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Posted by | ★ Starpride Lore ★ |
![]() ★ Ivystar (#53539) Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-01-09 01:31:24 |
please do not post on this thread, it is for reading purposes only!this is Starpride, as described by Ninetales.★ ★ ★ another visitor? hello, and welcome to Starpride. feel free to roam around as you wish, or to meet the lions of my pride. just don't drink from the Starpool. i am watching you. oh. you would like to hear more about our pride? very well. sit down next to me and listen carefully. i will only say it all once. ★ ★ ★ first, the pride. Starpride was created countless moons ago, built from regular wild lionesses and those precious silver beetles. now, Starpride is based on two breeding projects - hybrid breeding and clean elysian breeding. therefore, only hybrids, clean divines, clean ebonies and wild lionesses may join the pride. why allow wild lionesses? well, selling them as fodder helps to gain the funds to maintain Starpride. cruel? yes. but practical? yes. i almost forgot - names. every lion in the pride is named by the king. he alone chooses the names, and superstitiously, the future of the lions of Starpride. most kings choose to name their lions after their looks or their personality, but there are kings that choose to name their lions completely random things. don't look at me like that, stranger. i name my lions perfectly. ★ ★ ★ then, the king. you should know this. every pride, even Starpride, must have a king. after all, a pride without a king is hardly a pride at all. it would simply be a group of undisciplined lions fighting over food and other resources. a king keeps a pride in line. a king is a pride's leader. the king of Starpride must always be named 'Ninetales', short for 'Teller of the Nine Tales'. it is a tradition passed down through generations, and will be passed down to generations to come. a king of Starpride must make decisions for, protect and maintain the pride, and they must also keep the Nine Tales alive by telling them to any cubs that are in his care, regardless of pride. to be crowned, a king must visit the Starpool and drink from its depths. the spirits of his ancestors would then speak to him, granting him wisdom and strength for as long as he reigned. once a king retires, his granted wisdom and strength would be sucked back to the Starpool to grant to the next king, but the retired king would retain all of his memories and experiences, and it would be as if he kept is wisdom and strength. the fourth king of Starpride decreed an additional rule for all future kings - from then on, all kings had to be clean, have at least 500 stats and have a piebald or patches mutation. however, when crowned, they had to keep the fourth king's appearance. that way, the fourth king's amazing looks would be preserved for all time. ★ ★ ★ next, the timekeepers. the timekeepers are lions that the fourth king deemed worthy of the gift of immortality. they are timeless, they are immortal, they are eternal. the fourth king granted them knowledge and wisdom, so they could act as advisers for Starpride for all time. the fourth king also granted them the gift of magic - so be careful. treat these lions with extreme respect, as any of them could kill you with a flick of their tail. ★ ★ ★ now, the hybrids. i'm sure you know what hybrids are; every pride seems to love them. here in Starpride, hybrids are treated with almost as much respect as the pantheon, as just one of their cubs could bring many of those exclusive golden beetles. also, they serve as a reminder that lions are not the only powerful cats in these lands... be careful. ★ ★ ★ lastly, elysian breeders. you know, Starpride didn't always have a base breeding project. the elysian project was created by the fourth king. yes, he seems legendary, doesn't he? i regret that i never had a chance to meet him. anyway. elysian breeders. aside from wild lionesses, they are the lowest-ranked lionesses in Starpride, and mainly consist of clean ebonies, and sometimes clean divines. these lionesses' sole job is to breed with the king to hopefully produce an elysian cub. if an elysian breeder produces at least one elysian cub in her lifetime, she may live the rest of her life in comfort, and retire to the afterlife when she dies. however, if an elysian breeder doesn't produce any elysian cubs, she will be killed. again, cruel? yes. practical? well... no. but the pantheon believes that this is a fitting punishment for the unsuccessful, and i would rather not disagree with the pantheon. if an elysian breeder has a nurturing personality or is older than 10 years, she must be a broodmother. any other elysian breeders that are not pregnant must be hunters. and... the ultimate miracle would be if an elysian cub with three rosettes were produced. if that ever happened, its mother would be honoured beyond her wildest dreams... ★ ★ ★ right - one more thing. if the king happens to find a pretty, chased wild lioness while exploring, he may make her a traveller and send her to many different prides to learn of their strengths and weaknesses. only a chased lioness should be made a traveller - being a wild lioness, her heritage is unknown, so the other prides wouldn't treat her as an intruder from another pride. however, being a pretty lioness as well, she is just valuable enough so that other prides are unlikely to chase her, but unlikely to keep her for themselves as well. huh? yes, the fourth king invented this idea as well. he was simply a genius. our current traveller is Seraphina. ★ ★ ★ so. i hope you are satisfied with my explanation of Starpride's history and lore. if you're still curious, feel free to ask around and see if anyone would be willing to tell you the Nine Tales. me? i'm going to take a nap. don't drink from the Starpool. i am always watching. ★ ★ ★ ![]() Edited on 22/04/20 @ 23:05:17 by ★ Ivystar (#53539) |
★ Ivystar (#53539)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-01-13 02:47:32 |
★ Ivystar (#53539)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-01-13 21:37:34 |
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