Posted by Lower the price of reclaiming a Lioness

Pale [2xRos Deshret
Primal] (#163691)

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Posted on
2019-12-31 14:22:16
Nothing is worse than passing out from exhaustion after a hard shift at work, only to wake up the next morning and realize you forgot to feed your pride of 40+ lionesses, and now you have to sell everything in your hoard to fork over AT LEAST 6000 SB (cutting the 40 lions to a 30 assuming that is a fair number to represent the average user's pride) to reclaim them, some of which aren't worth 200 SB (or higher if this has happened to you multiple times) but you put too much work into them to just give up on them. To make matters worse, not only did you just drain your GB savings from the last few weeks of playing, you sold all your carcasses, and have no way to feed your hungry lionesses, so you have to scrounge up more SB to buy enough food bundles, just in case you're too busy today (for me, it was Christmas Day, so I definitely was) to send out hunting patrols.

Let's do the math on that by the way:

1- hunting patrol brings back 1-2 carcasses, which can feed an average of 3 lions
You'd need to send out AT LEAST 10 patrols (dropped it assuming you manage to find a few carcasses in explore) to get enough carcasses to feed your lionesses, if you didn't want to buy food bundles. Which means you need to be active over a span of 30 minutes x 10 patrols= 300 minutes (5 hours to resend patrols.....which isn't possible if you have a 9-5 job or if you're celebrating a Holiday with your family.) So the easiest method is buying food bundles, which only adds to your 6000 SB (minimum)
It is worth considering if you have a side account, you forgot to feed them too, and these numbers are doubled

THEN, there's the fact that all of the decorations you had equipped, some of which were probably rare, just got unequipped and dumped one use. In some cases, that could have been their last use, meaning you've just lost that decor for good.

These reasons are why im proposing that the price of reclaiming lionesses is dropped from 200 SB to at least 100 SB, or realistically, 50 SB. Let's compare the difference with just the reclaim price and not the additional fees of buying food/toys.

Price to Reclaim: 200 SB || Total Cost for 30 Lions: 6000 SB || Total Cost for 40 Lions: 8000 SB
Price to Reclaim: 100 SB || Total Cost for 30 Lions: 3000 SB || Total Cost for 40 Lions: 4000 SB
Price to Reclaim: 50 SB || Total Cost for 30 Lions: 1500 SB ||Total Cost for 40 Lions: 2000 SB

The reason I believe this change will better our community is because it won't completely destroy users who have worked hard to earn their SB/GB, and made a simple mistake of forgetting to feed their lionesses. The 200 SB price is a devastating thing to wake up to and kills the experience for some users like me who are forgetful, because we are unable to save up GB or SB if all it takes is one mistake to take a huge chunk of our savings, and if we can't get up the SB we have to say goodbye to our lionesses. I think that 100 SB or 50 SB will be a perfectly good reclaim price, instead of 200 SB, if not always than at least around the holidays when some users are too busy with their families to log on.

This suggestion has 11 supports and 35 NO supports.

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𓆱𓃥 ⭒foxfire
⭒ 𓃦 𓆱 (#77306)

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Posted on
2019-12-31 14:28:47
If you're going to rollover, then it's your responsibility to make sure you can handle that rollover. Don't do it if you don't think you'll have time to feed and play with your pride.

Feed all play all makes it take ten minutes, tops, to fix up your gals and guys so no one runs. I've recently thinned down my pride a lot but I had over fourty on this account for a very, very long time, counting babies and adols, and it still never took long for me to feed them all with it.

I had a period in my life where I ONLY rolled over on weekends, because I knew I'd be too tired and busy to handle LD with my weekday schedule. As it stands now, my side account is all but abandoned because I know I have my hands full with my main.

Time managment, priorities, and understanding when you shouldn't roll over are all major things to know when playing ld.

Also 200 SB is incredibly easy to earn, and you have a week to reclaim lionesses. I've had almost every single girl I own run TWICE, and some boys. I had reclaimed every single one I wanted back with two days to spare both times.

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Edited on 31/12/19 @ 14:31:45 by EldritchVulpine (#77306)

💜Scouting for
Booty💜 (#89370)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-12-31 14:33:42
I think another alternative would be to give items for each lion. Like the Giving Tree with the cubs, you're basically enticing your lions back. Maybe instead of one use, it takes the whole item

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Pale [2xRos Deshret
Primal] (#163691)

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Posted on
2019-12-31 14:36:01
I like that suggestion Scout

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Robin (BLM) - Gen4
Cinnabar (#171993)

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Posted on
2019-12-31 15:41:07
I feed my lions everyday so I doubt I'll ever have this problem, but I support because I'd hate to have to shovel out up to 8000 SB just to get my lions back after misjudging how much time I had to play or something like that.

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Veni (#121432)

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Posted on
2019-12-31 15:50:05
While I see where you're coming from, I have to agree with Eldritch here. 200 SB per lion(ess) is a strong incentive to keep your pride fed and entertained due to how it adds up so easily; but when it comes to just a couple lions running, it's not all that hard to raise the funds in a time period of 7 days if you're decently active.

When it comes to taking care of lions, adults really only need to eat every 3-4 days; and depending on personalities and if you play/tussle/groom, you can get away with not using toys for 3 or more days. If you hunt diligently as you play, you should be able to have a good stockpile of food for those days when you can't hunt unless you sell carcasses too often, or have an enormous pride. If you find that you don't have the food, you can always get it from other players for a fraction of the price of food bundles (2-18 uses for 100 SB for Food bundles vs. a usual price of 1 GB for 100 uses).

Let's use 30 adult pride members as an example again, and you plan to feed them every three days (when they'll have 60% hunger, which is what many large carcasses give per use). Let's assume that each hunt gives you 4 uses of large food (I usually get 6-10 depending on the tiles I choose). This means it'll take 8 hunts, or 4 hours over 3 days on average with decently leveled lionesses to fully feed your 30 lions, not considering any food you may get from explore/patrols; and even if you still don't have enough to feed them, you have that extra 4th day to gather what more you need.

When it comes to toys, you can drastically reduce your need for them by playing with your pride members each day, which I know not everyone has time for, but if you keep lions of the same personality type or have a loner king, they'll only lose 5% mood per day. You can give them an average of 10% mood per day with playing/tussling/grooming, and give them 30% through toy uses.

In addition, like Eldritch pointed out, if you don't have time to take care of your pride, you can refrain from rolling over. It doesn't take too long depending on your pride size, and with FAPA (and January's upcoming food pit), your whole pride is taken care of in an instant. It helps to feed/entertain your pride right when you roll over if possible, that way you can crash without needing to worry about having to wake up before RO. If you're having trouble with your pride size, downsize it.

When it comes to using an item to 'bribe' them back, that just provides an extraordinarily cheap way of keeping lions and an essentially free way of getting them back. If someone didn't want to care for their lions, they could just leave them in the 'stasis' for days, getting them back with a common explore drop toy or carcass, defeating the entire purpose of having a reclaim fee at all.

This just sounds like something that would take away a necessary challenge and provide too much cushioning for mistakes that can be easily avoided wit some planning and time management.

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Edited on 31/12/19 @ 15:50:31 by Veni (#121432)

𓆱𓃥 ⭒foxfire
⭒ 𓃦 𓆱 (#77306)

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Posted on
2019-12-31 15:55:25

You bring up a good addtional point I forgot to mention but my fiancee also stated when we were talking about this.

If you can't handle your pride size, downsize. She keeps a tiny, tiny pride because she simply doesn't have time for a lot of lions. Like I mentioned, I downsized recently (though my pride's still pretty big.)

You have to know what you can and can't handle. :/

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Rappadapa [G2 Torn] (#159680)

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Posted on
2019-12-31 17:55:51
I feel you, while I've never had that many lions it can get pricey. Though I also agree with the other's points that downsizing is probably best.

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💜Scouting for
Booty💜 (#89370)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-12-31 19:00:02
I can certainly agree with the points above, I have feed all play all, and feed every 3 days, but sometimes its just not plausible for people to do. Not everyone can be active enough to hunt and play everyday, even for a small pride.

Perhaps instead of any item, there would be specific items like nesting bundles or toy bundles or even food items

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𓆱𓃥 ⭒foxfire
⭒ 𓃦 𓆱 (#77306)

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Posted on
2019-12-31 19:04:09
If you aren't going to be able to hunt and play that day, don't roll over that day.

If you can't feed that day, don't roll over that day.

You already suggested an item, and already had it explained to you why that isn't a good idea.

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💜Scouting for
Booty💜 (#89370)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-12-31 19:09:25
No need to get aggressive man, I’m just offering alternatives that would be a little easier for people. Like I said, I personally don’t have this problem so maybe I just don’t understand what the problem is with lowering the SB price when it doesn’t effect me

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𓆱𓃥 ⭒foxfire
⭒ 𓃦 𓆱 (#77306)

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Posted on
2019-12-31 19:23:58
I wasn't.

The problem with it, however, was clearly stated multipule times.

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Robin (BLM) - Gen4
Cinnabar (#171993)

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Posted on
2019-12-31 21:22:22
While the problem has been clearly stated multiple times, I don't see how it's that much of a problem. Sometimes we think we'll have time, and then don't. Sometimes we do have time, but forget, or, as stated by OP, pass out before we can actually get to feeding/playing. Not everyone can account for these various scenarios and shouldn't have to give so much to get back what they lost in the process.

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Edited on 31/12/19 @ 21:22:46 by R (#171993)

Pale [2xRos Deshret
Primal] (#163691)

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Posted on
2020-01-01 13:14:15
Hey guys! I've been reading your replies and I appreciate all the feedback, including opposing arguments and alternative suggestions. I am a very open minded person, and I'm not against having my opinion changed, I just wanted to mention that while opposing arguments have very good points, I don't see where there is any harm in lowering the price of reclaiming a lioness, which is why I made this post. It doesn't harm anyone for the price to be 100 SB instead of 200 SB, and that is where I am coming from. Why does the price have to be so high?

My intention isn't to defend users who take on more than they can handle or rollover without intentions to feed their pride, looking to get those sweet sweet RMAs, but to lessen the harshness of the SB price for users who simply had family emergencies, or unplanned events that prevent them from feeding their lionesses. It happens, and it's frustrating.

While Eldritch has very very good points in their arguments, about responsibility and not taking on more than you can handle, I still see no downside, or harmful effects of lowering the price to 100 SB. The biggest thing I can think of would be very slightly effecting the value of SB since users would be able to more efficiently save up, and this seems to be a universal thing players must deal with at some point while playing. Additionally, if users shouldn't be irresponsible about logging in every single day, then why does the game encourage rollover so heavily with daily awards and events that require you to participate daily in order to save up enough event currency?

I'll still be reading replies, thank you guys for posting your opinions on the matter, it means a lot you stopped to talk on the subject, and Happy New Year

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Edited on 01/01/20 @ 13:15:33 by Rebeltwist (#163691)

𓆱𓃥 ⭒foxfire
⭒ 𓃦 𓆱 (#77306)

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Posted on
2020-01-01 13:40:08
The game encouraging rolling over does not mean you should be irresponsible about it. This site is intended for 16 years and older players; pressumably old enough to have self awareness and control, and know when they should and shouldn't log in.

There are many, many ways to get event currency, and not having enough for that year isn't the end of the world. I missed the snake and october events last year because I was too busy to participate; I managed to get a lot of the items and apps any way through give and gets, trading, and buying. What I couldn't get, I'll just get next year; such is life.

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Robin (BLM) - Gen4
Cinnabar (#171993)

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Posted on
2020-01-01 13:41:19
When did this become about event currency?

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