Posted by Beetle Items
Lily (#136386)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-02-19 11:51:27
While thinking of things that could improve our beetles, I came up with a few items I would like to see be implemented to make them a little easier to breed.

Mysterious Herb(s)
Specific name ideas: Slangbos, Spekboom, Balderjan (all of these are native African herbs)
Use: Mysterious herbs are a rare food item that can be used on a beetle to act as stat increasers. Once given to a beetle, they can gain anywhere between 1-4 stats in any category.

Mopane Seedpod
Use: Given to a female beetle to guarantee max larvae hatched in her next clutch of eggs. If your beetle slots are full or close to being filled, you get enough larvae to reach max.

Use: Given to either parent beetle to raise the chance of their color passing.
Alternative Use Idea: Given to a female beetle to raise the chances of her producing rare-colored offspring.

Use: Given to a female beetle to set her breeding cooldown to one day. She will be breedable the next day and this can be used at any time.
Alternative Use (if this is too OP?): Given to a female beetle to cut her breeding cooldown in half. This can be used at any point and, if it is used on the last day, she will be forced into heat. For odd numbers, maybe it favors the smaller number (ie: half of 7 is 3.5 so she'll go down to 3 days)

Please comment below with any item ideas you may have had or any ideas on pricing or how to obtain these items! Opinions are welcomed and desired, even if they're negative!

Other Beetle Suggestions:
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Edited on 16/01/21 @ 10:24:56 by Lily (#136386)

Scorbunny (#190650)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-02-21 18:42:13
tbh since beetles aren't like... a major or even like, commonly celebrated part of the game, I could see at least some of these being in Monkey Business? or Oasis, tho maybe they could be like, tier 2 shop options! like, I think the Mopane Seedpod would make sense as a tier 2 flirt shop option! (naturally there'd be Other chances to get them, I'm just not sure what)

idk if I'm really content with any of those options, but I guess I thought I'd throw out the obvious jkngbafnksng

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