Posted by More ways to get male slots

Aslaya (#185176)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-11-12 14:35:16
So I do not know if this has been suggested. So you know how you can do PvP for territory well make a way to do that for male slots as well. Like for the first male slots it cost SB then goes straight to GB what if there was a battle portion in between the SB and GB portion like for the territory.

This suggestion has 9 supports and 10 NO supports.

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Edited on 12/11/19 @ 19:46:04 by Aslaya (#185176)

Robin (BLM) - Gen4
Cinnabar (#171993)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 11:24:06
Interesting; support

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Katze (#3)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 15:01:17
I can't support this. Submales are basically vanity lions and have no real purpose. The reason that submale slots are pricey is the same reason for why frozen slots and pride dynasty slots tend to cost so much - it's taking up extra space on the server and in the site's database for lions that don't really have any real function.

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