Posted by Have an “or” option for Marking Search

Ali (#80161)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-02-22 20:40:59
In trades and in the search function you can select which marking you want to search for on lion however if you put multiple in it only shows lions with all those characteristics. I think we should have have an drop down menu that says “and” and “or”. For example I love the margay markings but particularly Steele margay and Lilac margay. With this suggestion I could go to the trading center and go to the specific marking section and put in Steele Margay and Lilac margay then select the “or” option and it would show you lions with either Steele or lilac margay but not any other margays. If no support please say why

This suggestion has 10 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 23/02/20 @ 14:34:13 by Ali (#80161)

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