Posted by Food and Amusement options. [+25]

MatheusEdu7B (#87181)

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Posted on
2020-01-27 08:36:37
Well, as we all know, every day we have to feed our lions and play with them so they don't run away from our den. However with the caves and the improvement in the organization of all lions, this brought a problem when you use any food item or amusement item.

Let me explain, which probably a lot of people have noticed since it’s been a long time since we’ve had caves in our den:

When you don't have any caves and try to use a food item or amusement item, it shows who is more hungry or low mood, but if you have caves... you will have trouble because lions will be divided by caves before they are divided for those who are most hungry or low mood and the automatic option will be the first lion outside the caves with the most hunger or low mood ignoring even if you have a lion inside the cave with more hunger and lower mood than the automatic option shown on the hoard.

The suggestion that would help a lot for those who do not want to pay for the option of Feed All, Play All would be to show the lion that is more hungry or low mood ignoring the caves and unsorted but still maintaining the divisions in the choices on the hoard only for make it easier to find a specific lion to use these itens.

Edit: I bought an "FAPA" and didn't like how it works, the fapa don't take the lions where is most hunger, i gonna extend this sugestion for this too as an update, but I gonna test a little more this option and update the suggestion here ^^

(My natural language is not english, I think I explained it in a confused way )

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Edited on 18/02/20 @ 07:20:58 by MatheusEdu7B (#87181)

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