the chair opposite, breath escaping in a strained hiss at the feeling of his flesh tugging and shifting in on itself. The ragged edges of his uniform around the gashes certainly weren't helping matters. At least he could get help here, no matter how it hurt his pride.

"Excuse?" he repeated, bitterness seeping into his voice in much the same way as he finally looked back up at Shiro. His ears laid back as he crossed his arms, ignoring the resulting stab of pain in favor of going back to being just as insolent as the people on earth remembered him. "Oh, hell, no. We're not doing this again. I've been out there fighting, Shiro, maybe you remember what that's like? Fucking forget it, though, there won't even be a family for me to fight for in a few years if you don't shut up and help me. The Blade is dead, Shiro."

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Edited on 23/10/19 @ 14:08:28 by Gravity (#170941)

msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-10-23 20:19:32
Hey! I’m a pretty simple RPer, and I prefer group RPs on Discord or here. I can manage a one on one, as long as we each play multiple characters. I’d be interested in a HTTYD RP though!

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Peachy-Keen (#144072)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-11-30 17:28:56
I'm Peach, 18, and I use she/her pronouns!!
> I'm fine with f/f and m/f because a lot of my OCs are females, and my main is a lady!! However, I love to throw in a lot of characters at the same time and create a huge, dramatic story.
> I use Discord and I like to utilize servers/channels/etc. etc. to keep things organized.
> I'm highly interactive!! I love love love shitposting OOC and creating moodboards/playlists/etc. for characters and plots.
> I love to make stories together, but I love sort of "taking the lead" (if you will) with those stories!! I can only compare it to a "choose your own adventure" story, but with endless possibilities.

> I love supernatural/fantasy/dystopian twists on my plots. I have a soft-spot for rebellion plots, as well as multidimensional shinanigans.
> Ghost/Haunted, Assassin/Target, God/Human are all very interesting bases!! I can see myself totally running with them.
> Fandom-wise, I've been DYING for a Detroit: Become Human OC-based alternate universe. A possible deviant and escaped android/human plot would emotionally murder me.

> My replies can be super, super long (1,000+ words) or shorter (300-600 words). I try to match the length my partner gives me!
> A very short excerpt (as to not overload the thread) from a recent roleplay I did:

"I know what you're thinking and I'm not letting you-" Raven was starting to shout, but then the door opened and Bonnie was standing there. When was the last time she had seen her? She felt her heart thud in her chest, her fear whiplashing into joy.
"Woah! Hey- hey- Bonnie. Goodness-" Raven started, quite relieved, but before she got out much more, Bonnie and Bill were both gone. She felt a small jolt of hurt seeing that. Huh...Did he want Bonnie as a back-up? Bonnie, whenever she had been playing a game of "hide-and-seek" for God knows how long?
Auden raised his brows in surprise, "Well, Jesus. That was fast. You want us to go follow them...?"
Raven muttered an "I don't know", and her bodyguards resolved themselves to staying put. She shared a confused look with her girlfriend, her eyes flickering to-and-fro, as though she couldn't believe Beverly was actually asking her that question.
"Bev, that was Bonnie. She was your best friend before we met-- you don't recognize her?" Raven whispered, genuinely taken aback. As far as Raven could recall (and this might have been wrong, for all she knew) they had met through Bonnie in the first place. Sometime in middle school, she believed.

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πŸŒ‘vivictiiπŸŒ‘ (#163255)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 14:46:42
hey there, i'm fluffy, and i use she/her.
i usually like to do mxf- and right now i really like the assassin x target idea! though, i'm up for anything, really. :,0

i am particularly weak at doing fighting scenes- not one of my skills. but i still do enjoy them!
my sentence amount depends on what is said or done before hand. usually, i'm able to scrape up a lot though!

i can give an example if needed :,)

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Wonder (#47464)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 21:53:16
I'm interested but I don't post my info publicly unless needed. I'll explain if you want to pm me.

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heaven (#193211)

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Posted on
2020-01-19 01:14:28
i'm heaven, a high school student in the central timezone. i prefer to roleplay on discord, and tend to mirror posts - i've written everything from one liners to 1000+ words. just give me things to go off of and i'll rant my head off until i get the right amount of words! i do have a job and advanced classes, but i am always active if needed. i love plotting, and i have some plot generators on the side if we need them. i prefer to roleplay m x f relationships, although i have nothing against the lgbt+ community! i can roleplay both genders, and animals or humans! i tend to stick to more realistic plots, though.
i'm mainly looking for canine plots!

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