Posted by LF 1x1 semi-lit/lit Warrior cats rp partner

No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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2019-11-08 22:56:46
(This paragraph is kind of just me blabbering) Hello! My username is no pomegranates!!!! But you can call me pomegranates or my my internet name Molly, or really anything at all I don't mind.
I am currently participating in a few 1x1 rps right now, however they're not warrior cats and I suddenly feel like doing a 1x1 warrior cats rp even though I haven't read the books in years lmao. I also have a group rp for warrior cats getting set up right now, but I guess I just feel like doing a 1x1 rp lol. Don't expect me to reply often on weekdays as school and sports keep me very busy, and when I am finally able to log on I wanna take care of my lions first.

Basically I'm semi-lit and want a partner who can write at least a paragraph or more.
I consider myself a semi-lit roleplayer as I can write about 6+ sentences per reply on a normal day, although usually if my partner is supplying a paragraph or so as well I can usually write out about 2-4 paragraphs of 5+ sentences. With this in mind, I'd prefer to roleplay with someone who's also semi-lit, and therefore can write at least 3+ sentences. I say this since it makes for a better rp (in my opinion) when we're both writing a sufficient amount.


Some kinda important unsumerizable stuff.
If possible, I'd like to keep the roleplay on lioden. Although I do have discord, I use it to talk with my friends. And I can't really make a new account since I've used all my old and back-up emails on making accounts with them for just messing around and stuff, and I do still use them with my friends. Also, I'd prefer to keep the roleplay in the forums since I just like the forums for no particular reason, but if you'd like to rp in pms, thats totally fine with me.


What I will and won't do
I'm willing to do lots of things in the rp like play multiple characters, fxf, fxm, mxm, any kind of plot or theme is fine with me. I'd prefer to keep supernatural stuff out of the roleplay, as well as mature stuff. I'm all cool with any swearing (let me know if you're not), blood, gore, and violence is all good with me but I'd prefer to not get too sexual please, it's just not my thing.
Also, personally I like a good moderate passed character development and story development. There's no need to rush things, and I like to watch things unfold and become complex and that's more fun for a slower paced rp.


If we do a rp together I hope we can also become friends as it's more fun to rp with a friend! Perhaps we could do multiple rps as one finishes or maybe just continue down the generations? Or maybe something else even, I don't know lol.

Anyways, Pm if you're interested!! And sorry if I wrote a bit too much lmao.

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Edited on 08/11/19 @ 22:57:10 by No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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