Posted by | Price Check: Mottled Dawn Temporal Heat/Cub(?) |
Skodog-07 [Leonid CB mane] (#125973) Untitled View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-11-21 12:00:29 |
Thank you for looking ta this thread! I recently bought a Mottled Rosette, Dawn Eyed Temporal Based Lioness, who are up today and happens to be in heat! I have crunchy worms, but I'm not sure if I want to try quite yet or if I should sell her heat instead. I'm very into the idea of this thread, however, I'm sure it's even enough. I paid 300 for this cub, and since Temporal is no longer available, I would probably be looking for a bit more, but I'm not sure if that's being greedy or not I currently have the reverse breeding price at 50 , however, this is likely to change Heat price range: N/A Cub Price range: N/A 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 21/11/19 @ 12:05:42 by Skodog-07 [Leonid CB mane] (#125973) |
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