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- Lit. 1x1 MXM Search; long term
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Lit. 1x1 MXM Search; long term |

TripleRedEye (#128266)
Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on 2020-01-03 22:36:46
Hello. Hello. Hello.
A little about me:
➺22 almost 23 years old; male
➺Discord or PM ONLY
➺EST time zone(Lioden +2)
➺I will talk your damn ear off about our characters and our rp if I am allowed to. Please feel free to tell me to STFU.
➺I draw my own characters. I don't use RL Face Claims if I can avoid it
➺Semi-Literate to Literate(I hover around the 700-2000 word range)
➺Mature RPs preferred
➺I am a FULL TIME dad and I work a FULL TIME job. Please be patient with me. If you want someone who can sit there with you for hours at a time with no pause I am not the person for you. I can guarantee at least one or two posts a day, but more than that is a good day man.
➺Please be prepared to provide a writing sample.
I will not rp in one/two liner/sentence posts and I expect you not to too.
I will provide my Comfort Meme after we have decided to rp together
What I am looking for:
➺Over the age of 18; maturity
➺Semi-Lit to Literate; 3-4 paragraphs preferred.
➺Proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
➺OOC chatter(not required, but appreciated)
➺Equal contribution to the plot.
➺Fantasy; modern or medieval.
➺Western/Red Dead Redemption based
➺Pirates; any and all
➺Death Stranding based*******
➺Apocalyptic; not zombies
➺Ancient Rome
➺The Witcher; based
➺Offer something! I am down for most things!!
If you're interested, either post here or pm me.
I may only be able to post once or twice a day. On good days more than that. Please keep this in mind but this is also because of the amount that I do write.
I am looking for someone that would be long term.
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Edited on 09/01/20 @ 23:33:37 by Hyperion (#128266) |
 Gravity | G3 Rift
OSR (#170941)
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Posted on 2020-01-04 15:20:24
Gravity | G3 Rift
OSR (#170941)
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Posted on 2020-01-04 15:20:24
I'm an English major who enjoys spending whatever free time I can salvage writing for myself or roleplaying, and I feel we would be a good match, particularly for a western-based roleplay. Below are a few basics, and feel free to shoot me a PM if you would like more detail / wish to discuss a potential RP!
Discord exclusive
lioden pm's are a possibility, but not preferred
MxM exclusive
I tend to write submissive roles, but am open to everything
Three paragraph minimum
full-time student, so my muse does vary, but this is a strict minimum
Content Limits
Virtually none
certain types of gore are also off-limits for me; willing to discuss more in pm's
Interested In
Western - Pirates - Fantasy
I would love to brainstorm
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