Posted by pricing! help!

The skrunkly (#125714)

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Posted on
2020-01-25 18:27:37 cherry blossom

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Edited on 26/01/20 @ 16:13:14 by 🄳🄴🄰【Velvet Ferus】 (#125714)

It's a Paradox (#40791)

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Posted on
2020-01-25 19:40:22
The Himalayas - Currently there is one up on branches with 9 uses at 18gb each putting each use at 2gb per. So, if you wanted to follow that, you should price yours at 16gb.

Now, I'm not great at pricing lions based on their marking rarity or stats and generally just price things based on what their mutation goes for (if they have one) and what I think is fair based loosely on how many markings they have, if they have any sought after breed-only markings, if they have a rare/special base, if their markings/base look pretty nice together, and what the absolute maximumI would be willing to cough up if I wanted to buy them.
So take this advice with a grain of salt but I would price these guys at:
8 y/o Mane Fluffy - 3-4gb. The lowest price for Fluffies is 3gb. Your Fluffy is old which makes her a bit undesirable but she has a nice appearance so you could probably get away with charging the same price as a younger Fluffy.
Sunset 9 month cub - I think you have her priced right but other Sunsets listed at the same price have more markings/a less plain appearance so I might take 4gb instead of 5 if someone were to offer that on her.
9 y/o Alabaster Felis - I'd put her at 15gb or less. She's old but there aren't very many Alabasters available. She's a primal variant which also might be desirable for some people but she won't pass her mutation so I wouldn't charge as much as the 20gb Scattered that's up right now.
1y/o Locust - 3-5gb. I honestly don't know how much to charge for her since I don't believe Locust is a very sought after base but there aren't too many up right now, your lioness is young, and has a couple nice markings on her. I'd probably just toss her up at 4gb and hope for the best.

Hope that helps a bit!

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The skrunkly (#125714)

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Posted on
2020-01-25 19:51:34

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The skrunkly (#125714)

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Posted on
2020-01-26 09:31:02
hmmm i think that the felis is too much. nobod has so much ans looked at her, and i think its because of her age. i think i might lower it

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