Posted by !!Barked Dwarf Breeding!! Rare Based!!

Disconsolate (#166870)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-02-27 12:04:15

Artemis' Barked Breeding

Hello there! Recently I came into possession of a beautiful dwarf of which I base changed to Hyena. Her first heat got me two cubs! And one of those cubs gave me another dwarf, along with me getting another from a heat. You can see where this is going!

With five dwarfs, it would be severely selfish to keep them all for myself! I want their natural heats, but what about using barks on them? I personally wouldn't be able to, but others players..? Interested?

So, with this is mind, I have decided to do SPLIT LITTER BARKED DWARF HEATS! Exciting right? Let's a dive a bit more into this..

I only want to do split litters in order to give some of the players that do not get dwarfs a chance! The dwarfs I get will either go right back into the breeding project or be given away/sold at low prices to members of whom want them! I hope you understand.

As I said above, I am only doing barked heats because I want to use their natural heats for myself. I want to give all I can, but I still need to have litters to myself to make sure when the original gals pass on their cubs are still up for breeding!


20 Y. Bark | Gets Lioness out of cooldown
Lion Scrot | 25% Chance per cub to pass mutation
IBF | Instant Birth Feather
500SB | Payment!
Aging Stone(s)**

Recommended Items

Buffie Balls/GOP

**You MUST PROVIDE aging stones for any cubs you wish to keep if there is a player behind you waiting! It would be unfair to other players to wait the six days for the cub to wean if they have all of their items ready.**

I value 1GB at 1200SB


I will pay a stud fee up to 150SB. You can breed to my king for free, but be warned, he is not clean and the cubs will not be clean. I don't do the whole clean line thing, so if you do and want a stud above 150SB you will have to pay for it yourself!

Without further adieu...
The Gals


Hyena Base | Heavenly Mane | Pink Eyes | 4 Markings

Due to her base, her price is 5GB!

Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:


Slate Base | Heavenly Mane | Pink Eyes | 3 Markings

Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:


Dark Golden Base | Green Mane | Pink Eyes | 2 Markings

Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:

**More will be added as they age up!**

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Edited on 27/02/20 @ 16:36:16 by Artemis (#166870)

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