Posted by Personality: Spiteful

Archangel (#136725)

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Posted on
2019-12-04 19:55:23
The Candid personality gives you +3% energy after you successfully claim a female in Explore. However, I thought it would be more fun if you could get energy from being rejected.

I propose a simple personality: Spiteful. It would be a Snarky personality that you could get from rolled kings or cubs can be born with them. As I mentioned earlier, every time you were rejected by a lioness in Explore, you could gain 2-3% energy.

Can't People Abuse This?
No more than the Humble personality. While it is easy to fail to impress a lioness, 3% energy would give you maybe one more step in Explore. Humble (which gives EXP when you chase a lioness) is similarly nerfed so you only get a negligible 2 EXP.

"As the lioness walks off, your spiteful personality gives you a rush of energy, you'll claim that next lioness, she'll see!"
- Clan Suggestion

This suggestion has 60 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 04/12/19 @ 20:02:08 by Archangel (#136725)

McMac N Cheese (2x
ros NRLC) (#128719)

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Posted on
2019-12-04 19:57:32
*slaps support*

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MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-05-19 09:22:37
Full Support on this one!

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