Posted by Categories When Searching Items in TC

Spinz (G1 Wine
Heavy 🥧) (#138709)

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Posted on
2019-12-02 13:17:01
I'm not sure this has been suggested before (I checked!) But I think something that would be really useful is when you search for Items on the Trading Center, it could be a little more advanced than just searching for one item at a time. What I mean by this is, you can filter results based on things like Food/Amusement/Decor/Applicator/Craftable/Misc., much like in your hoard. I think this would make it a lot easier if you don't care what type of amusement you want, for example, but you don't have to search for just one specific thing at a time, nor would you have to sift through non-amusement things. Let me know if you need clarification or have ideas to add!

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