Posted by LF Warrior cat rp groups or 1x1

Cucumberoverlord (#103688)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2020-02-24 03:28:04
I am looking to find either a small group to join or to start a one on one warrior cat rp with.
I am two hours ahead of lioden time and am most active between evening to early morning which is 6pm to about 9/10am. I work overnights so thats why my waking hours are so weird.
I am open to rping just about any situation, it doesnt have to be romance!
I am also open to doing warrior inspired rp's using animals/creatures that arent cats. Examples being, big cats, dogs, dragons, wolves, etc.
I mostly rp on discord so thats where our rp would take place.
Just message me on discord if you want to start a rp or ask me any questions.

My discord Thyra#1328

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