Posted by Stud Requests increasing impression (70+ supports)

Wolf {clean primal
RG EHR} (#179025)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-01-10 10:20:26
I have had this thought on my mind for a while.

What if successfully completing stud requests (that aren't from your side, like that seems like an exploit) would raise your impression?

Like, getting and completing a request means that another lion thought your king looked nice enough or strong enough to mate with their lioness. Which, sounds pretty impressive! I mean, its like claiming a lioness- but instead you're getting paid for it.

Obviously, it wouldn't go up by much. Like 1% so you could only get like, 15% impression max per week. Just to make up for the lack of exploring some users go through due to the constant studding.
and if 15% isn't low enough- you could make it every two stud requests you get the 1% boost- or perhaps only 80% of the time you get the boost or something!

And yes, I can see issues with this. But it is just a suggestion- and I'm very scared to make these, cuz' I don't know what you guys will think about it. But please tell me your opinions!
I wanna know what people think on this and see if we can make it better if you don't like it, or if you do like it please tell me why!

This suggestion has 87 supports and 19 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/01/20 @ 08:37:56 by Wolf {clean primal RG EHR} (#179025)

Robin (BLM) - Gen4
Cinnabar (#171993)

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Posted on
2020-02-27 06:34:47
How so? The suggestion includes ways to make it so overall you wouldn’t be able to abuse the impression gain (as in, only gaining a certain amount or only sometimes actually gaining anything at all), and there’s no telling how many stud requests you’ll get in a week anyway.

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