Posted by Streams rp partner search 1x1

Stream (#116728)

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2019-10-28 13:24:50
Looking for a literate roleplay partner that has romance involved in the plot doesn’t have to be romance all the time. No quickly getting together. I like building chemistry up between the characters. I prefer roleplaying Female and prefer MxF. Some of the plots I have in mind are. I prefer email since it just is easier for me and I can and will serve up quite a few paragraphs when someone fully into the plot. OCC chat is fine so I can get to know my partner.

Bodyguard x Client
Celebrity X Fan
Arranged marriage
High school sweethearts but broke up and now he or she is getting married and there the best man or maid of honor
Popular guy X Unpopular girl
Doctor x patient
Gang member/ Boss Gang leader/ Kidnapee
But if you have any plots just let me know
But then again I’m down for any romance ideas if you have any.

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