Posted by Price check for Male cubs
Sun (#107795)

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2019-11-18 17:22:22
I just got a few male cubs that I know I won’t keep, but I don’t know whether I want to send them to the tree or if it would be worth it to actually try to sell them. I decided to get a secondary opinion on how much they would be worth before I make any final decisions.

The most promising out of the three is a 955 stat male with a sunset base, Regent Ice mane, and dioptase eyes. The biggest concern I have with him is that he is inbred and I know that would probably decrease his value. When I looked for similar Cubs on the trading post I could only find a few pricey females. What do you all think?

The next cub is a 1000 stat male but outside of that he’s not too uncommon:

The final guy is is 875 stats here:

Thank you for taking your time to look/read through this, if you all have any ideas for what to do with them please let me know!

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