Posted by Lit+ | Seeking Small Group OR 1x1

Wintry (#38296)

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Posted on
2020-01-18 08:50:09


Hello! My name's Wintry, I'm a literate roleplayer with over 10 years of experience. With the right plot and RP partner(s), I can easily be drawn into multi-para territory (3+).
I'm willing to make new characters or modify my existing characters to suit the appropriate setting.
I put a heavy emphasis on conflict and character development in RP.
I love drama and grittiness, but prefer to stay away from battle-intense RP and heavy angst.
I like action/adventure/survival RP the best, and am completely uninterested in romantic RP. It's not my thing.

⇢ Character development is the most important thing to me. If your characters don't have depth, I probably won't be interested.
⇢ I curse a lot and so do (most) of my characters. Let me know if you wanna keep it PG
⇢ I am EXTREMELY PICKY, so don't take it personally! I need a RP that can captivate me.
⇢ I prefer to RP on Discord but am willing to branch out to other formats if interested enough.
⇢ I prefer small group RP with 1x1 offshoots for development and backstory!
⇢ I am 24 years old, so I would prefer roleplaying with someone who is at least 18. The maturity gap is too much for me.
⇢ I'm +3 Lioden Time.
⇢ I don't tolerate offensive jokes or charged language, and I don't have patience for overly negative people.
⇢ I work and go to college full-time, as well as extracurriculars. My replies may take a hot minute, depending on my existing workload.

I Like

⇢ Avatar: The Last Airbender
⇢ The Legend of Korra
⇢ Steven Universe
⇢ His Dark Materials
⇢ Homestuck (Tolls only)
⇢ TLK OC's

Other Themes:
⇢ Nuclear Apocalypse
⇢ Post-Apocalyptic
⇢ Fantasy Wolf (Some magic)
⇢ Realistic Wolf
⇢ Street Racing
⇢ Desert
⇢ Abandoned town/city.
⇢ Anthro/Furry

⇢ I will not consider Warriors RPs.
⇢ I am largely uninterested in Lions or other big cats. You may be able to sway me with a good plot.
⇢ I am looking for something I haven't seen before, and in 10+ years, that'll take some looking.
⇢ I have a post nuclear apocalypse wolf RP idea already, if you're interested, please ask. This will not be 1x1.
⇢ Ask about other animals/scenarios.
⇢ I won't tolerate: zoophilia/pedophillia/fetishes/mary sues. Just don't.


As I've said before, I'm looking for literate roleplayers only. If you can write one paragraph, awesome. Two? Fantastic. Three? Dang, you overachiever. I won't be judging on grammar or spelling here, because 90% of the time OOC I don't use any capitalization or.. anything, tbh. I am relatively laid-back OOC, but I need you to have it together IC and know what you're doing.
So let me know a little bit about you! Your favorite types of writing, your experience, your characters. A sample of your writing isn't necessary - but it might help. What you share is up to you. Form below is for ease of information sharing.
If you want to hang out and chat, go ahead! c:

⇢ Name:
⇢ Age:
⇢ Discord or PM:
⇢ Plot ideas/interests:
⇢ Won't Do:


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Edited on 18/01/20 @ 15:23:24 by Wintry (#38296)

Demirabis (#49996)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2020-01-21 08:03:20
Name: Demi
Age: 33
Discord or PM: Demirabis0 #8791

Plot ideas/interests: I am up for pretty much anything. I love intense, emotionally driven, rps. Whether it be positive or negative emotion.
I have some pre-made OCs. That I like to Rp with however I can create all new ones for whatever the situation.
I like a bit of fantasy, and sci fi.

Won't Do: Zoophilia, pedophilia, scat, uh, also for personal reasons, a trigger for me is when a character wants attention when sick or injured. A little bit of nurturing is fine, but actively hurting oneself for attention is a trigger of mine.
ALSO. School based RPs are also out considering my little experience with them.

That's about it. If you wanna hit me up on Discord feel free. If not, I hope you have a wonderful (insert time of day you read this.) And good luck in your search!

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