Posted by Dunstac ARPG OOC

Otterbird (#118315)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-11-10 05:58:51

Coldsummer's (AKA Otterbird's) ARPG


The Realm of Dunstac
Roleplay | Profiles | Adopts
"So many more were left behind. So many more, dead or dying. I can only hope more find their way to the Bridge. They must escape the Rupture. They must escape death. They must flee to our new home."

RP Forum Rules

* No Godmoding! You can only control your own character.
* No powerplaying! IE: “Samwise punches the face off that spider in one hit because he’s awesome and never fails!!!” Don’t do that. Type attempts, like: “Samwise aimed a punch at that spider in the hopes it would make contact.”
* If you must post OOC in the RP thread, it MUST be at either the top or bottom of the post in parentheses. Otherwise, keep OOC chatter in here!
* Do not RP your character as having a Shop upgrade if they don’t have one!
* Keep anything lewd out of the thread, please.
* IC does not mean OOC! If there is an IC fight, don’t take it personally — its just the characters interacting with one another!
* Please post AT LEAST a minimum of 4 or 5 sentences per post. Anything less can be ignored by other players if they desire.
* More may be added.

More may be added in time.

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Edited on 26/11/19 @ 23:27:30 by Coldsummer (#118315)

Otterbird (#118315)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-11-10 05:59:00

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Otterbird (#118315)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-11-10 05:59:06

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