Posted by poses for Create a Lioness

saltyFINCHfries (#17604)

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Posted on
2020-02-22 18:08:13
so i think the Oasis 'Create a Lioness' should have a pose drop down menu as they are 1GB in oasis it would be nice to be able to buy it right from that as part of the creation.
it can also help with how a lioness looks when creating one. i find the regular default pose doesn't show everything like other poses do and a lioness can look very different from one pose to another.

maybe even bring in other items to buy that are also in the oasis to buy right then in creation, like lab test frog, a check toggle if you want that or not and if you push it you could see what the lioness will look like male, again would help with mane markings you can't see on a female but are good for creation, and breeding.

even the stones that make a lion/ess appear a curtain age forever as a drop down to be able to see the stages and purchase them right there in creation.

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