Posted by Dunstac ARPG Profiles

Otterbird (#118315)

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Posted on
2019-11-10 06:02:58

Main Roleplay Thread


Coldsummer's (AKA Otterbird's) ARPG


The Realm of Dunstac
Roleplay | OOC | Adopts
"Crossing the bridge was the continuation to an unending nightmare. Many claws fled over a magical surface into the mist, but what awaited us was an alien paradise. Faced with ethereal beauty, all I could do was collapse into the grass and grieve."

This thread is not meant for roleplaying, OR out of character discussions. Each post MUST be for your characters, one for each. You can post a WIP of a response to build up your character profile over time. You can link directly to your profile submission using the series of numbers on the top right of your post by right clicking and grabbing the 'copy link', which can then be applied to the preface of all posts (character name / location / target) for other players to easily discover that profile. This is not necessary, however.

Profile Character Form
Please fill this out to entirety. Anything marked with an asterisk ** is optional!

STATUS: (At the top or bottom, include a WIP or Pending status. This can change to Approved after I or a moderator has accepted your character, or it can be deleted entirely from the profile.)

-=The Basics=-
Name: (Can be centered above/top without Name mentioned in front of it.)
Image: (A pic of your dragon, whether it's the base adopt or art you've done of it.)
Species: (Currently, only Jaggedscale and Void are available)
Gender: (Male, Female, or Mixed/Unique)
Size: (Average sizes can be found on Dragon Profiles in the Adopts thread)
Orientation: (Preference in mate, important if your dragon intends to have a clutch)
Marital: (If the dragon is monogamous/married, crushing on someone, etc)
Offspring: (Any eggs or hatchlings of the dragon, keep updated!)

Stat Block

(All stats can be seen with examples in how they might manifest on the Adopt thread under the Stats spoiler. More spoilers hidden under the specific stats will give you a guide.)
(Be as descriptive as you want below!)
Strength: (How you want your dragon's Strength/Power stat to translate.)
Dexterity: (How your dragon's Agility/Speed translates.)
Constitution: (How your dragon's Constitution/Hardiness translate.)
Intelligence: (How smart/how learned or capable of spells your dragon translates.)
Wisdom: (How reckless or careful your dragon is by its stat.)
Charisma: (How handsome, confident, appealing, creepy, or gross your dragon is. Low charisma does not mean you have to smell like fart, you can also just be spooky!)


*Appearance: (Any further description you want to give your dragon! This can be more full than above.)
*Personality: (You can list important personality traits here, that may help you to play your dragon. A diamond chart may help here.)
*Likes/Dislikes: (This can help with understanding a character and keeping a list on their preferences.)
*History: (This one is iffy. Do NOT put in a huge backstory here, as it should be majorly unknown to other players. Instead, place what other dragons might know about the character; rumors, things that have been publicly seen, etc. If you have issues figuring out a history, I can always help!)

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Edited on 23/11/19 @ 00:15:43 by Coldsummer (#118315)

Otterbird (#118315)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-11-20 23:18:23




-=The Basics=-
Species: Void
Gender: Male
Size: WIP (Sheet Unfinished)
Orientation: Bi
Marital: Single
Offspring: N/A

Stat Block
STR: 8
DEX: 6
CON: 4
INT: 6
WIS: 8
CHA: 1

Strength: Slightly above average size. Powerful, dense muscle, unusually beefy Void.
Dexterity: Average on the upper scale with good balance and dexterity, less speed.
Constitution: Thin, soft scales tear easily. Can't handle bad smells.
Intelligence: Keen enough to channel/understand magic, enjoys puzzles and books.
Wisdom: Delicately made choices, caution, and a watchful eye.
Charisma: Slenderman-level spooky. Always slouched, snakelike, staring, likes to follow.


Appearance: His body was like that of a fat, muscled anaconda; long, lean, rippling with power and ligament. Smooth scales gleamed like obsidian over finely honed muscle, a network of ligaments, gullies and hills of flesh crisscrossing the back and shoulders of a multi-limbed dragon. Neck and tail were like tempered cords, sinuous and flexible, and he was as black as night. Not a single marking graced his form, only a solid swatch of jet-black hide and grayer webbing of the wings and frills. Horns, claws, and teeth were all a dull gray, and the only color flared to light in his eyes and in his jaw; vibrant and rich twilight purples. A constant, smoky shadow seemed to hiss off his body like the fog of dry ice, trailing below and behind in a gentle misting of lightless clouds. His head was always lowered, body slouched and leaned forward like a hunting, slinking cat. Unblinking, staring eyes, a chuttering, hissing voice and an inability to recognize some social cues leaves the dragon unsettling to deal with. His scent carries an acrid, sharp tinge not unlike a sizzling chemical toxin.

Personality: He thinks very little of himself, and legions about others. He legitimately cares about others; cares about their concerns, their pains, their stories and lives. Himself, he believes, as inconsequential; like he never has been, and never will be, a creature of importance. A belittling, self unimportance leaves him quite depressed and lonely, and forever seeking after the lives of others and material comforts that he pictures as far more perfect than himself. He will fanboy after them, cheer them on, delight at their triumphs and mourn at their failures, all while obsessing over them... which in turn gives him a creepy stalker-esque air. All from a creature desperately wishing he was someone else, someone better.


History: What others might know of him; He helped multiple dragons over the bridge, stopping now and then to back off and collect others unaware what was going on to help guide them as well. Not much is known about him, except that he's a little creepy and stalker-esque, as many dragons have before spurned him for slinking after them in fascination. This guy's just weird, is his general reputation.

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Edited on 26/11/19 @ 22:02:10 by Coldsummer (#118315)

That1Idiot (#171947)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-11-23 12:49:43



"Hide as strong as steel and the skills and battle experience to make use of it. Really, would you want anyone else?"
~ Akua to Herself; practicing a speech

-=The Basics=-
Species: Jaggedscale Highback
Gender: Female
Size: 15 Feet tall - 20 Foot Wingspan
Orientation: Bisexual - Male Preference
Marital: Single
Offspring: N/A

Stat Block
STR: 7
DEX: 8
CON: 10
INT: 3
WIS: 4
CHA: 8

Strength: Surprisingly muscular for being on the small end height wise. More muscular that the average Jaggedscale, especially around the shoulders and back.
Dexterity: An adept flier and very well balance in air and on ground. Quite skilled in aerial combat.
Constitution: Incredibly thick hide that has yet to scar even once, takes great pride in her ability to shrug off hits and continue on as if nothing as happened.
Intelligence: Prone to vocal outbursts, no want or ability to understand magic let alone channel it. Would much rather burn a book that read it.
Wisdom: Prone to rash decisions with out much thought about the circumstances, whether they be with or against her.
Charisma: Confident in her movement and poise. Has a very melodic, yet strong voice.


Appearance: Akua is slightly shorter than the average Jaggedscale, though by the way she moves and carries herself, you'd never guess it. She exudes confidence that is rooted in her combative skills that make her seem larger than life - or at least she'd like to think so. Akua is decently muscled, especially around her shoulders and back which aid her in both aerial combat and just general flight.
Akua's scales are visibly thicker than other Jaggedscales and, even after years of training and testing her skills in combat, have yet to crack or scar. She takes great pride in her hide and it is often immaculately cleaned, showing off Akua's forest green and fiery scales.

Personality: Known to be overly confident and very self-assured, usually leading her to act rashly (and often overreact) especially where her honor and beliefs are concerned. Akua dislikes it when others point out her short comings and is often quick to act to 'restore her honor.'

Known History: It is well known that Akua came from the pairing of two respected warriors and that she takes great pride in her heritage. Even if this was not prior knowledge, it would take only mentioning her name to another Jaggedscale to prompt a story of Akua's achievements in battle or perhaps a whispered story criticizing one of her many... questionable mistakes. Or both.

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Edited on 24/11/19 @ 16:44:23 by That1Idiot (#171947)

That1Idiot (#171947)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-11-28 18:48:48




"What do ya want?! Can't ya sees I'm busy?!"
~Coghad to an 'Intruder'

-=The Basics=-

Species: Jaggedscale Highback
Gender: Male
Size: 18 Feet tall - 20 Foot Wingspan
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital: Single
Offspring: N/A

Stat Block
STR: 8
DEX: 9
CON: 8
INT: 5
WIS: 8
CHA: 2


Strength: Well-muscled from his days of youth as a warrior. This being said, his muscles add very little to his overall bulk.
Dexterity: Very good at working with his hands and takes great pride in his 'signature' style, especially in his runic writing. Comfortable in the air and usually graceful in his movements.
Constitution: Fair resistance to physical wounds. Coghad is able to endure most horrid smells and is quite resistant to most disease.
Intelligence: Keen enough to both understand and enjoy the study of runes and magics. Coghad greatly enjoy's working with both.
Wisdom: Uses his head to think through most problems before resorting to brute strength. Is not afraid to trust his instincts, however, especially when working with magics and runes.
Charisma: Often slightly slouched over from poor posture and poor practice to fix it with him constantly hunched and practicing runes. The runes on his scales can emit a soft, electric blue light that seem to cause less than happy memories to surge to the forefront of minds. Coghad is well known to speak brutally honestly and with very little tactic. Many are put off my his mannerisms.


Appearance: While once the average size of most other Jaggedscales, Coghad is often slouched over as a result of poor posture stemming from years and years slumped over and practicing runes. His scales are incredibly dark in color and the scales around his back and shoulders that are able to flex into a "standing position" rarely ever do. Those who can stand to be around him when his runic markings begin to glow will note it is the only time they've ever seen Coghad's flex points raise.
Coghad only grooms himself when he truly has nothing else to do, often leaving a less than stellar scent radiating off him as well as his scales being coated in ink, unknown substances, and dirt. His hands are callused from constant stress and strain and are the most discolored portion of himself before a groom.

Personality: Exceedingly blunt and often described as tactless and crass in his speech and delivery of news, compliments, criticisms and the like. Coghad prefers to spend time on his lonesome to better devote his time to study and practice, he greatly unappreciates this time being interrupted and will take it very personally.

Known History: Coghad is an older Jaggedscale, however not ancient. It is well known that in his youth he practice combative skills before discovering and becoming entranced by runic study and general craftsmanship. It is during this time, those who have known him will note that his black scales became decorated with blue runes and that the once skilled warrior began to greatly distance and isolate himself from others.

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Edited on 04/12/19 @ 15:09:10 by That1Idiot (#171947)

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